Extracts from these publications of Philatelic relevance.

Also linked from the Jamaica Information Index

Some full handbooks can be viewed at the internet archive by clicking here

(1886-87, 1891-92, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1906 available as at Jan 2015)

Link1751Jamaica AlmanacJamaican Family Search Genealogy Research Library 1751 to 1880
pdf1776Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1777Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1779Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1779Jamaica Mercury & Kingston AdvertizerMarine Lists of arrivals & departures
Packet arrival & departures: Hillsborough, Anna Teresa, Halifax, Lord Hyde, Carteret, Thynne
Halifax Packet captured by American Vessel
pdf1780PO NoticesPacket Service Procedures
Daily Post with Spanish Town
Packet arrivals & Departures: Duke of Cumberland, Speedy, Lord Hyde, Hillsborough, Grenville, Thynne, Grantham, Sandwich, Dashwood
Capture of Hillsborough Packet
Packet Arrangements due to Hurricane HM Ship Alert
Diligence Packet to Pensacola & St Augustine
Letters held at Kingston GPO for collection
Marine Lists
Geo Brooks signing PO Notices as Deputy Postmaster General of Jamaica
pdf1781PO NoticesPacket arrivals & Departures: Diligence, Lord Hyde Packet, Grenville, Antelope, Comet , Sandwich, Diligence, Vigilant, Brigantine St John’s, Swift, Thynne, Roebuck
Marine Lists
Spanish Town Bye Post
pdf1782Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1784Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1787Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters;
List of Packet Boats sailing from Falmouth to West Indies
pdf1790Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
GoogleBooksExtract1790A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica by William Beckford (Volume 1)The Extract gives information on Post Roads and Rates
GoogleBooks1790A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica by William Beckford (Volume 2)
pdf1793PO NoticesPacket arrivals & Departures: Westmorland, Antelope, Prince William Henry Packet, Duke of Cumberland Packet, Tankerville
Marine Intelligence
Times Newspaper Subscription
Daily Post between Kingston & Spanish Town
pdf1794PO NoticesPacket arrivals & Departures: Queen Charlotte, Carteret, Halifax, Princess Royal, Sandwich, Chesterfield
Marine Intelligence
pdf1796Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1799Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1802Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1805Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1808Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1809PO NoticesShip arrivals & Departures
pdf1811PO NoticesShip Arrivals & Departures
Packets: Adventure, Prince of Wales, Princess Mary, Prince Adolphus, Prince Ernest, Swallow
pdf1817Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1819Jamaica Royal GazettePacket arrival & departures: Beucher, Lady Wellington, Queen Charlotte, Lady Louisa, Stanmer.
Express Letter Robbery
WI Packet (Dominica)
Rodney Hall & Port Maria POs
pdf1824Blue BookWm Jekyll Astey, Deputy Postmaster General, General Post Office Kingston. Appointed 17 Feb 1822. By commission from His Lordship, the Post Master General. Office executed by Principal. ;
Salary: £400 sterling per annum with an extra allowance of £228.2.6 sterling per annum to cover the contingencies of office. Annual salary in sterling £628.2.6, in Currency £879.7.6. No fees, ;
The Deputy Post Master General enjoys the privilege of franking Colonial newspapers to all parts of the island of Jamaica, from which a profit is derived of about £2000 Currency. Net amount in sterling £2056.13.11, Net amount in Currency £2879.7.6.
pdf1824Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1824Jamaica Royal GazettePacket arrival & departures: Freeling
Shipping Intelligence
pdf1825Blue BookDeputy Post Master General Anstey excised and deputy John Morce
pdf1833Blue BookDeputy Post Master General John Morce
pdf1834Blue BookDeputy Post Master General Anstey & Lord Sussex Lennox
pdf1834PO NoticesSpanish Town Daily Post;
Shipping Intelligence
pdf1834Montgomery Martin: History of the British Colonies-Possessions in the West Indies - Post Office ExtractPacket schedule;
Making up the mails;
Mail Express to country
pdf1835Blue BookDeputy Post Master General John Wilson
pdf1835Bernard Martin Senior: Jamaica as it was, as it is and as it may (extract)Packet schedule;
Making up the mails;
Mail Express from country

The government packets, sailing from Falmouth (England) at the commencement of each month, and the middle packets, sailing about the fifteenth, arrive, in due course, at Port Royal, in about five weeks from the actual day of departure. They formerly returned, the first after three weeks' sojourn in Jamaica; and the latter, after about twenty-four hours, but by a different route. The arrangement, however, is now much altered, and excessively inconvenient to the inhabitants, particularly to the mercantile classes; as the regular packets remain only four or five days in the island, merely to await the return of an express post from the West End.

The mail bags leave Kingston post-office during the afternoon of Saturday, at different hours. The windward post is first dispatched, then that of the north-side, and, lastly, the one for the south-side. Each is conveyed by a negro mounted on a mule, leading another mule, on which is affixed the mail-bags : unless when an accident occurs, from negligence in properly fixing the bags, the conveyance is tolerably expeditious, and pretty regular. But during the heavy seasons (rains) the post is frequently detained from the Rio Minho (dry river) being impassable, sometimes for days together, and there has never been a bridge thrown over it . No delivery of letters takes place in the country; consequently, whatever may be the distance, every individual is compelled to send to the post- office for his letters, &c . The charge is sevenpence-halfpenny (called “ a bit” ) for the first hundred miles, and any thing short of it, for a single letter, and twice that sum for the rest of the distance, whatever it may be. Of course double letters are charged in proportion. Between Kingston and Spanish Town, however, there is a daily post, leaving the former place in the morning, and returning in the evening; nor could this possibly be dispensed with, as the mercantile community is principally confined to Kingston, and most of the law business transacted in Spanish Town.

The General Post- Office next claims attention. This department comprises a deputy postmaster general, a chief and numerous other clerks, in Kingston, and deputy postmasters stationed at proper and convenient distances along the post roads in every direction . The windward post road extends 64 miles. That of the North side to Port Antonio, 60. North side to Port Maria, 42. North side to Green Island, 151 ; and that of the South side to Sav. la Mar, 119. In a climate like Jamaica, where the messengers are of the negro race, it is rather surprising so few accidents happen the conveyance of letters, particularly as the weather is sometimes extremely unfavourable.

pdf1837Royal GazetteBritish and French Weight Rate Steps;
Silver Coin & Packet Schedule;
American Packet Ship Orbit;
Ship Arrivals & Departures;
Steamer Carron Arrival;
Packet Schedule;
Packet and Internal Post Schedule;
Post Office Revenue for 1836;
Country Post and Newspapers;
Alban Packet & Country Mail Schedule;
1st March Packet Arrived 15 Apr;
Post Office should be Jamaica Govt Controlled;
pdf1839Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1841NoticesJamaica PO incl Rates
pdf1844Treasury WarrantChange to weight and rates
pdf1846Blue BookDeputy Post Master General John Wilson
pdf1847Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1848NoticesUK GPO General Instructions to a Post Master in the British West Indies
pdf1848Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1849Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1850Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1851Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1851Jamaica AlmanacDeputy Post-Master General: [Blank];
Surveyor: R. M. Perring;
Chief Clerk: E. C. Burkhardt;
Assistants: James Jenkins, R. B. Lord, G. C. Baines, W. S. Harvey, and F. T. Broadhurst;
Solicitor: J. Macpherson McNeil;
Post towns and Postmasters with inland rate to each town (4d, 6d or 8d).;
A line of American steamers now ply between this island and New York, and carry letters for the United States, British America, or Great Britain at a low rate of postage. They generally leave Kingston on the 17th and last of the month.
pdf1852Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1853Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1854Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1854Treasury WarrantPacket rate reduced to 6d
pdf1855Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1856Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1857Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1857AlmanacPostage rates incl to USA;
Post towns, Postmasters and rates that applied;
Post Roads and distances
pdf1858Post Office NoticesPrepayment of Packet Letters Compulsory;
Issue of GB Adhesives;
Issue of GB Adhesives
pdf1858Stamp Duty (Revenue) Act Revision
pdf1858Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1858Treasury WarrantBook Post Inland Rate of 1d
pdf1859Post Office NoticesUse of GB Adhesives for internal mail
pdf1859Treasury WarrantUnderpayment charges
pdf1859Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1860Jamaica Post Office Law of 1860
pdf1860Post Office NoticesAppointment of Brymer as Postmaster ;
Issue of QV Head
pdf1860Blue BookLists all Postmasters, date of appointment and income.
pdf1861Jamaica Post Office Law of 1861Paragraph 15 includes town rate of 1d & parish rate of 2d
pdf1861Post Office NoticesInland Postage Rate;
Uniforms for Post Men;
½d bisect for Book Post
pdf1861Blue Book
pdf1861Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1862Jamaica Post Office Law of 1862
pdf1862Post Office NoticesGB Postage Labels not valid;
Only 1d allowed to be bisected
pdf1862Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1863Post Office NoticesLaureated Head 3d issued for Ship Letters
pdf1863Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1864Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1865Jamaica Post Office Law of 1865Extension of previous Law
pdf1865Post Office NoticesMaximum inland rate reduced from 4d to 3d;
Mails for Belize by SS Plantagenet;
Late Fee Rates on Packet Mail
pdf1865Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1865Jamaica AlmanacHead Office PO Employees
pdf1866Post Office NoticesRegistration Rate to UK reduced to 4d;
GB Postage Labels not valid;
Late Fee 3d with timing;
Printed Paper Rates to the UK;
Spanish Line Steamers in the Antilles (carrying mails);
Belize Mail Service Tenders;
Reward for Registered Letter Fraud [Gleaner 1 Jun 1866]
pdf1866Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1867Jamaica Post Office Law of 1867Continuance of previous law.
pdf1867Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1867Post Office NoticesMail to Honduras ;
Closing of Mails ;
New Kingston PO ;
Money Orders;
Postal Table ;
Postal Table ;
Brymer Reinstated;
RMSP Route ;
Mail Tenders: Lucea- Green Island, OchoRios-Green Island, Ocho Rios-Annotto Bay, Chapelton-Clarendon ;
New York West India-Steamship Co;
New GPO ;
New GPO [;
Uniform Button];
Private Letter Boxes ;
Belize Mails ;
Letter Addressing Clarendon-Chapelton-FourPaths ;
Mail Disruption Flood
pdf1868Jamaica Post Office Law of 1868Includes rates schedule.
pdf1868Post Office NoticesLand Near Pear Tree Grove for Sale;
Spanish Town PO Move of Premises;
Mail Conveyance on Sunday;
Royal Mail Service;
Vera Cruz Mail;
Late Letters;
Missing Letter from Rodney Hall;
Lost Mail;
Late Letters;
Ship Letter rate [Gleaner 7 July 1869];
RMSP Schedule;
Virgin Gorda Post Office;
Mail to Australia;
Newspapers being Opened & Read at Porus PO;
Australian Mails;
Kemble's Wife Death;
Mail Delivery / Collection Service;
Clock Time Synchronisation at Kingston;
Audit at Falmouth PO;
Liverpool West India & Pacific Steamer;
Mail Conveyance Service;
West India-Pacific Steamship Co;
Inland Postage Rate 2d for up to 30 miles [Gleaner 3 Nov 1868];
Liverpool West India & Pacific Steamer Govt Contract (now same rates);
Mail Delay in Portland due to Weather;
PO Staff at HO;
Manford PM at SpanishTown;
Reward at Mandeville PO;
England - North Germany Rates (3d)
pdf1868Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1867 to Sept 18681st annual report contains a retrospective of changes since 1860.;
Includes conveyance information, rates and Post Offices opened
pdf1868Stamp Duty (Revenues) Act Revision
pdf1868Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1869Post Office NoticesUSA Registration ;
RMSP Atrato Mails to the Pacific ;
Registration with USA Rates ;
Rate to Australia & NZ ;
WI&P Steamer Darien ;
Mail to Cuba ;
Kingston Road Commissioner PO Shed ;
Four Paths PO Closure ;
Kemble Leave of Absence ;
Mail Closing Time for Spanish Town ;
Four Paths PO ;
Mails to Spanish Town by Railway ;
Mail Service Lucea-MoBay;
Vere PO (PM Distributor of Stamps) ;
Unpaid in Coin;
Clarendon PO Closure;
Mail Service St Ann’s Bay-Annotto Bay;
Clarendon PO Reopened;
Gayle PO Closed;
Lilliput PO Closed;
Old Harbour (PM Distributor of Stamps);
Kingston Pillar Box Collection;
Lacovia PO-Opened;
Old Harbour-Kingston-Mail Service by Train;
Book-Packet-Rate Inland and to UK;
Gayle PO ReOpened;
Little River PO-Opened;
Military Rate Concession;
Siloah PO-Opened;
Money Order Office;
Packet Mail-Timetable;
Mail Service-Tenders – various;
Mail Service-Tender Black River & Newmarket;
Old Kingston PO Address
pdf1869Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1870Post Office NoticesGayle PO-Closed;
Clarendon PO-Closed;
Cunard Packet-St Thomas-Bermuda-Halifax;
Tenders for Mail Service Kingston-Gordon Town;
Officials Entitled to Free Postage;
Money Order Office;
St Davids PO Reopened;
Money Orders
pdf1870Post Office Annual Report, 1869–1870Returned Letter Branch commenced.;
Packet timetable revised.;
Railway used for conveyance of country mails from Dec 1869.
pdf1870Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1870Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1871Post Office NoticesPattern Sample Packet;
Cunard Packet;
Mail Service Green Island-Lucea-Flint River;
Rate to Belize;
Kingston Pillar Box Collection;
Lilliput PO Opened;
Money Order Office;
Bluefields PO-Reopened;
Tender Mail Service Kingston-Plantain GR;
Tenders Mail Service Lucea-MoBay;
Port Maria Post Mistress;
House-Delivery Half Way Tree District;
Barclay McDowell;
Mail Service-Tender;
Mail Service-Tender
pdf1871Post Office Annual Report, 1870–1871Pacific Steam Navigation Company between New-York and this island;
Post Offices opened at Clarks' Town, and the re-opening of the Bluefields and Lilliput Offices;
Volume of mail from regions;
Mentions: The Table of Postages recently issued by the Department
pdfxlsx1871Mail Conveyance Delay Report
pdf1871Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1872Post Office NoticesPostage-Rates ;
New PO Rules re Delivery and Newspaper rate ;
Distributor-of-Stamps ;
Revenue for misc types incl stamps ;
Tender for Mail Service-Kingston-NY ;
Schedule for Cunard Mail Service-Halifax-Bermuda ;
Postage-Stamp-Vendors ;
ClarksTown.Siloah-POs ;
Postage-Stamp-Vendors ;
Little London PO ;
Mails To Canada ;
Pillar Boxes ;
Mails By Railway ;
Mails By Railway ;
Trinidad-Grenada-Quarantine ;
PO-Summary-Incl Curr Rates ;
Issue of QV CC ½d Adhesive ;
Postmasters-Supplied-With-Revenue-Stamps ;
Postmasters-Supplied-With-Revenue-Stamps ;
Watsons HilI PO Opened
pdf1872Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1871 to Sep1872New inland postage rate;
House delivery of letters and procedure for registered;
Street Letter Boxes;
Pacific Mail Steamship Co contract to New York;
Kingston – Belize mail contract with RMSP;
Mail Coaches
pdf1872Mail Conveyance Delay Report
pdf1872Stamp Law (Revenues) Amendment
pdf1872Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1873PO NoticesTenders for Mail Service, Mo Bay & Lucea ;
New Post Offices at Shooter’s Hill, Copse and Chester Castle ;
Postmasters Supplied with Revenue Stamps at Plantain Garden River, Moneague, Lacovia ;
Tenders for Mail Service, Mo Bay & Lucea ;
St Anns Bay Postmaster ;
Late Fee of 1s;
Postmasters Supplied with Revenue Stamps at Sav La Mar, Chester Castle, Watson’s Hill;
New Postmaster at Old Harbour ;
Circulars By Post ;
Conveyance of Mails ;
Conveyance of Mails ;
Conveyance of Mails ;
Postmaster at Manchioneal ;
Post Office Opened at Half-Way-Tree ;
PostMaster appointed at Half-Way-Tree ;
Post Office Opened at Hampden ;
Post Office Opened at Blue Mountain Valley & Priestman’s River ;
Post Office Opened at Rest & Renaming Vere to Alley ;
PostMaster appointed at Buff Bay
1873Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1872 to Sep 1873Missing from Kew archives
pdf1873Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1874PO NoticesPacket Mail Closing & Late Fee ;
Morant Bay Mailbag Robbery ;
PO Opened at Guy’s Hill;
PO Opened at Cold Spring;
PO Opened at Mount Charles;
Post Offices / Masters Supplied with Revenue Stamps
pdf1874Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1873 to Sep 1874New Post Offices at Ewarton, Guy’s Hill, Cold Spring, Mount Charles.
pdf1874Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1875PO NoticesRMSP Schedule;
PO Opened at Pedro;
Post Offices and Masters Supplied with revenue Stamps;
Post Offices opened at Medina, May Pen, Southfield, Bull Bay
Issue of QV CC 2s & 5s Adhesives
pdf1875Mail Carriage Contract
pdf1875Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1874 to Sep 1875Referring to the effect of the 1 Jan 1872 Inland Rate reduction from 3d to 2d and for newspapers from 1d to ½d and introduction of double charge if unpaid.;
Offices opened at Balaclava, Pedro, Bull Bay, May Pen, Medina and Southfield.;
Lilliput closed.;
New Street Letter Box at the Chamber of Commerce. 5 boxes now in existence.;
Severe rains disrupting deliveries including mails between St Anns Bay and Montego Bay mail cart fell into the Llandovery river.;
Mail Contract to New York by Leech, Harrison and Forman
pdf1875Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1875Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1876PO NoticesNew Postmaster at Chapelton ;
New Postmasters at Old Harbour & Ewarton ;
Mail Service Tenders Kingston–Plantain GR ;
New Post Offices at Adelphi and Kings ;
New Post Office at Middle Quarters ;
Tri weekly mail to Pear Tree Grove ;
PM Sullivan resumed duties ;
Pattern & Sample Post to/from UK ;
New Postmaster at Plantain Garden River ;
Mail Service Between Dry Harbour & Brown’s Town ;
New Postmaster at Shooter’s Hill ;
Transfer of Post Office from Flint River to Sandy Bay ;
New Postmaster at Port Royal ;
New Postmaster at Annotto Bay ;
New Postmaster at Shooter’s Hill
pdf1876Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1875 to Sep 1876New Post Offices at Petersfield, Adelphi, Kings, Middle Quarters, Hayes.;
Openings necessitated new branch lines to be created.
pdf1876Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1877PO NoticesNew Postmaster at Lucea;
Contract Mail Schedule Kingston–New York;
New Postmasters at Stewart Town, Richmond, Cold Spring, Gordon Town;
Book Packets Rule;
Book Post Articles;
Contract Mail Schedule Kingston–New York;
New Postmaster at Four Paths;
Issue of Postal Cards;
Post Cards;
Jamaica Joining GPU;
Postal Rates;
UPU Postal Rates;
New Postmaster at Old Harbour;
New Postmaster at Ramble;
New Contract for Mail Steamer to New York;
New Postmaster at Port Royal, Plantain Garden River, Port Morant & Shooter’s Hill;
Atlas Steamship Contract to New York;
New Postmaster at Priestman’s River;
Post Office opened at Trinity Ville
pdf1877GB PO Correspondence Regarding Jamaica Joining UPU
pdf1877Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1876 to Sep 1877UPU membership and new rates
pdf1877Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1877Jamaica AlmanacPost towns and Postmasters
pdf1878PO NoticesNew Postmasters at Alley/Vere & Ramble;
New Postmasters at Ocho Rios & Bull Bay;
New Postmaster at Richmond;
New Postmasters at Alley & Blue Mountain Valley;
New Postmaster at Dry Harbour;
New Postmaster at Port Morant;
Mail Service to New York Schedule;
New Postmaster at Bull Bay;
New Postmaster at Middle Quarters, New Market;
New Postmaster at Port Maria;
Paris UPU Convention
pdf1878Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1877 to Sep 1878New Post Office at Trinity Ville;
Use of railway for mail conveyance and introduction of mail coaches
pdf1878Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1879PO NoticesGB PO Notice to Colonial Office Re UPU;
UPU Postal Treaty;
UPU Postal rates;
Post Card 3d ovpt 1½d;
Postmasters at Port Morant & Port Royal Distributors of Revenue Stamps;
New Postmaster at Ocho Rios;
Telegraph Law;
Introduction of Telegraph Adhesives;
PO Revenue by Parish;
RMSP Contract
pdf1879Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1878 to Sep 1879UPU membership and revised rates;
New Post Office at Wesleyan High School at York Castle;
Mail coach service;
pdf1879Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1880PO NoticesTelegraph Message Volumes ;
Telegraph Message Volumes ;
Packets Containing Dutiable Articles ;
Telegraph Message Volumes ;
Telegraph Message Volumes ;
PO Revenue by Parish
pdf1880Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1879 to Sep 1880Oct 1879 contract mail service with Belize termination and replaced with one to New Orleans;
RMSP route and timing;
Floods caused disruption to services (particularly 11Oct 1879);
Control Branch moved from the Old Court House to Govt Savings Bank
pdf1880Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1881PO NoticesGazette Index;
Registration Envelopes;
West India Mail Timetable;
Halifax, Bermuda, Jamaica Mail Timetable;
French Steamer Salvador Mails;
Devon PO Opening;
Glengoffe Property Sale;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
Cave Valley, Lluidas Vale,-Ulster Spring POs Opening;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
New Postmasters at Lucea & Gordon Town;
New Postmasters at May Pen, Port Morant & Bath;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
New Postmasters at Newport & Four Paths;
Atlas Steamer Schedule to New York;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
New Postmaster at Newmarket;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
New Postmaster at Balaclava;
Money Orders via Atlas Steamship too;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
UPU Circular Regulations;
Rates to Haiti;
Cross Keys, Oracabessa PO Opening;
Anchovy PO Opening;
Telegraph Message Volumes;
Atlas Steamship Schedule Alteration;
PO Revenue by Parish
pdf1881Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1880 to Sep 1881Telegraph system extension;
Correspondence volumes;
Special registered envelopes have been obtained at the General post Office at the following rates: Size G at ½d each or 5d per dozen; Size H at ¾d each or 7d per dozen;;
Atlas service to New York. Occasional mail landed at outports.;
Also service to Turks and Bahamas;
RMSP service to USA the ‘Belize’;
New Post Offices: Devon, 15 Jan 1881; Cave Valley, 7 Mar 1881; Lluidas Vale, 7 Mar 1881; Ulster Spring, 7 Mar 1881.;
Returned Letter Branch report
pdf1881Colonial Commissioners Report on Post OfficeReport by Commissioners on the operation of the civil service in Jamaica. Complementary comments regarding management of the Post Office department.
pdf1881Blue BookPost towns and Postmasters with distances and inland rates
pdf1882PO NoticesAtlas Steamship Schedule;
Atlas Steamer Sailing from NY Date Change;
Money Orders with the USA Introduced;
Atlas Steamer Sailing Dates;
RMSP Halifax-Bermuda-Jamaica Schedule;
Postmistress at St. David’s appointed;
Stamp Duty Law Amendment (Marine Insurance);
Steamer Sailing Date Revision;
Atlas Steamer to New York Schedule;
Pearce, Acting Postmaster for Jamaica;
Atlas Steamer to New York Schedule;
Atlas Steamer to New York Schedule;
Atlas Steamship Contract;
Atlas Steamship to New York Schedule;
Atlas Steamship to New York Schedule;
Atlas Steamship to New York Schedule;
Atlas Steamship to New York Schedule;
Atlas Steamship to New York Schedule;
1d Postage Stamps Used for Government Savings Bank;
Atlas Steamship Contract;
RMSP West India Mail Timetable for 1883;
Atlas Steamship to New York Schedule;
Atlas Steamship to New York Schedule;
PO Revenue by Parish
pdf1882Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1881 to Sep 1882French (Compagnie Gererale Transatlantique) steamers payments;
Control Branch fire on 11 Dec, loss of records.;
Various departments moved to Blundell Hall at the bottom of East Street.;
Mail volumes;
Various services to USA;
1 May 1881 establishment of mail coach service Kingston – St Anns Bay;
New Post Offices: Cross Keys 1 Nov 1881; Oracabessa, 1 Nov 1881; Anchovy, 15 Nov 1881; Glengoffe, 1 Apr 1882. With details of locations.;
Returned Letter Branch statistics;
Telegraph statistics;
Revenue & Expenditure summary which gives information on service volumes.
Extract1882Handbook of Jamaica 1882History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1882Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1883PO NoticesRMSP Halifax – Bermuda-Jamaica Schedule;
Atlas New York Schedule and revisions (several notices);
Post Cards ½d Adhesive Allowed for Inland;
Reply Post Cards (Rates, Reply Paid, UPU Countries);
Reply Post Cards to Costa Rica, Denmark & Colonies, Sweden;
Money Orders Jamaica-Canada;
1d Postage Stamps Used for Government Savings Bank;
Atlas Penalties Imposed;
Atlas New York Schedule ;
Atlas New York Schedule ;
Atlas Penalties ;
Atlas Steamship Schedule to New York ;
Laughlands PO Opening;
Postmasters at Copse, Black River, Dry Harbour, Hampden, Moneague, Port Antonio;
PO Revenues by Parish
pdf1883Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1882 to Sep 1883Labourers to Colon increased volumes;
Increase in volume in and out from Colombia;
Stamps sold £14,202: £11,996 through PO, £2205 through vendors. £145.10 for Govt Savings Bank;
Volumes by class of mail;
Money Order system with Barbados;
11 Dec 1882 fire information. Mentions loss/lack of adhesive stamps.;
Returned Letter Branch statistics;
Telegraph statistics;
Revenue & Expenditure summary which gives information on service volumes.
pdf1883Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1884PO NoticesMail Lost in British Guiana;
Telegraph Law, Route Extension;
New Postmasters at Grange Hill, Alley, Lacovia, Ocho Rios;
Telegraph Line Extension;
Leslie Fraser Commercial Notice;
HMS Urgent will Fire Gun when RMSP Packet sighted;
Extension of RMSP Contract;
Telegraph Office at Newport Opened;
Atlas Penalties;
Postmasters at Alexandria, Blue Mountain Valley, Gordon Town, Hagley Gap, Moneague, Newport, Old Harbour, Port Antonio, Porus, Up Park Camp, Watson Hill;
Atlas Penalties;
RMSP Halifax-Bermuda-Jamaica Schedule for 1885;
Atlas Contract Terminated;
Book Post: Old Letters;
Postmasters at Anchovy, Gayle, Green Island, Oracabessa, Port Maria, Shooter’s Hill;
West India Mail Service Route & Timetable;
PO Revenues by Paris
pdf1884Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1883 to Sep 1884Postage rate reduced on letters between Kingston, Up-Park Camp, Gordon Town, Coldspring, Halfway-Tree, Spanish Town, Old Harbour, Port Royal.;
Not exceeding ½ ounce – 1d;
Above ½ ounce and not exceeding 1 ounce – 2d;
For each additional ounce or fraction part thereof 2d;
Volume of packet mail to/from USA reduced due to use of non-contract vessels (Ship) incl. ‘United States Mail’, ‘Frank Brothers’, ‘Henry Brothers’;
Mail service to Haiti suspended 22 Aug 1883 to 10 Feb 1884 (due to port blockade);
Post Offices established at: Laughlands, 1 Nov 1883; Up-Park Camp, 29 Apr 1884;
Extension of Mail Coach service from St Anns Bay to Montego Bay (on the completion of the railway to Ewarton).;
Also to Sav La Mar from Porus (on completion of the railway to Porus).;
1 Oct 1883, Goshen renamed Santa Cruz;
2 Jun 1883, Mount Charles moved and renamed Hagley Gap
pdf1884Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1885PO NoticesPostmasters at Little London, Manchioneal, Priestman’s River, Port Antonio;
RMSP West India Mail Route & Timetable;
RMSP Timetable, Inland Mail Impact;
RMSP Halifax-Bermuda-Jamaica Timetable;
Money Orders – Countries Extension;
Telegraph Service to the UK;
Parcel Posts to UK Regulations & Rates;
Postmasters at Alexandria, Anchovy, Bull Bay, Golden Spring, Lluidas Vale, Montego Bay, Morant Bay, Port Morant;
RMSP West India Mail Contract & Schedule;
RMSP West India Mail Route & Timetable;
PO Revenue by Parish
pdf1885Treasury WarrantParcel Post
pdf1885Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1884 to Sep 1885Colon fire (including Post Office) reduced migration and post volumes;
USA mail using Atlas, Messrs JE Kerr;
Fortnightly RMSP service with Southampton commenced;
USA now uses Jamaica for Transit mails to Colombia & South Pacific.;
Change to Railway for Porus & Ewarton deliveries.;
Mails service Alley–Milk River discontinued, Four Paths–Milk River substituted;
Temporary telegraph office established at Cumberland Pen on the occasion of the Agricultural Show;
May Hill PO renamed Spur Tree;
Flint River PO at ‘Sandy Bay’ removed to its former location at Flint River.;
Stamps supplied to New Orleans Exposition (in expenses)
pdf1885Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1886PO NoticesRMSP Halifax-Bermuda-Jamaica Timetable;
RMSP Halifax-Bermuda-Jamaica Schedule;
Inter-Colonial Money Orders;
Daily Mails by Railway 1d Rate for May Pen, Linstead, Four Paths, Ewarton;
Change to Internal Postage Rates;
Mail Closing & Late Letter Fees;
Parcel Post Rates to Various Countries;
Mail Closing & Late Letter 18 Jan 1886;
Tenders for Mail Service, MoBay–Adelphi;
Darliston PO Opened 16 Mar 1886 & Parcel Post Routes;
Postmasters at Balaclava, Brown’s Town, Cross Keys, Darliston, Ewarton, Hope Bay, Little River, Laughlands, May Pen, Port Royal, Stewart Town;
New UPU Regulations for Postcards (incl. Allowed to add Adhesive);
Service Suspended with Mail Timings & Late Fees;
Packet Mail Closing & Fee
pdf1886Treasury WarrantParcel Post
pdf1886West India Mail ServiceCorrespondence
pdf1886Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1885 to Sep 18867. In connection with the falling off in the revenue from "Postages" I would also add that on the 1st May last the "scale of progression" on Inland Letters exceeding one ounce in weight was altered ;
and made to be by the single rate of half an ounce rather than by the double rate of one ounce. This alteration was made under the terms of the "Post Office Law Amendment Law of 1886," ;
which also altered the surcharges on wholly unpaid and insufficiently prepaid correspondence, to the extent of making any Inland Letter, Newspaper or Book-packet liable, ;
if wholly unpaid, to double the ordinary rate of postage, and, if partially prepaid, to double the amount of the deficient postage.;
Compagnie General Transatlantique service terminated;
Floods in Dec 1885 & June 1886 damaged Railway and disrupted inland mails;
New offices at Darliston, 13 Mar 1886 (branch from Petersfield);
UK Parcel rate 9d per pound;
Inter-Colonial Parcel Post established with Barbados, British Guiana & Trinidad. 6d per pound
pdf1886Apr 1886 Jamaica Post Office Law of 1886Lots on Parcels & Book Post;
Letter Postage Rates
ExtractFull1886Handbook of Jamaica 1886-87History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1886Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1887PO NoticesWest India Mail Packet 1887 Timetable ;
Book Post & Parcel;
Jamaica Govt Railway 1885-6 Annual Report ;
Govt Savings Bank Use of Penny Stamps ;
Use of Revenue Stamps for Postage (PO Law) ;
Use of Adhesive Stamps for Revenue Documents (PO Law)
pdf1887Treasury WarrantParcel Post
pdf1887Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1886 to Sep 1887Transit mail volumes reduced as New York to Colombia direct service resumed;
Halfway-Tree PO moved. Advantageous effect on communications to Up-Park Camp & other destinations;
New PO at Croft’s Hill, 9 Aug 1887;
Mail coach system
pdf1887Jamaica Stamp Forgery Law of 1887
pdf1887Report: Official CorrespondenceComparison with India
pdf1887Jamaica Postage & Revenue Stamp Law of 1887Postage and Revenue stamps use interchangeable
pdf1887Blue BookList of all PO employees;
pdf1888PO NoticesWest India Mail Packet Schedule;
Inland Book Packet & Parcel Rates Reduction;
George Pearce acting as PMG in Fred Sullivan Absence;
½d Wrapper;
RMSP Service
pdf1888Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1887 to Sep 1888½d Newspaper Wrapper issued for Newspapers & Book Post;
Postage & Revenue adhesives interchangeable use.;
New 1d and 2d plates ordered;
£1170 pa average value of Revenue stamps used over last 10 years;
Book Packet Rate: ½d per 2 oz (up to 3lbs);
Parcel Rate: 1d per 2oz (up to 8oz);
Previous rates: 1d, 1st oz; 2d, 1 to 4 oz; 2d per addnl oz;
Parcels 3d for 4oz;
Contract with Peckford and Black for service between Jamaica, Bermuda, Halifax incl Turks Is;
Introduction of Postal Orders approved (not yet introduced).;
6d, 1s, 1s6d, 2s6d;
97 POs in island of which 46 Telegraph
pdf1888Govt Railway Report
pdf1888Govt Railway Report
pdf1888Jamaica Stamp Forgery Law of 1888
Extract1888Handbook of Jamaica 1888-89 History of the Posts of Jamaica
pdf1888Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1888L'Union Postale (UPU)History of the Posts in Jamaica
pdf1889PO NoticesPO Revenue Analysis 1883–1888 ;
Issue of QV Key & Duty Plate ;
Laughlands PO Closed Until Further Notice ;
Tenders for Mail Service Annotto Bay & Richmond;
Postal Arrangements between Cayman Is & Jamaica ;
Mail Closing for Caymans via Schooner Gleaner;
Mails Closing
pdf1889Post Office Annual Report, Oct 1888 to Sep 1889USA service from Kingston: Atlas & Anchor Line; from Outports: Messrs JE Kerr & Messrs EJ Vessels;
RMSP and Pickford Black for Halifax/Bermuda & Atlas for Haiti.;
Schooner service introduced for Cayman Islands, Jamaica rates apply.;
New mail service between Port Maria & Hampton (with new office at Hampton);
Mail service by rail frequency increased to every passenger train;
Postal Orders now received and to be put into use 1 Apr 1890. 5s and 10s values now ordered.;
Costs of new 1d & v2d dies & printing;
New POs: St Margaret’s Bay, 13 Feb 1889; Hampstead, 6 Mar 1889;
Parcel Post established with: Danish West Indies, 19 Nov 1888; Turks Islands, 21 Sept 1889;
Jamaica Govt Railway Sale ;
Jamaica Govt Railway Law
Extract1889Handbook of Jamaica 1889-90History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1889Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1890PO NoticesSLB at Park Lodge;
Christiana PO Opening;
Haughton River Lost Mail;
New Inland Letter and Post card Rates;
Inland Rates;
West India Mail Packet Service timetable;
Postal Orders Introduced;
Introduction of Official Adhesives;
Telegraph Office Opening Hours;
Proposal for Empire Rate of 2½d;
2½d on 4d;
Postage Rates to USA etc;
Overseas Rate Reduction;
West India Mail Service Southampton or Plymouth;
Jamaica Railway Telegraphs;
West India Mail Contract;
Bog Walk PO Opening;
US Mails;
Alligator Pond PO Opening;
Postal Orders;
West India Mail Timetable for 1891;
Newport-Pratville Mail Service;
MailService Tenders Plantain GR, Manchioneal, Port Antonio;
Rate Reduction to 2½d
1890Post Office Annual Report, from Oct 1889 to 31 Mar 1891Schedule changed to year ending 31 Mar – see 1891 report.
1890Blue Booknot produced, see 1891
pdf1891PO NoticesRate Reduction to 2½d;
Jamaica Railway Law;
(First) 2½d;
RMSP Contract ;
Bethel Town PO Opening;
Parcel Post Convention with Canada;
GH Pearce appointed Postmaster fro Jamaica
pdf1891Post Office Annual Report, from Oct 1889 to 31 Mar 1891Sea Postage Rate Reduction:;
Letters 2½d; Postcards single 1d, reply 2d; Newspapers & Printed Papers ½d per 2 oz; Commercial Papers 2½d for 4oz thereafter ½d per 2oz; Patterns 1d for 4oz thereafter ½d per 2oz;;
Letter rate to UPU countries 2½d;
Official correspondence: Letters 1d per ½d oz; Book Packet ½d per 2oz;
Rate applies equally to prepaid and unpaid letters to/from Head of dept or other official.;
Adhesives only available from Dept. Free Franking only allowed by Governor, His Private Secretary, Colonial Secretary and Postmaster for Jamaica.;
Mail cart washed away in Haughton River;
New inland mail services established, mainly relating to new POs;
Postal Orders: Lower denominations 1 Apr 1890, 5s & 10s on 5 Aug 1890. Volume for year 75,510.;
Post Offices increased from 97 to 106:;
Salt River, 20 Dec 1889; Christiana, 18 Feb 1890; Walker’s Wood, 31 Mar 1890; Frankfield, 16 May 1890; Bog Walk, 1 Jul 1890; Alligator Pond, 10 Jul 1890; Pratville, 20 Aug 1890; Jackson Town, 19 Jan 1891; Davis Town, 28 Jan 1891.;
Golden Spring closed 5 Jun 1890 and replacement opened at Stony Hill;
PO at Exhibition building from 27 Jan 1891 to 16 May 1891;
Street Letter Boxes established: Park Lodge (Windward Road) 15 Feb 1890; Corner of North Street & Central Avenue, Kingston Gardens; Corner of Tower Street and Elletson Road, Rae Town.;
Telegraph offices extensions
ExtractFull1891Handbook of Jamaica 1891-92History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1891Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1891Stamp Commissioners Report 1889-1891Includes data on stamps
pdf1891Act Conventions with Foreign Countries Ships Engaged in Postal Services
pdf1892PO NoticesPostal revenue by Parish 1886-1892 ;
Postal Orders Payment Rules
pdf1892Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1891 to 31 Mar 1892Packet incidents: Moselle, Oct 1891; Medway, 6 Jan;
Central American Company (Solomon, Ashenheim) mails to Belize & Nicaragua;
Railway line extended to Mile Gully & Balaclava;
Now 107 offices. New POs: Bethel Town, 28 Aug 1891; Medina moved & renamed to Maidstone, 5 May 1891.;
Parcel Post to Canada rates: 10d per lb;
Sullivan retirement and death
pdf1892Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1893PO NoticesVendor of Stamps ;
Vendor of Stamps ;
Telephone Law 10 (but do not have the law) ;
Coinage ;
Postage Rates Reduction Inland & Overseas as at 1 June ;
Coinage ;
Telephones ;
Jamaica Telephone Company ;
Correction to Railway Report ;
Post Office Revenue by Parish
pdf1893Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1892 to 31 Mar 1893Ship Letter Gratuities rate of 1d;
Laughlands PO temporarily closed 29 Apr 1892 to 27 May 1892
pdf1893Govt Printing Office Annual Report, from Apr 1892 to 31 Mar 1893
pdf1893Surveyor General Annual Report, from Apr 1892 to 31 Mar 1893Railway
pdf1893Public Works Dept Annual Report, from Apr 1892 to 31 Mar 1893Roads, Telegraphs, Buildings
pdf1893Telephone Law
pdf1893Railway ReportReportv concerning an Extension
ExtractFull1893Handbook of Jamaica 1893History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1893Blue BookList of all PO employees;
Annual Report of Govt Printing Office (to 31 Mar 1893);
Report into the extension of the railway (see also correction in PO Notices);
Surveyor General's Annual Report – discusses Railway;
Telephone Law;
Public Works Dept Annual Report – discusses Telegraphs & general information about the state of the island infrastructure
pdf1894PO NoticesPO Law Invalid Adhesives;
PO Revenue by Parish
pdf1894Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1893 to 31 Mar 1894Postage rates reduction: Registration to 2d;
Redirection Fee abolished on letters (not on post cards & other 2nd class mail);
UPU Old Rate New Rate
Single Post Cards 1½d 1d
Reply Post Cards 3d 2d
Newspapers 1d per 4oz ½d per 2oz
Printed Papers 1d per 2oz ½d per 2oz
Commercial Papers 1d per 2oz ½d per 2oz
Patterns 1d per 2oz ½d per 2oz;
Mail courier murdered at Jack’s Rock near Annotto Bay. Mailbag rifled.;
109 offices. New ones: Point Hill, 2 Mar 1894; Cedar Valley, 13 Mar 1894;
Blundell Hall in bad state of repair (Control Branch, Money Order, Parcel Post and Telegraph offices);
Stamp Office Report 1893-1894
pdf1894Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1895PO NoticesTelephone Licence Application (Wortley) at Montego Bay
pdf1895Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1894 to 31 Mar 1895Railway mail service extended to Mo Bay;
Offices now 123: Williamsfield, 2 Jun 1894; Guava Ridge, 19 Jun 1894; Walderston, 30 Jun 1894; Castleton, 6 Jul 1894; Lime Hall, 19 Jul 1894; Spring Hill, 1 Sep 1894; Rock River, 12 Dep 1894; ;
Mocho, 14 Sep 1894; Negril, 20 Oct 1894; Mount Moriah, 10 Nov 1894; Deeside, 20 Nov 1894; Bensonton, ;
Postal delivery in Kingston extended (see #79);
West India Mail Contract
ExtractFull1895Handbook of Jamaica 1895History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1895Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1895West India Mail Service
pdf1896PO NoticesTelephone Licence Application (Wortley) at Spanish own ;
Railway Extension ;
Telephone Licence Application (Williams) at Black River;
PO Revenue by Parish
pdf1896Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1895 to 31 Mar 1896Plant Line steamers ran between Mo Bay and Tampa during the winter months;
Pickford & Black service between Halifax , Cuba & Jamaica ceased.;
Now 130 offices. New ones: Montpelier, 13 Aug 1895; Cambridge, 15 Aug 1895; Spaldings, 6 Sep 1895; Llandewey, 5 Feb 1896; Belvedere, 7 Feb 1896; Lambs River, 11 Mar 1896; Ipswich, 13 Mar 1896.;
Pearce leave of absence 23 Oct to 23 Mar 1896. McBayne acting;
SS Ailsa sunk 29 Feb at New York (#79) with mails. Some mail rescued with label added explaining.;
Stamp Duty Law
ExtractFull1896Handbook of Jamaica 1896History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1896Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1897PO NoticesAtlas Steam Co Schedule Around Jamaica ;
Atlas Steam Co Schedule Around Jamaica ;
New Embossed Stamp Dies
pdf1897Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1896 to 31 Mar 1897Registration not delivered to premises (#24) have to be collected.;
Railway extended between Bog Walk & Port Antonio;
Now 142 offices. New ones: Castleton, 13 Apr 1896; Enfield, 15 Apr 1896; Bowden, 13 May 1896; Runaway Bay, 1 Jul 1896; Guanaboa Vale, 17 Jul 1896; Bartons, 20 Jul 1896; ;
Boroughbridge 7 Oct 1896; Bamboo, 9 Oct 1896; Troy, 14 Oct 1896; Harrywatch, 16 Oct 1896; Mountainside, 19 Oct 1896; Gregory Park, 2 Oct 1896.;
PO at Richmond moved to Meek Spring near the Railway Station (but name of Richmond retained).;
New SLB see #97;
97. Additional Street Letter Boxes have been established on 30th October 1896 at:;
Torrington Bridge; Constabulary Station, South Camp Road; Fire Brigade Station, Browns Town; HighHolborn and Laws Streets; Myrtle Bank Hotel; Regent Street and Spanish Town Road
ExtractFull1897Handbook of Jamaica 1897-87History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1897Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1898PO NoticesPO Revenue by Parish
pdf1898Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1897 to 31 Mar 1898Official adhesives abandoned.;
Now 160 offices. New ones: Riversdale, 13 May 1897; Troja, 15 May 1897; Clonmel, 18 May 1897; Albany, 20 May 1897; Skibo, 24 May 1897; Fellowship, 26 May 1897; Moore Town, 28 May 1897; Old England, 9 Jun 1897; Pepper, 11 Jun 1897; ;
Myersville, 14 Jun 1897; Braes River, 16 Jun 1897; Springfield, 18 Jun 1897; Catadupa, 27 Jul 1897; Gibraltar, 6 Aug 1897; Watt Town, 9 Aug 1897; Rock Spring, 11 Aug 1897; Point, 25 Aug 1897; Hector's River, 25 Nov 1897.;
Yellow fever epidemic caused closure of Shooter’s Hill PO 26 Nov 1897 to 7 Jan 1898. Business transferred to Williamsfield and Telegraphs to Kendal Railway Station.;
York Castle PO closed for disciplinary reasons 22 Feb 1898 to 1 Mar 1898.
ExtractFull1898Handbook of Jamaica 1898History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1898Blue BookList of all PO employees
pdf1899PO NoticesPostal rates (Empire Penny Post);
Postal rates (Empire Penny Post);
Postal rates (Empire Penny Post);
Stamp Law;
Parcel Post rates;
PO Revenue by Parish
pdf1899Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1898 to 31 Mar 1899Imperial Penny Post introduced 25 Dec 1898 in most colonies. However, Jamaica introduced only for Canada on this date. Fully joined scheme 24 May 1899;
Offices reduced to 150: new office at Hartlands,1 Sep 1898.;
Closures at: Copse, Lambs River, Harry Watch, Maidstone, Spaldings, Davis Town, Gibraltar, York Castle, Rock Spriing, Llandewey, Skibo.;
Temporary closures at:;
Jackson Town 23 Jul to 27 Oct 1898;
Boroughbridge 29 Jul to 9 Nov 1898;
Point Hill 12 Oct to 16 Dec 1898;
Inland mail conveyance now by Public Works Dept (#65);
Stamp Duty Law
ExtractFull1899Handbook of Jamaica 1899History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1899Blue BookTown Post Masters no longer listed
pdf1900PO NoticesTelephone Licence Application (HM Troops in Island);
Red Llandovery;
Parcel Post to Bermuda;
Stamp Office Rule
pdf1900Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1899 to 31 Mar 1900Post Offices now selling Impressed Revenue Stamps (#17) and ;
also Judicial Stamps (#18);
Postal Union Insurance Agreement (#31);
Sea mails details including UFC & Tweedie Trading Co;
149 offices. Gregory Park closed 2 Dec 1899; Bensonton closed 27 Jan 1900 on disciplinary grounds; Little London closed 6 Jan to 31 Mar
ExtractFull1900Handbook of Jamaica 1900History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report. Lots of detail concerning mail collection / delivery.
pdf1900Blue BookTown Post Masters no longer listed
pdf1901PO NoticesElder-Dempster-West India Direct Line Sailing Schedule;
Imperial Direct Timetable, Bristol – Jamaica;
Money Order Exchange Jamaica-Bermuda ;
Public Works Dept Carriage of Mail, Telegraph & Telephone Lines;
Public-Gardens Free-Mail;
Discontinuation of Doubloon Currency ;
SLB Destroyed, temp arrangements;
Postal Order Short Supply Temporary Arrangements;
Adhesive Stamps Permitted for Payment ;
Black Llandovery;
RMSP Correspondence re Service incl Trinidad;
RMSP Correspondence re Service incl Trinidad
pdf1901Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1900 to 31 Mar 1901Now 147 offices. Rock River closed 27 Nov 1900; Old England closed 8 May 1901; Constant Spring Hotel opened 2 Feb 1901 & closed 16 Apr 1901; Myrtle Bank Hotel opened 16 Jan 1901;
Transferring to the Railway Stations District POs, the Station Master or Agent being also District Postmaster (#46).;
Arrangements also made for placing posting boxes on the passenger trains and at the Railway Stations (#47).
pdf1901Stamp Office Annual Report 1900-1901
pdf1901Stamp Duty Law
ExtractFull1901Handbook of Jamaica 1901Lots of detail concerning mail collection / delivery.
pdf1902PO NoticesBritish Postal Agencies in China, Imperial Penny Postage
pdf1902Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1901 to 31 Mar 1902Now 153 offices. New one at: Albert Town, 11 Feb 1902.;
Reopened: Lamb’s River, 16 Aug 1901; Gregory Park, 29 Aug 1901; Rock River, 3 Sep 1901; Spaldings, 10 Feb 1902.;
Constant Spring Hotel opened 9 Feb 1901 and closed 16 Apr 1901 (when hotel closed); reopened 19 Dec 1901.;
Cold Spring name changed to Newcastle on 1 Mar 1902;
POs transferred to Railway stations: Albany, Anchovy, Gregory Park, Ipswich, Montpelier.;
(#89). Burglaries at Chester Castle, Anchovy, Up-Park Camp. (#90) Military manoeuvers near Hayes, special arrangements.
pdf1902Stamp Duty Law
pdf1902Jamaica Annual Report 1901-02Extract: Postal & Telegraph Services.
pdf1902Stamp Office Annual Report 1901-02
ExtractFull1902Handbook of Jamaica 1902History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.;
Lots of detail concerning mail collection / delivery.
pdf1903PO NoticesPostal Order Shortage Temporary Arrangements;
KEVII Reply Post Cards;
2½d and ½d Arms (Single);
Postage Free to Dir of Public Gardens
pdf1903Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1902 to 31 Mar 1903Now 156 offices. New: Giddy Hall, 18 Mar 1903; Pedro Plains, 20 Mar 1903.;
Enfield closed 28 Jul 1902 to 8 Jan 1903; Negril closed 9 Dec 1902 to 21 Jan 1903; Hartlands closed 19 Jan 1903; Crofts Hill closed 22 Jan 1903 to 27 Jan 1903; Maidstone (closed 28 Feb 1899) reopened 9 Feb 1903; ;
St Margarets Bay transferred to Railway Station on 6 Jan 1903 (station agent taking over as Postmaster).(#48).;
Montego Bay riot caused transfer of PO to Public Building ‘The Laundry’ 6 Feb 1903 (#49)
pdf1903Stamp Duty Law 1903
pdf1903Stamp Office Annual Report 1902-03
pdf1902Governors Annual Report 1901-02
ExtractFull1903Handbook of Jamaica 1903History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1904PO NoticesRe-Use of Postage Stamps;
Issue of Arms 1d;
Issue of Arms 5d;
Telephone Licence Application (Isaacs) in Manchester Parish;
Pratville Telegraph Office to be Closed;
British Postal Orders Available in Jamaica;
Royal Mail Company Schedule Adjustment;
Rail Mail Company Trent Sailing;
St Lucia & Turks & Caicos Joined Imperial Penny Postage
pdf1904Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1903 to 31 Mar 1904New Postmaster AH Miles first report (Pearce retired after 38 yrs);
Includes retrospect of revenues & expenditure every 10 years from 1863;
Now 159 offices.;
PO reopened: Hartlands, 24 Apr 1903; :aughlands, 29 Aug 1903; Belvedere, 1 Sep 1903; Pepper, 5 Oct 1903; Harry Watch, 7 Sep 1903; Guanaboa Vale, 19 Oct 1903; Titchfield, 9 Jan 1904;
Hurricane had significant impact (#55, 56). Offices at Bowden, Manchioneal, Rio Bueno wrecked. Bowden & Port Morant merged.
pdf1904Stamp Office Annual Report 1903-04
pdf1905PO NoticesPratville (Manchester) Telegraph Office Closed;
Salt River Telegraph Office Closed;
Race Course (Vere) PO Opening ;
Adelphi PO Temporarily Closed ;
Pickford & Black Mail Conveyance, Bermuda, Halifax, Jamaica ;
Postal Order Shortages Temporary Arrangements ;
GB PMG delegating Authority to Jamaica PM, mail by ship [Gazette 21 Sep 1905];
Point Hill PO Temporary Closed;
Canadian Money Orders Turks Island;
Availability of Postal Orders & Impressed Stamps
pdf1905Stamp Duty Law
pdf1905Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1904 to 31 Mar 1905JB Lucie Smith now Postmaster 16 Jan;
Temp closures of (#15): Braes River; Spaldings; Negril.;
New office at Race Course.;
Port Morant closed.;
Plantain Garden River moved to Golden Grove.;
No dates given.
pdf1905Stamp Office Annual Report 1904-05
Extract1905Handbook of Jamaica 1905History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1906PO NoticesWest India Direct Mail Timetable;
Telephone Licence Application (Neilson) at Sav La Mar ;
Stamp Duty Law Amendment;
Issue of Arms 5s;
Issue of KE VII Post Card;
Ship Letter Rates;
MacBayne Temporary PM for Jamaica;
Issue of Arms 1d;
Issue of Arms ½d
pdf1906Jamaica Post Office Handbook 1906Rates & Regulations
pdf1906Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1905 to 31 Mar 1906Point Hill closed 28 Sep 1905 to 22 Nov 1905;;
Toll Gate opened 16 Jan 1906;;
Constant Spring PO moved to Lodge at entrance to hotel;;
Letter box installed at Aston Gardner’s Store 5 May 1905;
Postage to Australia, British New Guinea, Lord Howe Island, Norfolk Island reduced to 1d per ½oz on 26 Aug 1905.;
1 Dec 1905, Postal Orders & embossed stamps sold at Circulation Branch of PO;
RMSP contract ended but use continued connecting with Cunard at New York.
pdf1906Jamaica Post Office Law of 1906 Laws relating to Ship Letter handling
ExtractFull1906Handbook of Jamaica 1906History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1907PO NoticesEarthquake, Temporary Premises;
West India Mail Schedule;
Telegraph Clerks Hours of Work;
MacBayne Temporary PM for Jamaica;
Telephone Licence (MacKenzie & Davis) at Port Antonio;
Revised UPU Postage rates;
Hotel Titchfield PO Opened
pdf1907Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1906 to 31 Mar 1907Titchfield PO opened 18 Dec 1905, closed 24 Apr 1906, reopened 22 Dec 1906.;
Hope PO at Matilda’s Corner, St Andrew, 8 May 1906; Bushy Park (Railway Station) 17 May 1906; ;
Earthquake report: Building damage and staff deaths.
Extract1907Handbook of Jamaica 1907History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1907Blue BookEarthquake, Temporary Premises Blundell Hall;
West India Mail Schedule ;
Telegraph Clerks Hours of Work;
MacBayne Temporary PM for Jamaica;
Telephone Licence (MacKenzie & Davis) at Port Antonio ;
Revised UPU Postage rates;
Hotel Titchfield PO Opened;
Summary of PO report
pdf1908PO NoticesHotel Titchfield PO Opened;
Imperial Direct Line Sailings 1908;
Mail Ship Rules;
Cayman Provisional Issues Scandal
pdf1908Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1907 to 31 Mar 1908New overseas letter rates: Unit changed from ½oz to 1oz; UK & Empire 1d per oz; Other UPU 2½d 1st oz then 1½d per oz.;
Inland unit also increased to 1oz.;
New offices: Clifton, 7 Jun 1907; Ginger Hill, 6 Aug 1907; Cascade, 16 Aug 1907; Magotty, 19 Nov 1907; Hotel Titchfiled open 1 to 6 Apr 1907 and 31 Dec 1907 to 29 Apr 1908.;
House to house delivery commenced in lower St Andrew on bicycles from Up-Park Camp and Halfway Tree.
pdf1908Jamaica Post Office Law of 1908Full definition of rules & regs with new postage rates.
pdf1908Blue Book
Extract1908Handbook of Jamaica 1908History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1909PO NoticesWest India Mail Schedule;
Mail Ship Rules;
Telephone System at Montego Bay ;
Telephone System at Mandeville, Montego Bay, Jamaica Telephone Co ;
Printed Paper Regs;
Issue of QV 6d MCA;
Ellis Wolfe temp PM;
Blue Book PO Statistics
pdf1909Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1908 to 31 Mar 1909New offices: Above Rocks, 4 Aug 1908; Kellits, 3 Sep 1908; Coleyville, 22 Sep 1908; Alderton, 11 Nov 1908; Belfield, 18 Nov 1908; Port Morant, 24 Apr 1908; Sandy Bay, 12 Jun 1908;;
Flint River closed 12 Jun 1908 & reopened 24 Sep 1908.;
Titchfield Hotel opened 28 Dec 1908 & closed 10 Apr 1909.;
Cross Keys closed 30 Dec 1908 & reopened 11 Feb 1909.;
Ginger Hill closed 1 Dec 1908.;
Up-Park Camp moved to Cross Roads, 4 Jan 1909.;
Monthly steam service to Cayman Islands discontinued 24 Apr 1909. Trading schooners again utilised.;
Circulation Branch moved to lower floor of the Old Supreme Court, Sep 1908.
pdf1909Post Office RegulationsDistrict Postmasters & their assistants employment conditions and detailed (63 pages) rules of how a PO should be administered.;
Soldiers’ & Seamen’s rates (#312)
Extract1909Handbook of Jamaica 1909History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1910PO NoticesImperial Direct Sailing Schedule;
PO Law Amendment - Underpayment;
Issue of QV MCA 3d;
Lucie-Smith Leave of Absence (Ellis Wolfe stand-in;
Telephone Licence (Ward) at Montego Bay ;
Issue of KGV Head ½d, 4d, 1/ and 2/ adhesives
pdf1910Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1909 to 31 Mar 1910New offices: Windward Road, 1 Apr 1909; Brainerd, 16 Apr 1909; Redwood, 25 May 1909; Windsor Castle, 19 Aug 1909.;
Riversdale PO, hitherto conducted by the Railway Station Agent moved to the residence of a new postamaster.;
Hampstead closed 12 Aug 1909, reopened 12 Aug 1909.;
Belvedere closed 31 Jan 1910, reopened 18 Feb 1910.;
Myrtle Bank Hotel PO re-opened 26 Feb 1910 (when Hotel re-opened).;
Titchfield Hotel destroyed by fire, hence no PO this year.;
House Delivery system reorganised (#21, #22);
New collecting boxes: Franklin Town (at Police Station); Smith Village (corner Percy & Wellington streets); Woodford Park; Papine Corner (Car terminal);
New PO premises imminent in Public buildings King Street
pdf19101910 Jamaica Post Office Law of 1910 Includes schedule of postages.
pdf1911PO NoticesOverembossing date stamp;
Issue of KE VII 2d;
Rhodesia introduce Imperial Penny Post;
Tenders for Canadian Mail Service;
Stamp Duty Law ;
Census Turks & Cayman;
KGV Head 6d adhesive;
KGV Head 4d adhesive;
Telegraph Forms 6d;
Blue Book PO Statistics ;
Jamaica Telephone Company Licence - Kingston
pdf1911Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1910 to 31 Mar 1911Now 182 offices.;
New offices: Long Bay, 18 Aug 1910; Latium, 18 Aug 1910; Crooked River, 24 Aug 1910.;
POs removed from Railway Offices as agents unable to copew with workload: Montpelier, 20 Apr 1910; Cambridge, 14 Jun 1910; Albany, 27 Feb 1911.;
Clifton renamed St. Peters on 31 Mar 1911.;
Post & Telegraph offices moved to new premises.;
Letter box erected at corner of Duke & Hanover Streets
Extract1911Handbook of Jamaica 1911History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1911Blue Book
pdf1912PO Notices3d Georgian;
KGV Head 2d & 1s adhesive;
KGV Head 2s & 5s Judicial;
British Postal Orders;
British Postal Orders 8s, 10s, 20s;
1d PostCard;
KGV Head 6d adhesive;
KGV Head Booklet;
Blue Book PO Statistics
pdf1912Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1911 to 31 Mar 1912Now 189 offices.;
New offices: Harkers Hall, 3 Aug 1911; Carron Hall, 2 Aug 1911; Lodge, 19 Dec 1911; Bonny Gate, 20 Dec 1911; Mount Regale, 21 Dec 1911; Dallas Castle, 30 Dec 1911; Ginger Hill, 23 Jan 1912.;
Laughlands closed 21 Jul to 23 Aug owing to the death of the Postmaster.;
#19 Books containing penny stamps to value of 2s with adverts introduced. Myers, Nathan, Lyons, Jamaica Tobacco, Wessels, Winkler & Dr Scotland.;
Foot post established Montego Bay to Montpellier and van services #40
Extract1912Handbook of Jamaica 1912History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1913PO NoticesRegistration Envelopes;
KGV Head 2½d adhesive;
KGV Head 4d adhesive;
KGV Head 3d paper colour;
Newspaper Post Regulations
pdf1913Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1912 to 31 Mar 1913Now 197 offices.;
New offices: Fyffe’s Pen, 17 Oct 1912; Smith’s Village, 31 Oct 1912; Islington, 6 Jun 1912; Swift River, 6 Jun 1912; Llandewey, 28 Jun 1912; Comfort Hall, 9 Oct 1912; Balcarres, 8 Jan 1913.;
(#22) Papua joined imperial penny postage scheme, Dec 1912; Postage to New Hebrides reduced to 1d per oz.;
Registered envelopes with 3rd embossed stamps introduced, sold at 3½d;
Letter box at corner of Port Royal St & Luke Lane removed.;
Boxes added at corners of Prince4ss & Harbour; Princess & West St.;
Dallas Castle PO renamed Dallas;
(#66) Mention of stamp vending machine at Kingston but infers being damaged.
Extract1913Handbook of Jamaica 1913History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1914PO NoticesRailway Dept Report 1913-1914;
KGV Head 4d adhesive;
Judicial Adhesives issued £1, 10s, 8s6d plus embossed stamps;
Ellis-Wolfe Acting PM;
Blue Book PO Statistics
pdf1914PO Law 1914Also gives list of Telegraph, Non Telegraph & Railway offices;
Part transcription
pdf1914Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1913 to 31 Mar 1914Now 200 offices;
New offices: Warsop, 23 Jul 1913; Bybrook, 16 Oct 1913’ Thompson Town, 15 Nov 1913; Sturge Town, 5 Dec 1913; Somerton, 3 Feb 1914; Alston, 6 Feb 1914; Bensonton, 26 Feb 1914.;
Burglaries: Mavis Bank, Jun 1913; Chester Castle, Jun 1913; Walkerswood, Jun 1913; Laughlands, Sep 1913; Catadupa, Feb 1914;
Hope PO renamed Liguanea, 1 Apr 1913; Plantain Garden River renamed Golden Grove, 15 Oct 1913.;
(#20) delivery from Halfway Tree extended.;
Street Letter Box at corner of Brentfors & Curphey Rodas;
Magotty office moved to Station;
Railway letter boxes reopened 1 Sep 1913 (#24). PO placed on the through trains to Mo Bay and Port Antonio.;
Motor mail service between Ewarton & Dry Harbour started.
pdf1915PO NoticesKGV Head 1s paper colour;
Ellis Wolfe acting Postmaster;
Ellis Wolfe Postmaster;
Telephone Licence JTC & at Montego Bay (Ward) [
pdf1915Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1914 to 31 Mar 1915Now 199 offices.;
New offices: Fairy Hill, 18 Jun 1914; Further openings suspended due to need for economy as a result of War (reduced mail volumes);
Alligator Pond closed 15 Jul 1914, reopened 20 Sep 1914; Windsor Castle closed 26 Aug 1914, reopened 5 Oct 1914.;
House to House delivery in lower St Andrew extended.;
JPM Lucie-Smith retired 20 Mar 1915 (43 years in PO), died 4 May 1915.
Extract1915Handbook of Jamaica 1915History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1916PO NoticesTelegraph & War Stamp Rates;
War Stamp rates;
Telephone Licence (Isaacs)KGV Head 1½d adhesive;
KGV Head 1½d adhesive;
KGV Head War Stamp;
KGV Head 3d, 4d & 1s Paper Colour;
KGV Head War Stamp;
British POs in China, withdrawal of Imperial Penny Rate ;
Law 8 of 1916 Disallowance;
Jamaica Telephone Company
pdf1916Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1915 to 31 Mar 1916Now 201 offices.;
New offices: Colonel’s Ridge, 28 Apr 1915; Myers’ Wharf, 23 Dec 1915.;
Bluefields closed 8 Apr 1915, reopened 1 May 1915; Laughlands closed 26 Nov 1915, reopened 1 Jan 1916.;
Myrtle Bank Hotel PO closed 30 Jun 1915, reopened 4 Jan 1916 until 29 Apr 1916.;
Flint River closed 31 Oct 1915 but new office established at Hopewell.;
Steamers with mail lost: SS Candidate 7 May 1915; SS Arabic, 18 Aug 1915; SS Hesperian, 3 Sep 1915.;
Prepayment system introduced for circulars etc (#70);
Hurricane disruption.;
Introduction of Vibrators & Phantaphones for Telegraph usage (#65)
pdf19161 Apr 1916; PO Law of 1916 – War Tax War Tax on Overseas Post Cards Repealed
pdf1917PO NoticesKGV Head War Stamp ;
Telephone Licence at Montego Bay
pdf1917PO Law of 1917 – War Tax
pdf1917Telephone Licence (UFC) at St James
pdf1917Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1916 to 31 Mar 1917(#2) War Tax: Letter +½d to UK & Empire; Parcels +3d to UK & Empire (except military); 3d incoming charge on parcels; Inland rate to 1½d (1st oz) & 1d per oz, for letters; & Telegrams from 6d to 9d;
Now 201 offices. No new offices.;
Little London closed 8 Jan 1917, reopened 5 Feb 1917;;
Rock River closed 12 Jan 1917, reopened 15 Feb 1917.;
Myrtle Bank Hotel PO reopened 1 Dec 1916 and closed 30 Apr 1917.;
(#26) Mention of ‘WAR STAMP’ printing error, sheets being mutilated by collectors asking for the stamp from the sheet.;
(#42) SS Laconia lost with Jamaica mails on 26 Feb 1917.;
Reply Coupons adopted (#72);
(#73, 74) PO employees who volunteered for military service (AE Shirley, VE Johns, FW Morin, E Bell, OSV Brown, AL Miller).
Extract1917Handbook of Jamaica 1917History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1918PO NoticesUK Postage Rates
pdf1918Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1917 to 31 Mar 1918No new POs.;
Alligator Pond closed 11 Aug 1917 and reopened 14 Aug 1917; Sturge Town closed 19 Feb 1918, reopened 1 Mar 1918.;
Stamp machine discontinued (#70) due to use of counterfeit coins;
PO employee EL Morris joined Jamaica Contingent (#71) also death and medal.
pdf19181 Apr 1918; PO Law of 1918 – War Tax Continuance of Act
pdf1919PO NoticesKGV Head 2s adhesive;
Postage Rate increase;
KGV Pictorials 1½d adhesive;
KGV Pictorials 5s adhesive;
War Tax Continued;
KGV Head War Stamp;
Report of the West Indian Shipping Committee
pdfFlipBook1919Jamaica Post Office Handbook 1919Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1919Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1918 to 31 Mar 1919Now 202 offices.;
New office: Grange Lane, 18 Jul 1918;
Temporary closures: ;
Alderton, closed 4 Apr 1918, reopened 6 Apr 1918;;
Aliigator Pond, closed 8 Nov 1918, reopened 18 Nov 1918;;
Alston, closed 13 Nov 1918, reopened 7 Jan 1919;;
Maggotty, closed 20 Oct 1918, reopened 18 Nov 1918;;
House to house delivery commenced in Montego Bay;
SLB at Molynes Road, St Andrew;
Riots in Vere district (#67);
Flu epidemic (#68);
Retirements (#70) of long serving employees
pdf1919PO Law of 1919 – War Tax
Extract1919Handbook of Jamaica 1919History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1920PO NoticesIsland wide Telephone System ;
Amendment to Stamp Duty Law of 1903;
Telegraph Rules Amendment ;
KGV Pictorials 10s adhesive;
UK Postage Rates Increased;
KGV Pictorials ½d adhesive;
KGV Pictorials 1s, 2s, 3s adhesive;
PO Established at John’s Hall;
Hill Top & Jericho POs;
Old Harbour Bay PO
pdf1920Post Office Annual Report, from Apr 1919 to 31 Mar 1920Myrtle Bank Hotel PO opened 19 Apr 1919;
Temporary closures:;
Bensonton, closed 17 May 1919, reopened 27 May 1919;;
Alston, closed 20 Jun 1919, reopened 4 Jul 1919;;
Long Bay, closed 29 Sep 1919, reopened 29 Nov 1919;;
Milk River, closed 26 Feb 1920, reopened 10 Mar 1920.;
Newcastle PO moved from Cold Spring Cottage to above military parade grounds;
Partial strike at GPO Kingston (#66)
pdf1920Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Apr 1920 to 31 Dec 1920Now 223 offices.;
New offices: Gibraltar, 27 May 1920; Jones’ Pen, 1 Jul 1920; Grantham, 25 Aug 1920; Victoria Town, 26 Aug 1920; Craighead, 27 Aug 1920; Elderslie, 30 Aug 1920; Askenish, 4 Sep 1920; Woodhall, 18 Sep 1920; James Hill, 25 Oct 1920; ;
Broadgate, 3 Nov 1920; Lucky Hill, 6 Dec 1920; John’s Hall, 10 Dec 1920; Jericho, 15 Dec 1920; Hill Top, 17 Dec 1920; Milk River Bath, 21 Dec 1920; Old Harbour Bay, 23 Dec 1920; Mount James, 28 Dec 1920; Keith, 11 Jan 1921; ;
Sherwood Content, 13 Jan 1921; Fort William, 22 Jan 1921; Woodford, 21 Feb 1921.
pdf1921PO NoticesSherwood Content PO Opened;
KGV Pictorials 4d adhesive;
KGV Pictorials 2d & 2½d adhesive;
Inland Postage Rates;
KGV Pictorials 3d & adhesive;
KGV Pictorials 5s adhesive;
PO Opening Inverness / Wait-A-Bit / Comfort Hall;
KGV Pictorials 1d adhesive
pdf1921Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1921 to 31 Dec 1921Now 231 POs.;
New offices: Old England, 8 Aug 1921; Watermount, 23 Aug 1921; Brown’s Hall, 12 Sep 1921; Inverness, 21 Sep 1921; Wait-a-Bit, 22 Sep 1921; Chalky Hill, 4 Oct 1921; Lascelles, 12 Dec 1921; Constant Spring Hotel, 19 Dec 1921.;
Comfort Hall PO closed 7 Aug 1921, reopened 23 Sep 1921; James Hill closed 5 Dec 1921, reopened 15 Dec 1921.
Extract1921Handbook of Jamaica 1921History of the Post Office with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1922PO NoticesHartlands PO location moved;
Belvedere PO renamed Red Hills;
Overseas Rates & cancellation of increase
PO Easter Opening hrs;
Dallas PO temporarily closed;
Dallas PO reopened;
KGV Pictorials script watermark;
KGV Pictorials script watermark;
KGV Pictorials 1d & 6d script wmk adhesive
pdf192231 Mar 1922; PO Law of 1922 Continuance of Act
pdf1922Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1922 to 31 Dec 1922Now 234 offices.;
New offices: Direct Cable, 1 Jul 1922; Union Hill, 27 Jul 1922; Elim, 3 Nov 1922.;
Dallas closed 15 Apr 1922, reopened 29 Apr 1922; Hill Top closed 9 Sep 1922, reopened 18 Sep 1922.;
Hartlands PO moved from railway station to the village;
Belvedere renamed Red Hills.
pdf1923PO NoticesFletcher Acting as Postmaster;
Inland Postal Rates Removal of War Tax;
Inland Postal Rates Removal of War Tax;
Child Welfare Issue;
5s Script Pictorial
pdf192331 Mar 1923; PO Law of 1923 Continuance of Act
pdf1923Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1923 to 31 Dec 1923Now 238 offices.;
New offices: Harmons 19 Jan 1923; Epworth 22 Feb 1923; Bellas Gate 4 Aug 1923; Banana Ground 5 Aug 1923; Munro College 7 Aug 1923.;
Grange Lane closed 31 Jul 1923;;
Alligator Pond closed 6 Apr 1923, reopened 27 Apr 1923.;
Now 43 Street Letter Boxes in Kingston & St Andrew. New one at corner of Church & Tower Streets.
Extract1923Handbook of Jamaica 1923Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Annual Report.
pdf1924PO NoticesChild Welfare Issue ;
Telephone System – Kingston
pdfFlipBook1924Jamaica Post Office Handbook 1924Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf192431 Mar 1924; PO Law of 1924 Continuance of Act
pdf1924Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1924 to 31 Dec 1924No new POs, now 236.;
Broadgate closed 30 Sep 1924; Harmons closed 29 Dec 1924.;
#18 states Railway main carriage method plus identifies motor services and mule van service;
Posting letters at Railway stations withdrawn (#19)
pdf1925PO NoticesPostal Stamp Savings Cards;
Royes Acting as Postmaster for Fletcher;
Stamp Commissioner Report;
Telegraph Rules;
Official Correspondence;
Telephone System at Kingston - JTC;
Official Correspondence
pdf192531Mar 1925; PO Law of 1925 Continuance of Act
pdf1925Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1925 to 31 Dec 1925Now 231 offices.;
New offices: Pembroke Hall 25 Aug 1925;;
Bensonton reopened 26 Aug 1925.;
Fairy Hill closed 15 Jan 1925, reopened 24 Mar 1925.;
POs closed: Milk River Bath 2 Feb 1925; Fort William 10 Feb 1925; Jericho 14 Feb 1925; Hill Top 13 Jun 1925; Wait-a-Bit 18 Jun 1925; Elim 2 Nov 1925.;
JPM Ellis Wolfe retired and died, succeeded by Ronan Fletcher.
Extract1925Handbook of Jamaica 1925Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Guide
pdf1926PO NoticesPostal Stamp Saving Cards ;
Newspaper Rate;
Stamp Office Report
pdfFlipBook1926Jamaica Post Office Guide 1926Principal PO Charges;
Postage Rates;
Inland Mail Rates & Regulations;
Inland Registration;
Inland Official Correspondence;
Inland Mail Conveyance;
Mail Coaches;
Overseas Mail Conveyance;
Overseas Classification of Mail;
Overseas Registration;
Parcel Post;
Overseas Rates of Postage;
Money Orders;
Postal Orders;
Reply Coupons;
Stamps & Stationery Availability;
House Delivery;
Street Letter Boxes;
pdf1926Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1926 to 31 Dec 1926(#10) Child Welfare stamps ceased to be sold.;
No new offices, remained at 231.;
(#13, #14) Mule van services discontinued.;
(#59) PO Guide published annually.;
(#60) Jamaica newspapers & magazines through the post at ½d regardless of weight.;
(#63) Street Letter box at corner of Hope road and Trafalgar road.
pdf1927PO NoticesReport y Deputy Stamp Commissioner ;
Cayman Cimboco Sailings;
Registration Letter;
KGV Head ½d adhesive
pdfFlipBook1927Jamaica Post Office Guide 1927Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
Extract1927Handbook of JamaicaPost Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Guide
pdf1927PO Rules & RegulationsEmployment conditions.
pdf1927Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1927 to 31 Dec 1927Offices now 238.;
New offices: Blackstonedge 23rd June, 1927; Smithville 25th June, 1927; Beckford Kraal 27th June, 1927; Wait-a-Bit 28th June, 1927; Calderwood 16th July, 1927; Mount Horeb 26th July, 1927; Great Valley 28th July, 1927;
15. A temporary Post Office, the transactions of which were limited to the Sale of Stamps and the receiving of letters, was opened at a building in Barry Street, Kingston, ;
in connection with the Jamaica Philatelic Society's Exhibition from 21st to 26th February, 1927.;
16. On the 28th of March the postal service on the trains, which had been withdrawn, was resumed. Messengers are placed on the outgoing and incoming Montego Bay and Port Antonio trains ;
who sell Stamps, distribute to Post Offices the mail matter posted in collecting boxes on the trains and clear Letter Boxes erected at each railway stations on the lines.;
Judging from the number of letters circulated through this medium it would appear that this service is of some benefit to the public.;
17. The Post Office at Red Hills (St. Andrew) was temporarily and unavoidably closed on 3rd of January, but was re-opened on the 10th of May.;
76 Street Letter Boxes erected at: Beechwood Ave- Halfway Tree Road; Pen Street-Rodney Street (Rodney Town); Spanish Town Road-Old Pound Road.;
77. In October, a registered letter envelope measuring 8"x 5" with an embossed stamp of the value of 3d. was put into circulation. ;
These envelopes are sold at 4d. each, but envelopes of the size hitherto in circulation viz., 5¼" 3¼" are still available at 3½d. each.
pdf1927Telephone Licence for United Fruit Co
pdf1927Governor's Report for 1927
pdf1928PO NoticesCayman Cimboco Sailings 1928;
Free Telegrams for Officials;
Free Postage for Officials;
Stamp Commissioners Report (volumes of stamps disbersed;
Stamp Duty Law ;
Cimboco Sailing Caymans;
Cimboco Sailing Caymans
pdf1928Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1928 to 31 Dec 1928Latium PO moved to Lettery;
John’s Hall closed 31 Mar 1928, reopened 2 Apr 1928;;
Union Hill closed 24 Apr 1928, reopened 25 Jun 1928.;
Carron Hall PO burgled (#20);
Street Letter Boxes erected at: Jamaica Times Store, King St, 3 Oct 1928; Jubilee Market West Queen Street, 18 Dec 1928.;
(#76) Money provided for improving & constructing POs incl Mandeville & Port Antonio.;
Licence granted to United Fruit Company for Telephone service
pdf1928Telephone Licence
pdf1929PO Notices1½d Postage Adhesive Issue;
9d Postage Adhesive Issue;
Stamp Office Report;
Telegraph Rules;
1s6d Revenue Issue
pdfFlipBook1928Jamaica Post Office Guide 1928Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1929Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1929 to 31 Dec 1929Now 252 POs.;
New offices: Trout Hall 2 Sep 1929; Dalvey 9 Sep 1929; Cavaliers 16 Sep 1919; Rose Hall 7 Nov 1929; Cornwall Mountain 11 Nov 1929; Whitfield Pen 27 Nov 1929;
Woodford closed 28 May 1929, reopened 17 Sep 1929;
House to house delivery conmmenced fro Jones Pen PO;
Cayman Is mails use Cimboco. Turks & Caicos usually via New York (#26);
New Street Letter Boxes at: Four Roads (Canperdown) 14 Feb 1929; Mary Brown’s Corner (Constant Spring Road) 14 Feb 1929.;
More PO Building work incl Montego Bay.
pdf1929PO Commission
Extract1929Handbook of Jamaica 1929Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Guide
pdf1930PO NoticesBlue Book Communications (Railway, Post, Telegraph & Telephone Services;
Steamer / Airmail rates;
Small Packet Service Introduction;
Parcels to Canada Postage rate;
PanAm Air Service;
PanAm Air Service;
Airmail rates;
Airmail rates;
Airmail rates
pdfFlipBook1930Jamaica Post Office Guide 1930Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1930Post Office Annual Report, from 1 Jan 1930 to 31 Dec 1930Now 264 offices.;
New offices: Sunning Hill 1 Apr 1930; Sligoville 7 Jul 1930; Wakefield 14 Jul 1930; Cessnock 24 Jul 1930; Maryland 25 Jul 1930; Friendship 30 Jul 1930; Leamington 2 Aug 1930; Cave 1 Aug 1930; ;
Morovia 4 Aug 1930; Richmond Park 5 Aug 1930; Harmons 6 Aug 1930; Kalorama 1 Sep 1930.;
Airmails (#30 to #34) First service;
Street Letter Box at corner of Greenwich Road & New Lincoln Road.;
3 Street Letter Boxes erected in Spanish Town
pdf1931PO NoticesStamp Office Report;
Sailings of MS Cimboco to Caymans;
Sailing of Admiral Beaty to Turks;
Blue Book Communications (Railway, Post, Telegraph & Telephone Services;
Stamp Office Rules
pdfFlipBook1931Jamaica Post Office Guide 1931Airmail Services & Rates only
Extract1931Handbook of Jamaica 1931Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Guide
pdf1932PO NoticesAirmail Rate Increase;
Airmail Rate Increase – Postmaster Comment;
Sailings of MS Cimboco Cayman;
Issue Announcements for 2d, 2½d, 6d Issue
pdfFlipBook1932Jamaica Post Office Guide 1932Airmail Services & Rates only
pdf1933PO NoticesAirmail Rate Increase;
Savage Temporary Postmaster;
Royes Temporary Assst Postmaster;
Assst Postmaster Savage Returned to Island;
Airmail Rate Decrease;
Telegraph Regulations, Procedures & Rates
pdfFlipBook1933Jamaica Post Office Guide 1933Airmail Services & Rates only
Extract1933Handbook of Jamaica 1933-34Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Guide
pdf1934PO NoticesAirmail Rate Decrease;
MS Cimboco Schedule of Sailings to Caymans;
Airmails by Sea
pdfFlipBook1934Jamaica Post Office Guide 1934Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1935PO NoticesIssue of KGV Silver Jubilee;
MS Cimboco Sailings to Cayman;
Blackstonedge Post Office Fire;
Death of Savage, Assistant PM for Jamaica;
MS Cimboco Sailings to Cayman;
MS Cimboco Sailings to Cayman;
Money Order System Discontinued;
Telephone Licence Kingston Area Extension;
Royes Appointed Assistant Postmaster;
Direct West India Cable Co Telegraph Licences Cancelled
pdfFlipBook1935Jamaica Post Office Guide 1935Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
Extract1935Jamaica HandbookInformation on PO and other matters
pdf1935Stamp Duty Law Proposal 1935Information on PO and other matters
pdf1935Stamp Duty Law Finalisation 1935 (detail in April document)Information on PO and other matters
pdf1936PO NoticesCaribbean Airways Liquidation;
Constant Spring Hotel For Sale ;
Jamaica Telephone Company ;
Jamaica Telephone Company ;
Telegraph Rules ;
Telegraph Law;
MS Cimboco Sailings to Cayman]
pdfFlipBook1936Jamaica Post Office Guide 1936Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1937PO NoticesAirmail rates;
Postamaster? At Hayes;
Postmasters? At Leamington, Brown's Rown, Wakefield, Deeside;
Postmistress @ Bog Walk;
KGVI Coronation Issue;
Committee for duties of Postmistresses etc;
Telephone Licence Renewal Granted to UFC [;
Committee for duties of Postmistresses etc;
Labyrinth PO Opening;
Committee for duties of Postmistresses etc
pdfFlipBook1937Jamaica Post Office Guide 1937Airmail Services & Rates only
pdf1937Stamp Duty Law 193753 page document.;
Detailed description regarding rules and rates.
Extract1937Handbook of Jamaica 1937-38Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Guide
pdf1938PO NoticesAirmail Rate Decrease;
Postmistress @ Hope Bay;
Postmistress @ St Jago, St Margarets Bay, Gordon Town, Auchtembeddie;
Cable & Wireless Inter Empire Telegraph Rate;
Airmail Service & Rate to Br Honduras;
Telephone Licence Extension to United Fruit Co];
Airmail Service & Rate to Dutch WI;
WA Campbell appointed Acting Postmaster for Jamaica;
St Lucia KGVI Definitives;
Telegraph Law Amendment;
WA Campbell appointed Postmaster for Jamaica;
KGVI Definitives Issue Announcement;
Telegraph Law Amendment
pdfFlipBook1938Jamaica Post Office Guide 1938Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1938Telephone Law
pdf1939PO NoticesBunkers Hill PO Opening;
New Post Offices;
Junction, Long Road, Mount Peter [sic Peto] Wilmington, Wild Cane' Hatfield;
Vendor of Stamps-Revoked;
Telegraph Production Law;
Post Office Staff Equipment;
Mount Peto PO Opening;
Mail Closing;
Mail Receipts by Ship;
AirMail Schedules;
Postal Rates;
Postage Rates;
TransAtlantic Mail Service;
Air Mail;
Transatlantic Air Service;
Service to Barbados;
Newfoundland – UK Air Service;
Bi-Weekly Transatlantic Service;
Telephone Licence (United Fruit Co) at Portland;
Airmail rates New Cal, NZ & Newfoundland;
Postmistress at Hector's River & Alderton;
War Regulations – Postal Censorship;
Overseas incl. Airmail rates;
Stamp Duty Law Amendment (Gazette Supp 18 Jan 1940];
Parcel Post Import Value Limit;
Parcel Post Import Value Limit;
Registration Envelopes;
Island Telephone System
pdfFlipBook1939Jamaica Post Office Guide 1939Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
Extract1939Handbook of Jamaica 1939Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters. Information supplements PO Guide
pdf1939Blue BookContains postage rate information
pdf1940PO NoticesStamp Duty Law;
Postmaster for Jamaica renamed;
Stamp Duty Law Amendment;
Cancellation of Issues of Stamps;
Stamp Cancellation Law;
Airmail Routes;
Airmail Routes;
Airmail Rates;
Gazettes for 2nd half of year not obtained, following references in Index;
·         Fletcher RH Leave;
·         International Convention re Stamp Laws in connection with Bills of Exchange & Promissory Notes & Cheques;
·         Fletcher RH appointed Chief Censor;
·         Seaton RE appointed Asst Chief Censor;
·         White GF appointed Postal Censor;
·         Order: Fixing Rates of Postage;
·         Morris EL to act as Postmaster General;
·         Amendments to Airmail Postage rates
pdf1940Law to make Provision for the Cancellation of Issues of StampsContains postage rate information
pdf1940Blue BookContains postage rate information
pdf1941PO NoticesAirmail Rates;
Assistant Postmaster General;
Airmail Rate Increase;
Airmail rate Increase;
Postal Censorship
pdfFlipBook1941Jamaica Post Office Guide 1941Supplement to 1939 Edition
pdf1941Post Office Law (objects & reasons)
pdf1941Post Office Law (transcription)Island Telephone System
pdf1941PO Law (Regs & Rates)
pdf1941Telephone System
pdf1942PO NoticesCensorship;
Morris Acting PMG Censorship;
US Bases;
Airmail rates;
PO Censor;
Authorised Associations Applied to PO;
PO Censors;
Postal Censorship;
PO Rates Military;
PO Rates Military
pdf1942PO Law Revision Rule 13 of PO Law 1927 Rescinded (employee absence)
pdf1942PO Law Revision (airmail rates)
pdf1942Census amendment law
pdf1942PO RatesCanada parcel rate increased from 6d to 1s per lb;
Inland parcel rates reduced to 3d for 1st lb, plus 2d per lb
pdf1943PO Notices Postal Censor Personnel;
TransAtlantic AirMail Service;
Postal Censor Personnel;
Control of Communications Order;
Postal Censor Personnel;
Gibraltar Camp Commandant;
Airmail Rate Increase;
Postal Censor Personnel;
Postmistress @ Alston;
Postmistress @ Long Road;
Currency Law;
Stamp Duty Law;
PO Law Revision (Naval Forces special rates);
Free postage to the UK for Naval Forces serving in Jamaica.;
States conditions and rates for greater than 2 oz.;
PO Law Revision (Air Mail rates);
Telegraph Laws
pdf1943Military Rates
pdf1943Airmail Rates
pdf1943Telegraph Law
pdf1943Stamp Duty Law
pdf1943Currency Law
pdf1944PO NoticesEL Morris appointed Deputy PMG;
Introduction of Air Letter ;
Introduction of Air Letter ;
PO Appointments;
EL Morris Acting PMG
pdf1944Jamaica Govt Railway Law
pdf1944Telegraph & PO Opening Hrs Law
pdf1944Telephone Law
pdf1944PO Law Revision (Regulations-Parcel-Registration)
pdf1944Telegraph Law
pdf1944PO Law Revision (Air Letters with sample form)
pdf1944Customs Law (incl Receipt seal)
pdf1944Telegraph Law
pdf1944Proclamation citing laws apply to Caymans & Turks
pdf1944Telegraph Law (Social Greetings Telegrams)
pdf1945PO NoticesPO Appointment Deputy PMG ;
BWIA Service Introduced (article) ;
Postmistress @ Trinity Vale, Askenish, Alexandria ;
Postmistress @ Hopewell, Cave Valley, Mount Horeb, Bog Walk, Long Road ;
Postmistress @ Stewart Town, John's Hall, Hope Bay, Dry Harbour, Hector's River, Santa Cruz ;
Printed Papers to Belgium ;
Postmistress @ Woburn Lawn ;
Postmistress @ Newport, Green Island, Lucea ;
PO Appointment EL Morris PMG ;
Postal Agencies Establishment and Costs;
Postmistress @ Skibo ;
Postmistress @ Orange Bay, Bartons ;
Postmistress @ Brainerd ;
Postmistress @ Ramble, Mountainside, Salt River, Fairy Hill ;
Postmistress @ Sturge Town, Frankfield ;
Postmistress @ Retreat, Hope Bay, Cave Valley ;
Postmistress @ Balaclava, Keynsham, Sign, Fairfield Mulgrave, Wait-a-bit
pdf1945PO Law (BWIA airmail rates)
pdf1945Telephone Law Amendment
pdf1945Telephone Law (refers to Postmaster General)
pdf1945Telegraph Law
pdf1945PO Law (Airmail rates light weight letters)
pdf1945Blue BookIncludes current postage rates
pdf1946PO NoticesPostmistress @ Oracabessa;
Postmistress @ Balaclava, Long Bay;
Bird's Hill PO Opened;
PO Appointment;
Postmistress @ Trelawny;
Postmistress @ Coleyville, Summing Hill, Stewart Town;
PO Appointment @;
Postmistress @ Long Bay, Orange Bay, Yankee, Fairy Hill;
Postmistress @ Fairy Hill, Yankee;
Postmistress @ Comfort Hall;
Postmistress @ Whitfield Town;
Postmistress @ Ewarton;
Postmistress @ Cambridge;
Postmistress @ Hope Bay, Fellowship;
PO Appointment Cayman Islands;
Postmistress @ Alexandria;
Postmistress @ Santa Cruz;
Vendor of Stamps;
Postmistress @ Malvern, Red Hills;
PO Appointment GF White acting PMG;
Postmistress @ Wait-a-Bit;
PO Acting Appointment, White, Morales;
Postmistress @ Bluefields;
Postmistress @ Cedar Valley, Little River, Cambridge, Malvern, Fairy Hill;
Peace & Reconstruction Issue;
1½d and 3d denominations issued.;
Postmistress @ Long Bay, Comfort Hall, Bonny Gate, Black River, Yallahs;
Postmistress @ Black River, Cave, Chapelton, Yallahs;
Postmistress @ Port Morant;
Telegraph Law (Greetings Telegrams) @;
PO Law Revision (New Parcel Rates)
pdf1946Parcel Rates
pdf1946Blue BookIncludes current postage rates
pdf1947PO NoticesPostal Agency Opened at Mount Pleasant (Portland);
Postal Agency Opened at New Green (Manchester];
Postal Agency Opened at Nine Turns;
Postal Agency Opened at Copse (Hanover);
PO Law Revision (Airmail Rate to Caymans);
Airmail Rate to Caymans;
PO-Acting-During-White Leave 0f Absence;
BWIA Volumes & Rates;
Postal Agency Opened at Samuel Prospect (Trelawney);
Postal Agency Opened at Porters Mountain (Westmorland];
Airmail Rates;
Airmail Rates;
Stamped Air Letter Forms;
Postal Agencies Blairs Hill, Dressikie, Kings Vale, Lances Bay, Roehampton, Watchwell Opened;
; Postal Agencies Bigwoods, Mt. Moreland Opened;
PO Appointments
pdf1947Air Navigation Act - airports
pdf1947PO Law Revision (Airmail Rate to Caymans)
pdf1947PO Law Revision (Airmail Rates)Revised Air Letter rates 1s6d to 9d and full listing of airmail rates to all destinations
pdf1947Jamaica Govt Railway LawIncludes routes and schedule;
pdf1947Telegraph Law: Social Greetings Telegrams
pdf1948PO NoticesUPU Adhesive Issue;
Article re Airmail rates;
UPU Adhesive Issue ;
Article re Airmail rates ;
Postmistress @ Woburn Lawn, Crofts Hill, Buff Bay ;
Postmistress @ Bog Walk ;
Postmistress @ Yankee, Reading, Discovery Bay ;
Postmistress @ Watsons Hill ;
Postmistress @ Lucea, Rock River ;
Postmistress @ Hope Bay, Malvern ;
Postmistress @ Mount Pelo ;
Postmistress @ Beeston Spring ;
Postmistress @ Beeston Spring ;
Postmistress @ Mount Charles ;
Postmistress @ Dallas, Yallahs ;
Postmistress @ Cave Valley ;
Postmistress @ Buff Bay ;
Postmistress @ Flamstead Mountain ;
Postmistress @ Mount Charles ;
Postmistress @ Fruitful Vale ;
Postmistress @ Buff Bay ;
Postmistress @ Newmarket
pdfFlipBook1948Jamaica Post Office Guide 1948Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1949PO NoticesUPU Adhesive Issue;
Article re Airmail rates;
UPU Adhesive Issue ;
Article re Airmail rates ;
Postmistress @ Woburn Lawn, Crofts Hill, Buff Bay ;
Postmistress @ Bog Walk ;
Postmistress @ Yankee, Reading, Discovery Bay ;
Postmistress @ Watsons Hill ;
Postmistress @ Lucea, Rock River ;
Postmistress @ Hope Bay, Malvern ;
Postmistress @ Mount Pelo ;
Postmistress @ Beeston Spring ;
Postmistress @ Beeston Spring ;
Postmistress @ Mount Charles ;
Postmistress @ Dallas, Yallahs ;
Postmistress @ Cave Valley ;
Postmistress @ Buff Bay ;
Postmistress @ Flamstead Mountain ;
Postmistress @ Mount Charles ;
Postmistress @ Fruitful Vale ;
Postmistress @ Buff Bay ;
Postmistress @ Newmarket
pdf1949Telegraph Law Revision
pdf1949Telegraph Law Revision
pdf1949Turks and Caicos annex repealed
pdf1949PO Law Revision (New Airmail Rates)
pdf1949PO Law Revision (Gift Parcel Rates)
pdf1949Stamp Duty Law
pdf1949PO Law Revision (Telegraph Law) PO Acting Appointments
pdf1950PO Notices1950; Postmistress @ Cave Valley;
1950; Postmistress @BlackRiver;
1950; Postmistress @ Newmarket;
1950; Postmistress @ Cambridge, Retreat, Little Kent, Salt Marsh;
1950; Postmistress @ Harry Watch;
1950; Postmistress @ Brainerd, Ewarton;
1950; Postmistress @ Runaway Bay;
1950; Postmistress @ Christiana;
1950; Postmistress @ Ocho Rios, Retreat;
1950; DePass acting 1st Class clerk @;
1950; Postmistress @ Discovery Bay;
1950; Postmistress @ Oracabessa;
New Postal rates;
New Postal rates Article;
BWIA Rates;
PO Staff Appointment;
Postal Agency Opened at Kensington (Portland)
pdf1950PO Law Revision (Rate Change Reply Coupons from 6d to 8d)
pdf1950PO Law Revision (New Postal rates)
pdf1950PO Law Revision (Telegraph Law) PO Acting Appointments
pdf1950PO Law Revision (New Postal rates)
pdf1950Stamp Duty Law
pdf1950Stamp Duty Law
Extract1950Handbook of Jamaica 1950Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters.
pdf1951PO NoticesAirmail Rates;
Airmail rates;
Postal Agency Opened at Madras (St Ann);
PO Staff Appointments at Bigwoods PA;
AV Nash Appointed Deputy PMG (leave of absence for EM Morales;
Postal Agency Opened at Brixton Hill (Clarendon);
Postal Agency Opened at Vaughansfield (St James);
PO Staff Appointments at Wild Cane PO;
PO Staff Appointments;
Postal Agency Opened at Rio Grande (Portland);
Postal Agency Opened at Epson (St Mary);
PO Staff Appointments;
Postal Agency Opened at Mulgrave (St Elizabeth);
PO Staff Appointment at Flower Hill PA;
Postal Agency Opened at Berry Hill (St Catherine);
Postal Agency Opened at Somerset (St Andrew);
; Mrs Lee Foster Postmaster at Flower Hill;
Invitation to Design Stamps;
Damaged Airmail;
KGVI Issue in New Colours;
Postal Agency Opened at Duff House (St Elizabeth);
PO Kingston Appointment;
Postal Agency Opened at Main Ridge (Clarendon);
Postal Agency Opened at Mona (St Andrew);
Telegraph Law (Use for social greetings over Christmas)
pdf1951PO Law Revision (Airmail Rates)
pdf1951Telephone System
pdf1951PO Law Revision (Letter and Parcel Insurance Rate )
pdf1951Stamp Duty Law (Bills of Exchange)
pdf1951Stamp Cancellation LawJamaica, Cayman, Turks.;
KGV, KGVI Coronation, Turks Salt Raking 6d & 1s;
Cayman KGVI Coronation
pdf1951Stamp Cancellation LawJamaica, Cayman, Turks.;
KGV, KGVI Coronation, Turks Salt Raking 6d & 1s;
Cayman KGVI Coronation
pdf1951PO Law (Parcel Post Rates)
pdf1951Jamaica Colonial ReportSummary of PO Communication Services
pdf1952PO NoticesPO Kingston Appointments;
Scout Jamboree Issue;
Delveland PO Opening;
Success PO Opening;
Lancaster PO Opening;
Ritchies, Clarendon PO Opening;
Slipe, St Elizabeth PO Opening;
Portland Cottage, Clarendon PO Opening;
KGVI Issue 3d New Colour;
Duff House PO Closure;
Quickstep, Trelawny PO Opening;
Shirley Castle, Portland PO Opening;
New Green, Manchester PO Opening;
Padmore, St Andrew PO Opening;
PO Appointments at Chester Castle, Fyffes Pen, Gibraltar, Knockpatrick, Mountainside, Richmond Park, Spring Hill, Wait-as-Bit ;
Judicial overprint;
PO Kingston Appointments;
PO Kingston Appointments;
PO Appointments at Clark’s Town, Rosewell, Treasure Beach;
Rowlandsfield PO Re-Opening
pdfFlipBook1952Jamaica Post Office Guide 1952Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
Extract1952Handbook of JamaicaPostal Rates & Services
pdf1952PO Law (Postal Orders)
pdf1952Telegraph Law
pdf1953PO Notices2nd Class Airmail & Rates;
2nd Class Airmail & Rates
Extract1953Handbook of Jamaica 1953Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters.
pdf1954PO NoticesName change for Crown Agents ;
Issue of QE2 Judicial Stamps ;
Telegraph Law (Social Greeting Telegram)
pdf1955PO NoticesAirmail Rates;
Tercentenary set Issue;
New Rate for Int Reply Coupon
pdf1955PO Law (New Airmail Rates)
Extract1955Handbook of Jamaica 1955Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters.
pdf1956PO NoticesPO Appointments;
Pennants PA Opening;
Sanguinetti PA closure;
Tydixon PA opening;
Sanguinetti PA reopening;
Stamp Cancellation (certain KGVI issues);
QE ½d & 1d Adhesive issue;
Airmail Postcard rates;
Air Parcel Rates;
Airmail Rate;
Issue of QEII Definitive 2d, 2½d, 3s Adhesives;
Issue of QEII Definitive 5s, 10s, £1 Adhesives;
Issue of QEII Definitive 6d Adhesive;
Issue of QEII Definitive 6d Adhesive;
Issue of QEII Definitive 8d, 1/6d., 1/-,2/-. Adhesive;
Issue of QEII Definitive 8d, 1/6d., 1/-,2/-. Adhesive
pdf1956Parcel Rates (surface) to USA Revised
pdf1956PO Law (Parcel Rates - surface to GB Revised)
pdf1956PO Law (revised Air Mail rates - postcards)
pdf1956PO Law (Air Parcel Rates)
pdf1956PO Law (Parcel Air Mail Rates)
pdf1956PO Law (Blind Literature Rate)Ticket Distributers Medical (Names)
pdf1956Ticket Distributers Medical
pdf1957PO NoticesStamp Cancellation ;
Postal Order Poundage
pdf1957PO Law Revision (Express Delivery) Including rates
pdf1958PO NoticesPO Law – Rates of Postage for Parcels ;
Caribbean Federation Issue;
Cayman Islands Aerogrammes;
Stamp Cancellation KG6 1½d, 2d, 9d
pdfFlipBook1958Jamaica Post Office Guide 1958Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
Extract1958Handbook of Jamaica 1958Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters.
pdf1959PO NoticesPostal rates
pdf1959PO Law Revision (parcel post regs and rate)
pdf1959PO Law Revision (new postage rates)
pdf1959Stamp Duty Law Revision (new regs and rates )
pdf1959May 1959; PO Law (Reply Coupons)
pdf1960PO NoticesCancellation of Tercentenary Issue
pdf1960PO Law Revision (Airmail Parcel Rates)
pdf1960Jamaica Railway Corporation Law 1960
pdf1960PO Law Revision (Airmail Rates)
pdf1961PO NoticesRates to Cayman ;
Death of Sir Geoffrey Gunther;
Cancellations of KGVI Adhesives
pdf1961Telegraph Law (Rates)
pdf1961PO Law Revision (Cayman Airmail Rate)
pdf1961Stamp Cancellation LawLaw does not apply anymore to Cayman & Turks
Extract1961Handbook of Jamaica 1961Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters.
pdf1962PO NoticesPostmasters;
New PO at Garden Hill;
New Surface Rates to South Africa
pdfFlipBook1962Jamaica Post Office Guide 1962Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1963PO NoticesNew Postage Rates
pdf1963PO Law Revision (New Postage Rates)
pdf1963PO Law Revision (Kingston PO Not Open – Independence)
pdf1963PO Law Revision (Parcel Post Rates)
pdf1962Royal Warrant changing change of motto in Coat of Arms of Jamaica
pdf1964PO NoticesPostmaster General;
Kingston PO Not Open – Independence Day
Extract1964Handbook of Jamaica 1964Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters.
pdf1965PO NoticesRevocation of Forces Rates;
GPO Kingston open for business on 2 July 1965
pdf1965Jamaica Post Office Guide 1965Supplement to 1962 Edition
pdf1965Revocation of Forces RatesRevokes:;
·         Post office (Postage rate) (Naval Personnel) Order 1943;
·         Post Office (British West Indies Special rate of Postage) Order, 1944;
·         Post Office (Postage Rate) (Her Majesty’s Forces From the UK and Evacuees From Gibraltar) Order, Oct /Nov 1942;
·         Post Office (Cayman Islands Special rate of Postage) Order, 1947;
·         Exemption for HM Naval Forces serving in Jamaica paying Postage, 28 June 1943
pdf1966PO NoticesLand Authority – Postmasters?;
PO Closed for Business
pdf1966PO Law Revision (Customs Clearance Fee of 1s for Postal Articles)
Extract1966Handbook of Jamaica 1966Post Office section with current rate information, Offices and postmasters.
pdf1966Commissioner of Stamps now Postmaster General
pdf1967PO NoticesIncrease in surface rates;
Stamp Duty Laws
pdf1967PO Law Revision (Printed papers Definition, Regs & Rates, AR)
pdf1967PO Law Revision (Small Packets Rate)
pdf1967PO Law Revision (Cryptic Revision & Postal Orders)
pdf1967PO Law Revision (PO Closed)
pdf1967PO Law Revision (Airmail Rates to Non Mainland US States)
pdf1967PO Law Revision (Various Regulations)
pdf1967Stamp Duty Law
pdf1967Jamaica Post Office Guide 1967Rates, Regulations, Post Offices
pdf1968PO NoticesPostmasters;
New Rates (transcription);
New Postal rates;
Telegraph Laws;
Stamp Duty Law;
Stamp Duty Law
pdf1968PO Law RevisionTelegraph Rates;
Bahamas Parcel Post, Forces rates
pdf1968PO Law Revision (Postal Rates)For transcription see PO Notices
pdf1968PO Law Revision (Postal Orders)
pdf1968Telegraph Laws
pdf1968PO Rates from 1 July 1968
pdf1968Post Office (Rates of Postage) Her Majesty's Forces Order 1968
pdf1968PO Law Revision (Opening of Kingston PO)
pdf1968PO Law Revision (Postal Orders)
pdf1968Airmail rate ScheduleAppears to be as 21 Jun 1968 plus Parcel rates
pdf1968Stamp Duty Law
pdf1968Stamp Duty Law
pdf1969PO NoticesPostmistress at Stewart Town;
Postmistresses at Little London & Blackstonedge;
Delta Air Lines;
Postmistresses at Toll Gate, Shaws, Glenislay;
Cayman Airways Ltd;
New Postal rates;
Jamaica Aviation Limited
pdf1969Jamaica Post Office Guide 1969Overseas rates only
pdf1969PO Law – Rate Changes – Parcels?
pdf1969PO Law – Main GPO Closure
pdf1969PO Law – New Postal Rates (Decimalisation)
pdf1969PO Law – Parcel Post
pdf1970PO NoticesCurrent Postal rates;
Christmas Posting & Rates ;
Postmasters ;
Stamp Cancellation (Pre decimal stamps, stationery)
pdf1970PO Law – Main PO Closed
pdf1970Stamp Cancellation (Pre decimal stamps, stationery)
pdf1970Decimal Currency Act (Sterling-Decimal equivalemts)
pdf1971PO NoticesJamaica Aviation and ALM Dutch Antillian Airlines;
TACA Licence Granted;
Licences for Mexicana;
; Airmail Rates to Korea & Philippines ;
Pan Am License;
Postal Rates Effective 1 Sep 1971;
Stamp Cancellation Law;
Air Canada License;
Delta & TACA
Image1971POs Closed for Public Business
pdf1971PO Law – Regs & Rates Change
pdf1971PO Law – Postal Orders
pdf1972PO NoticesLand Authority Appointments, Postmasters?;
Postage Rate Increase;
Rates to Overseas Destinations;
Correction to published rates;
Further Postal Rate Info;
Inland Rates;
Postage Rate Increase;
Linea Aeropostal Venezolana application
pdf1972PO Law – Postal Orders
pdf1972PO Law – Postage Rate IncreaseTemp Closure of Pennants & Bybrook
pdf1973PO NoticesReply Coupons 16c to 21c ;
Current Overseas Rates – No change
pdf1974PO NoticesRegistration Env Prices
pdf1974PO LawPOs Closed for Public Business
pdf1975PO NoticesPostage Rate Increase;
KL DePass as acting Postmaster General ;
Current Overseas Rates
pdf1975PO Closed for BusinessPO Closed for Business
pdf1975PO Closed for BusinessPO Closed for Business
pdf1975Postage Rate IncreaseAll rates increased
pdf1975Telegraph Act [Gazette Supp 28 Apr 1975]
pdf1975PO Closed for BusinessPO Closed for Business
pdf1975PO Closed for BusinessPO Closed for Business
pdf1975PO Closed for BusinessPO Closed for Business
pdf1976PO NoticesNew Postage Rates – underpayment
pdf1977PO NoticesNothing found
pdfFlipBook1977Jamaica Post Office Guide 1977Rates, Regulations, Post Offices (Last one published)
pdf1978PO NoticesChristmas Posting & Rates (no Change)
pdf1979PO NoticesPostage Rate Increase ;
Revision of Postage Rates -Charges 1979
pdf1979Postal Rates RevisionAs at 1 Jul 1979
pdf1980PO Notices1980-0312_Meadowbridge+WesternDistrict renamed;
April 1980 HQ PO Opening ;
Rates effective 1 June 1980 ;
Christmas Posting & Rates (no change)
pdf1981PO NoticesParcel Rates
1982PO NoticesNothing found
1983PO NoticesNothing found
pdf1984PO NoticesRate Increases
pdf1985PO NoticesWhitfield Town PO Closed
1986PO NoticesNothing found
pdf1988PO NoticesRegistered Mail;
Current Overseas Rates
pdf1990PO NoticesNew Rates Article ;
New Rates ;
Christmas posting & Rates (same info as 27 Sept 1990);
International Express Mail
pdf1991PO NoticesCurrent Overseas Rates ;
Christmas posting & Rates (same info as 27 Sept 1990)
pdf1993PO NoticesCurrent Overseas Rates
pdf1994PO NoticesOct 1994; Current Overseas Rates
pdf1996PO NoticesNew Postal Rates
pdf1998PO NoticesNew Postal rates
pdf2001PO NoticesNew Postal rates
pdf2004PO NoticesNew Postal rates
pdf2004Jamaica Post Office Rates 1 Jul 2004New Postal rates
pdfFlipBook2007Jamaica Post Office Rates 2007Postal Services (No rates)
pdfFlipBook2008Jamaica Post Office Rates 2008Rates as at Jan 2008
pdfFlipBook2010Jamaica Post OfficeRates 2010Postage Rates Effective 8 March 2010
pdf2016Mobile PO Launch
GoogleBooks1745Yelsnat, Leumas. The sailor’s opera: or, A trip to Jamaica, Volume 1. London: For the Author, 1745.
GoogleBooks1802An Abridgement of the Laws of Jamaica 2nd Ed., 1802
GoogleBooks1728An answer to a calumny with some remarks upon an anonimous pamphlet addressed to his grace the duke of New Castle. W. Wilkins, 1728
GoogleBooks1759An Inquiry concerning the Trade, Commerce, and Policy of Jamaica … With an appendix, etc. Jamaica, 1759
GoogleBooks1851Anderson, William Wemyss. A Description and History of the Island of Jamaica, Comprising an Account of Its Soil, Climate, and Productions, Shewing Its Value and Importance as an Agricultural Country, and a Desirable Place of Residence for Certain Classes of Settlers. Jamaica: George Henderson, 1851
GoogleBooks1842Bandinel, James. Some Account of the Trade in Slaves from Africa As Connected With Europe and America, 1842
GoogleBooks1826Barclay, Alexander. A Practical View of the Present State of Slavery in the West Indies, 1826
GoogleBooks1794Barham, Henry. Hortus Americanus: containing an account of the trees, shrubs, and other vegetable productions of South-America and the West India Islands, and particularly of the island of Jamaica … Kingston, Jamaica: Alexander Aikman, 1794
GoogleBooks1788Beckford, W. Remarks upon the Situation of Negroes in Jamaica, 1788
GoogleBooks1790Beckford, William. A Descriptive Account of the Island of Jamaica Vol. 1, 1790
GoogleBooks1853Bleby, Henry. Death Struggles of Slavery: Being a Narrative of Facts and Incidents, 1853
GoogleBooks1868Bleby, Henry. The Reign of Terror: A Narrative of Facts, 1868
GoogleBooks1828Bridges, George W. (Rev). The Annals of Jamaica 2nd ed., 1828
GoogleBooks1823Bridges, George Wilson, Rev. A Voice from Jamaica in Reply to William Wilberforce, 1823
GoogleBooks1839British and Foreign Anti-slavery Society. Reasons for temporarily suspending the constitution of Jamaica. London: J. Hatchard and Son, 1839
GoogleBooks1756Browne, Patrick. The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica in 3 Parts … Illustrated with Fifty Copperplates. London: The Author, 1756
GoogleBooks1854Buchner, J. H. The Moravians in Jamaica: History of the Mission of the United Brethren’s Church to the Negroes in the Island of Jamaica, From the Year 1754 to 1854, 1854
GoogleBooks1801Burdett, William. The Life and Exploits of Three-Finger’d Jack, 1801
GoogleBooks1838Buxton, Thomas F. Letter on the Slave Trade, 1838
GoogleBooks1842Clarkson, Thomas. Not a Labourer Wanted for Jamaica, 1842
GoogleBooks1808Clarkson, Thomas. The History of the Rise, Progress and Accomplishment of the Abolition of the African Slave-Trade. Vol. 1, 1808
GoogleBooks1867Cockburn, Frederick, Editor. Charge of the Lord Chief Justice of England to Grand Jury in the Case of the Queen Versus Nelson and Brand, 1867
GoogleBooks1824Cooper, Thomas. Facts illustrative of the condition of the Negro slaves in Jamaica, Volume 10. London: J. Hatchard and Son, 1824.
GoogleBooks1822Cropper, James. Pamphlet on Slavery, vol. 1. Letters Addressed to William Wilberforce, M.P. Recommending the Encouragement of the Cultivation of Sugar in Our Dominions in the East Indies… Total Abolition of the Slave-trade. London: Longman, Hurst and Co., 1822
GoogleBooks1867Papers on Jamaica: Descriptive of its Soil, Climate, Productions and Physical Aspects, 1867
GoogleBooks1868The Etymology of Jamaica Grammar , 1868
GoogleBooks1866Jamaica Addresses to His Excellency Edward John Eyre, Esquire, 1866
GoogleBooks1803Dallas, Robert Charles. The History of the Maroons from their origin to the establishment of their Chief Tribe at Sierra Leone: Including the Expedition to Cuba for the Purpose of Procuring Spanish Chasseurs and the State of the Island of Jamaica for the Last Ten Years with a Succinct History of the Island Previous to that Period in Two Volumes. Vol. 2. London: T. N. Longman and O. Rees, 1803.
GoogleBooks1784Dancer, Thomas. A Short Dissertation on the Jamaica Bath Waters: To which is Prefixed, an Introduction Concerning Mineral Waters in General. Kingston, Jamaica: D. Douglass & Alex. Aikman, 1784.
GoogleBooks1849Duncan, Peter Rev. A Narrative of the Wesleyan Mission to Jamaica, 1849
GoogleBooks1788Falconbridge, Alexander. An account of the slave trade on the coast of Africa. London: J. Phillips, 1788.
GoogleBooks1869Finlason, William F. The History of the Jamaica Case, 1869
GoogleBooks1833Foulks, Theodore. Eighteen Months in Jamaica; with Recollections of the Late Rebellion, 1833
GoogleBooks1873Gardner, William James. A history of Jamaica: from its Discovery by Christopher Columbus to the Present Time… London: Elliot Stock, 1873
GoogleBooks1831George, Hallam. Narrative of a voyage from Montego Bay, in the Island of Jamaica, to England … across the Island of Cuba to Havanna… Printed for C.J.G. & F. Rivington, 1831.
GoogleBooks1867Gorrie, John. Illustrations of Martial Law in Jamaica, 1867
GoogleBooks1847Gosse, Philip H. The Birds of Jamaica, 1847
GoogleBooks1851Gosse, Phillip Henry. A Naturalist’s Sojourn in Jamaica, 1851
GoogleBooks1828Griffin, Richard. Marly Or, A Planter’s Life in Jamaica, 1828
GoogleBooks1825Hakewill, James. A Picturesque Tour of the Island of Jamaica, 1825
GoogleBooks1867Harvey, Thomas & William Brewin. Jamaica in 1866: a Narrative of a Tour Through the Island, 1867
GoogleBooks1871Blue Book: Island of Jamaica 1870, 1871
GoogleBooks1859Hill, Richard. Lights and Shadows of Jamaica History, 1859
GoogleBooks1849Hinton, John H. Memoir of William Knibb: Missionary in Jamaica,1849
GoogleBooks1867Hume, Hamilton. The Life of Edward John Eyre: Late Governor of Jamaica, 1867
GoogleBooks1800Interesting tracts, relating to the Island of Jamaica, consisting of curious state-papers, councils of war, letters, petitions, narratives, &c.&c. which throw great light on the history of that Island, from its conquest, down to the year 1702. Jamaica: Lewis, Lunan and Jones, 1800.
GoogleBooks1791Jackson, Robert. A Treatise on the Fevers of Jamaica, 1791
GoogleBooks Jamaica. Assembly. Proceedings of the Hon. House of Assembly of Jamaica on the sugar and slave-trade, in a session which began the 23rd of October, 1792. London: Stephen Fuller, Agent for Jamaica, 1793.
GoogleBooks1835Jamaica As It Was, As It Is and As It May Be, 1835
GoogleBooks1755JAMAICA. Parliament. Assembly. An historical Account of the Sessions of Assembly, for … Jamaica: began on … the 23d of Sept. 1755, being the Second Sessions of that Assembly. Containing a vindication of … C. Knowles … then Governor of that Island, etc. MS. Notes. London
GoogleBooks1805Jamaica. Slave Trade Committee. The Report from a Committee of the House of Assembly of Jamaica: Appointed … E.P. Lyon, 1805.
GoogleBooks1839Jamaica: The Speech of W. Burge Esq, QC Agent for Jamaica at the Bar of the House of Commons against the Bill, 1839
GoogleBooks1838Jamaica Under the Apprenticeship System by a Proprietor, 1838
GoogleBooks1740Leslie, Charles. A new and exact account of Jamaica … With a particular account of the sacrifices, libations, etc. at this day, in use among the Negroes. The third edition. To which is added an appendix, containing an account of Admiral Vernon’s success at Porto Bello and Chagre. 3rd Edition. Edinburgh: R. Flemmings, 1740
GoogleBooks1834Lewis, Matthew Gregory. Journal of a West-India Proprietor: Kept During a Residence in the Island of Jamaica. London: John Murray, 1834.
GoogleBooks1774Long, Edward. The History of Jamaica Vol. 1, 1774
GoogleBooks1774Long, Edward. The History of Jamaica Vol. 2, 1774
GoogleBooks1819Lunan, John. An Abstract of the Laws of Jamaica Relating to the Slaves, 1819
GoogleBooks1837Macfayden, James. The Flora of Jamaica, 1837
GoogleBooks1839M’ Mahon, Benjamin. Jamaica Plantership, 1839
GoogleBooks1788Marsden, Peter. An Account of the Island of Jamaica with Reflections on the Treatment, Occupation, and Provisions Slaves, 1788
GoogleBooks1811Mathison, Gilbert. Notices Respecting Jamaica in 1808-1809-1810, 1811
GoogleBooks1839Merewether, Henry Alworth. Jamaica: The Speech of Mr. Serjeant Merewether, at the Bar of the House of Commons, Against the Bill Intituled “An Act to Make Temporary Provision for the Government of Jamaica,” Tuesday, 23d April 1839. London: Calkin & Budd, 1839.
GoogleBooks1743Ogle, Chaloner. The tryal of sir Chaloner Ogle … before the chief justice of Jamaica, for an assault … on … mr. Trelawney the governor … on the 22nd day of July last. London: Printed for W. Webb, 1743.
GoogleBooks1766The privileges of the Island of Jamaica Vindicated, 1766
GoogleBooks1840Papers Relative to the West Indies, Part 1. Jamaica, 1840
GoogleBooks1843Phillippo, James M. Jamaica: Its Past and Present State, 1843
GoogleBooks1866Pim, Bedford, Commander. The Negro and Jamaica, 1866
GoogleBooks1838Pinckard, Henry. Observations on the Management and Extraordinary Losses of Jamaica Steam Navigation Company, 1838
GoogleBooks1807Price, George Edward. Jamaica and the Colonial Office: Who Caused the Crisis? London: S. Low and Marston, 1866 Renny, Robert. An History of Jamaica with Observation,1807
GoogleBooks1828Ridgway, James. Slave Law of Jamaica with Proceedings and Documents, 1828
GoogleBooks1823Roughley, Thomas. The Jamaica Planter’s Guide, 1823
GoogleBooks1707Sloane, Hans. A Voyage to the Islands Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S. Christophers and Jamaica, with the Natural History, 1707
GoogleBooks1714South Sea Company. The trade granted to the south sea company considered with relation to Jamaica. For Samuel Crouch, 1714.
GoogleBooks1823Stewart, J. View of the Past and Present State of the Island of Jamaica, 1823

The post in this island is by no means so well regulated as in the mother-country. A mail arrives but once a- week from Kingston at the different parts of the island, Spanish Town excepted. It is conveyed on a mule, the post-man (a negro slave) riding another, at the average rate of about seventy miles in the twenty-four hours. This very slow travelling is in a great measure owing to the delays in forwarding the mail at the intermediate post-offices: the more of these there are between any two places, the longer the post is in performing the journey. As the mules which convey the post are in general well-trained, accidents seldom occur, and very few instances of attempts to rob the mail have been known, though the post-men go quite unarmed; but it is sometimes placed in jeopardy by the swelling of the rivers in consequence of heavy rains. There are forty post-offices throughout the island, besides the general post-office. The rate of postage is 1s3d, and 7½d. according to the distance, for single letters.
The letters from Great Britain are conveyed , monthly, by the packets: these are fast-sailing ship -rigged vessels, of from two to three hundred tons burthen, well armed and manned, especially in war-time. They have been known to run the passage direct to Jamaica in twenty- four days. A master of a packet is entitled to one hundred guineas if he arrives in Jamaica on or before the twentieth of each month. All foreign post-letters for Jamaica, as well as those from the British possessions, must pass through the general post office of Great Britain.

GoogleBooks1808Stewart, John. An Account of Jamaica and Its Inhabitants, 1808
GoogleBooks1794The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano or Gustavus Vassa, the African. The Author, 1794.
GoogleBooks1802The Laws of Jamaica: 1760-1792. Volume 2. 2nd edition. Jamaica: A. Aikman, printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty, 1802
GoogleBooks1867The Laws of Jamaica Passed in the Year 1867, 1867
GoogleBooks1802The Laws of Jamaica Vol. 1, 1802
GoogleBooks1824The Laws of Jamaica Vol. 5, 1824
GoogleBooks1817The Laws of Jamaica Vol. 6, 1817
GoogleBooks1824The Laws of Jamaica Vol. 7, 1824
GoogleBooks1796The Proceedings of the Governor and Assembly of Jamaica in Regard to the Maroon Negroes, 1796
GoogleBooks1832Waymouth, Henry. Facts and Documents connected with the Late Insurrection in Jamaica, 1832
GoogleBooks1833Whiteley, Henry. Three Months In Jamaica, in 1832 Comprising a Residence of Seven Weeks on a Sugar Plantation, 1833
GoogleBooks1826William, Cynric R. A Tour through the Island of Jamaica from the Western to the Eastern End in the Year 1823, 1826
GoogleBooks1745Yelsnat, Leumas. The sailor’s opera: or, A trip to Jamaica, Volume 1. London: For the Author, 1745.