This section of the Encyclopaedia of Jamaican Philately lists antique and vintage maps of Jamaica and where possible shows images.
The definitive reference work on this subject is by Capt. Kit S. Kapp entitled Map Collector’s Series No. 42: The Printed Maps of Jamaica up to 1825, published by the Map Collector’s Circle in 1968.
The best web resources are as follows:
Tooley Adams & Co
Dealer in Antique maps with good stock
Link-1 | # | Date | Cartographer | Location | Kapp Description |
#1 | 1528 | Bordone (Benedetto) | Jamaica | Jamaiqua (5¾x 3⅜ ins) From Isolario, Venice, 1528 [at folio XIII]. This is the earliest printed map featuring Jamaica. Later editions were published in 1533, 1534, 1547. | |
#2 | 1561 | Ptolemaeus (Claudius) | Jamaica, Cuba, Hispaniola | Isola Cvba Nova (7½ x 9¾ ins). From La Geografia, Venice, 1561 [with text on the back, page 63]. Showing the whole of lamayca, Cvba and part of Isola Espanola this map also appears in the editions of 1562, 1564 and 1574. For the 1599 reissue the plate was reworked. | |
#3 | 1567 | Santa Cruz (Alonso de) | Jamaica | Jamaica. From Isolario general de todas las islas del mundo por Alonso de Santa Cruz [plate No. 112]. This is a facsimile of the original manuscript atlas published by Real Sciedad Geografica: Madrid 1919-20. , | |
#4 | 1576 | Porcacchi (Tommaso) | Jamaica | Iamaica. (5½ x4 ins). From L'Isole piu famose del Mondo, Venice, 1576. This atlas of islands was first issued in 1572 but Jamaica did not appear until the edition of 1576. The map was repeated in editions of 1590, 1604, 1605, 1620, 1686. | |
#5 | 1597 | Wytfliet (Corneille)] | Jamaica, Cuba | Cvba insvla et Iamaica (11¼x9 ins). From Descriptionis Ptolemaicae Augmentum, Louvain, 1597 [plate No. 10]. This is the first atlas devoted to America. There were eight later editions published up to 1615, containing the same map. | |
#6 | 1598 | Langenes (Barent)] | Jamaica, Cuba | Cuba Insula [includes Jamaica] (4¾ x 3⅜ ins). From Caert-Thresoor, Cornelis Claesz, Middleburg, 1598 [plate No. 150]. Reissued several times and in Bertius' Tabularum Geographicarum, Amsterdam, 1600. Editions to 1606. | |
#7 | 1606 | Mercator (Gerard)] | Jamaica | Insula lamaica (4½ x 4½ ins). One of six separate maps on a sheet, 19½ x 13¾ ins. The main title is 'Cuba Insula'. From Atlas sive Cosmographicae Meditationes, Amsterdam, 1606. This map was reprinted in many of the later editions of the Mercator-Hondius large atlases, i.e.: 1609, plate No. 144 in French; 1619, plate No. 153 in French; 1623, plate No. 154 in Latin; 1628, page 702; 1630, plate No. 163; 1634, plate No. 175; 1635; 1636, Vol. II, plate No. 108; 1637, page 880. | |
#8 | 1607 | Mercator (G.)] | Jamaica | Insula Iamaica (1¾x1¼ ins). A small map, one of six separate plans (i.e. Hispanola, Cuba, Havana, Margarita and Puerto Rico) on one sheet, 10x 7¼ ins. Main title on the sheet is 'Cuba Insula'. From Atlas minor Gerardi Mercatoris a I. Hondio, Amsterdam, 1607 [plate No. 146]. There were a number of later editions of the Atlas Minor containing the same map: 1609 edition, page 653; 1610, page 659; 1621, page 659; 1628, page 647; 1630, page 753; 1648 Vol. I page 397; 1651, page 397. | |
#9 | 1616 | Bertius (Petrus)] | Jamaica, Cuba | Cuba et lamaica (5¼ x 7¼ ins). From Tabvlarvm geographicarvm. Amsterdam, 1616 [page 788]. This map was also published in La Geographic racourcie de Pierre Bertius in 1618. | |
#10 | 1630 | Mercator (G.)] | Jamaica | Insula lamaica (1¾ x 1¾ ins). A small map, one of six separate plans on one sheet, 7⅛ x 5½ ins., similar to the map in the Atlas Minor of 1607, except that the inset of Havana has been moved from the top left to the top right. From Gerardi Mercatoris Atlas sive cosmographicaes Amsterdam, Hondius, 1630 [page 667] Also published in 1636. | |
#11 | 1646 | Dudley (Sir Robert)] | Jamaica, Cuba | Carta particolare del 'Isola di Cuba e di Iamaica con it capo della Florida e l'isole intorno. D'America Carta V (29½ x 19 ins). From Dell 'arcano del mare, Florence, 1646-7 [page 104]. Reisused in 1661. | |
#12 | 1661 | Hickeringill (Capt. Edmund)] | Jamaica | Jamaica (10¾ x6¼ ins). An outline map. Shows Poynt Caggoway, St. lago de la Vega, Passage Fort, Old Harbour, the 7 Plantations, Gonoboa, Bluefields Bay, St. Ann's. Port Royal is not shown. From Jamaica Viewed, Second edition printed for John Williams, London, 1661.B | |
Link | #13 | 1671 | Ogilby (John) | Jamaica | Novissima et Accuratissima Jamaicae Descriptio per Johannem Ogilvium Cosmographum Regium. 1671. F. Lamb Sculp. (21X 17 ins). Port Royal is shown but on the other side of the bay in the vicinity of Spanish Town. Jamaica is divided into 13 Precincts, 11 of which are named. The map is based on a survey taken in 1670 by order of Sir Thomas Modyford and apparently ante-dates the Blome and Seller. It is thus the prototype for most of the maps of the 17th century and many beyond. From America: being an Accurate Description of the New World by J. Ogilby, London, 1671. It is not clear whether this map appeared in the first edition of this work of 1670. |
#14 | 1671 | Seller (John) | Jamaica | Novissima et Accuratissima Insulae Jamaicae Descriptio per Johannem Sellerum. Hydrographum Regium Londini. Made and Sold by John Seller at his shops: At the Hermitage in Wapping: And in Exchange-Alley near the Royall-Exchange in London (21½x 16¾ ins). First state with the cartouche blank. The dedicatory cartouche above the 'Catalogue of the Severall Precincts' is left blank and is surmounted by two Indians with, respectively, spear and bow with quiver. To the right of the titlepiece are four coats of arms, being those of Doyley, Winsor, Modiford and Lynch. The first three were past Governors while Sir Thomas Lynch, described as the 'present Governour', served from 1670-4 as Lieutenant Governor and was knighted in Dec. 1670. The map is copied from Ogilby but to the 'Catalogue' a few names have been added: Robert Shorton & Capt. James in St. Elizabeth Precinct, and Andrew Orgill under St. Maries. | |
#15 | 1671 | Seller (John) | Jamaica | Another edition with dedication to Sir Joseph Williamson. The vacant cartouche is now filled with a Latin dedication to Sir Joseph Williamson whose arms above replace the Indian figures. The name Cow Bay has had to be erased. Williamson was knighted in 1672 and in 1674 became Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs and a member of the Privy Council. A central shield has been added to the original four, that of 'Sir Charles Litleton third Governour' who had been Deputy Governor from 1662-4. The inscription beneath Doyley's shield is now curtailed and Modiford is referred to as 'fourth' and not 'third Governour', | |
#16 | 1671 | Seller (John) | Jamaica | Another edition: 'per Johannem Seller, Johannë Colson, Gulielmu Fisher Jacobu, Atkinson, Johannem Thornton'. The last two states appear in copies of the Atlas Maritimus, or the Sea Atlas, Printed by John Darby, for the Author, and are to be sold at his shop at the Hermitage in Wapping M.DC.LXXV. While the printed title-page of this atlas appears to remain unchanged there are two distinct engraved titles both known in at least two states. The Library of Congress suggests that the third state of the map listed here antedates the others. However this seems unlikely since of two versions of the engraved title which has the figures of Drake and Cavendish along the top the example with Seller's name alone is clearly earlier than that with the names of his collaborators. | |
#17 | 1671 | Blome (Richard) | Jamaica | A New & Exact Mapp of ye Isle of lamaica as it was lately Surveyed by order of SrThomas Mediford [sic] Bart. late Govern., divided into Precincts, or Parishes, with its Ports, Bayes, etc. London, Printed for Richard Blome A°. 1671 (12¾x 11¼ ins). Inset map of the Caribbean. St. lago [Spanish Town] shown greatly exaggerated. The large title piece incorporates the arms of four Governors—those of Sir Charles Littleton [1662-4] are not included. On this point see note to the Seller map. From A Description of the Island of Jamaica by Richard Blome. Printed by T. Milbourn, London, 1672; another edition, 1678. Another edition in The Present State of His Majesties Isles and Territories in America. Printed by J. Clark, for Dorman Newman, London, 1687. | |
#18 | 1674 | Modiford (Sir Thomas) | Jamaica | Isle de la Iamaique Divisée Par Paroisses Ou Sont Exactement Remarques les Ports et les Bayes — Par le Sieur Modiford. R. Michault scrip. (12½ x 11 ins). A copy of Blome's map. Although attributed here to Modiford [Governor of Jamaica 1664-71] the wording of Blome's map indicates that he was not responsible for the actual survey. From Recueil de divers voyages faits en Afrique et en l'Amerique, Paris, Louis Billaine, 1674. Reissued: Chez la Veuve Ant. Cellier, Paris, 1684. | |
#19 | 1674 | Modiford? | Jamaica | Carte de la Iamaique Nouvellement reveue, Divisee en ses gouvernemens, ou Paroisses auec ses Ports, Bayes, etc. (11¾ x 9¾ ins). Appears to be a smaller copy of the above but with additional soundings and detail. | |
#20 | 1675 | Roggeveen (Arend) | Jamaica, Cuba | Pascaerte van de Eylanden Cuba en Jamaica en de andere Eylanden daer ontrent gelegen Beschreven door Arent Roggeveen [Amsterdam, 1675] (20½ x 16 ins). From Roggeveen's Het eerst deel van het Brandende Veen, Amsterdam, P. Goos, 1675—the first sea atlas devoted to American waters. Other editions:—French text 1676, English text 1676, Spanish text 1680, English text [1689] with 'J. Robyn exc.' A late edition by Loots has 'by Joannis Loots' in place of J. Robyn. | |
Link | #21 | 1675 | Speed (John)] | Jamaica | Jamaica (5 x 3¼ ins). Reduced version of the Speed. From An Epitome of Mr. John Speed's ... Prospect of the Most Famous Parts of the World, London, 1676-5. |
#22 | 1676 | Speed (John)] | Jamaica | A Map of Jamaica Sold by Thomas Basset in Fleet street, and Richard Chiswell in St. Pauls Church yard (19¾x 15 ins). Half of a sheet with Barbados from A Prospect of the most famous parts of the world ... by John Speed, for T. Basset & R. Chiswell, London, 1676 [page 48]. For illustration see M.C.C. 21 'Maps of Barbados' Plate 111. | |
#23 | 1678 | Slaney (Edward) | Jamaica | Tabula Iamaicae Insulae Per Edw: Slaney 1678. Sold by Will Berry at the Globe betwixt Chering Cross & White Hall [London] (24½ x 17½ ins). Dedication to James, Duke of York; empty frame lower right. Specimen in the NYL is by Robert Morden 1678 and the has a copy in the Morden Atlas 1688. | |
Link | #24 | 1680 | Morden (Robert) | Jamaica | Insula Jamaicae (5 x 4¼ ins). From Geography Rectified, London, 1680. Also editions of 1688, 1693, 1700. Appears also in Atlas Terrestris, London [1700] |
Link | #24 | 1680 | Morden (Robert) | Jamaica | A map of the Western Islands. From Geography Rectified, London, 1680. |
#25 | 1680 | Moxon (James) | Jamaica | Jamaica, according to the last Survey. To Mr. John Wood gent. this mapp is Humbly dedicated by James Moxon. [London, c. 1680] (20¾ x 17 ins). A copy of the Ogilby map with a different cartouche. | |
Link | #26 | 1680 | Visscher (Nicolaus) | Jamaica | Jamaica, America Septentrionalis ampla insula, a Christophoro Columbo detecta, in suas aubernationes peraccurate Distincta. L.V. Anse Schulp [Amsterdam, 1680 ] (20¼ x 23½ ins). The specimen is dated 1670? and the L.C. has a Visscher atlas listed 1690? |
#27 | 1680-1720 | Visscher (Nicolaus) | Jamaica | With the additional imprint of P. Schenk [Amsterdam, c. 1720] | |
#28 | 1683 | Voogt (C. J.) | Jamaica | Pas kaart van de zuyd kust van Cuba en van geheel Yamaica . . . Door C. J. Vooght (23 x20 ins). Includes the south coast of Cuba and the whole of Jamaica. This map is of interest because of two large scale insets: 'Baya Oristan in Yimaica in't groodt. Baya Yamaica in't groodt'. From J. van Keulen's Sea Atlas, Amsterdam, 1683 [plate No. 12], and De groote nieuwe ver- meerderde zee-atlas, Amsterdam, 1695. There were several reissues up to 1783. | |
Link | 1683 | Mallett | |||
#29 | 1683 | Unknown | Jamaica | An exact map of Jamaica, W.I. (8½ x 17 ins). From The Laws of Jamaica, 1683. | |
#30 | 1684 | Unknown | Jamaica | A New and exact map of the Island of Jamaica W.I. (22⅝ x 52 ins). From The Laws of Jamaica, 1684. | |
#31 | 1685 | Lea (Philip) | Jamaica | A New Mapp of the Island of Jamaica ... With the names of the present proprietors. According to a late survey thear of P. Lea. [London, 1685] (10 x22 ins). Inset 'A new draught of Port Royal by Anthony Wilhams'. At top of page is 'A Generall Mapp of the Continent and Islands which bee Adjacent to Jamaica, ... The L.C. lists a copy in the Lea Atlas 1700 and in J. van Keulen's The Great and Newly enlarged sea atlas, Amsterdam, 1682-6. | |
#32 | 1685-1710 | Lea (Philip) | Jamaica | Another edition: George Wildey at Ye Great Toy Spectacle, Chinaware and Print Shop | |
#33 | 1685 | Seller (John) | Jamaica | Insulae Iamaicae. By John Seller (5 x 5¾ ins). From Jamaica Almanac by John Seller, Sold by the author ... and by John Seller, junior, London, 1685. Also appears in A New System of Geography 1703. | |
#34 | 1689 | Thornton (John) | Jamaica | The Island of Jamaica [with inset] A Draft of the Harbor of Port Royall and of all ye Kees (20¾ x 16 ins). From The English Pilot, The Fourth Book, W. Fisher & J. Thornton, London, 1689. Appeared in the numerous reissues of the English Pilot. In [1773] a new chart was introduced. See also under 1767 Griexson. | |
#35 | 1690 | Unknown | St Ann | The Draught of a survey of the Harbour of St. Ann and part of the Plantations ajacent Laying on the North Side of the Island of Iamaica in the latitude of 18° 30 North. (20¼ x 14¾ ins). `A scale of 310 perches or one mile'. No imprint of date or mapmaker, c. 1690-1722. | |
#36 | 1692 | Coronelli (M. Vincenzo) | Jamaica | Isola de lames o Giamaica . . . possedutta dal Re Britannico Divisa in Parrocchie (11¾ x8¾ ins). On a large sheet with separate maps of Cuba, Hispanola and Islandia. From Coronelli's Corso Geografico Universal . . . Venice, 1692-4. [plate No. 167] . This atlas was also published in editions of 1689-92 and 1694-97. | |
#37 | 1694 | Sloane (Sir Hans)] | Port Royal | A chart of Port Royal, ye Keys, Soundings, Shoalds, etc. Philosoph: trans No. 209 (6 x 7⅝ ins). From Transactions of the Royal Soc., 1694, to accompany the descriptions contributed by Sir Hans Sloane. Reproduced in Journal of the Institute of Jamaica (I Short Sc.), page 191 (Vol. I No. 5), Jan. 1893. | |
#38 | 1694 | Universal Museum | Jamaica | A correct map of the Island of Jamaica. Engraved for the Universal Museum [London, c. 1694-1703] (7¼- x4¼ ins). | |
# 39 | 1696 | Lea (Philip) | Jamaica / Port Royal | The Explanations of the Marks in the Island of Jamaica [with inset] A chart of Port Royal ye Keys, Soundings Shoals (22x 10 ins). Lower half of sheet: 'The Principall Islands in America ... Sold by Phillip Lea at the Atlas and Hercules in Cheapside'. From Frederick de Wit's Atlas, London, 1696 [plate No. 140] , | |
#40 | 1700 | Browne (Christopher) | Jamaica / Port Royal | A New Map of the Island of Jamaica [with inset] The Harbour of Port Royall (24 x 11½ ins). Lower half of sheet: A new Map of the Enghsh Empire in the Ocean of America or West Indies [Bermudos, Tobago, Antego, &c.] Browne at the Globe near the west end of St. Pauls Church. I. Harris Sculp. London [c. 1700] 24x 20 ins. Based on Lea's Principal Islands in America, with Jamaica slightly enlarged. | |
#41 | 1700-1721 | Revised by I. Senex | Jamaica | From Senex's New General Atlas, London, 1721. | |
#42 | 1700 | Lea (Philip) | The Island of Jamaica (6 x 5 ins). From Hydrographia Universalis, London, c. 1700 [plate No. 127]. | ||
#43 | 1700 | Thornton (John) | Jamaica, Barbados | Jamaica Inset with Barbados on sheet : A General Chart of The West Indies. By John Thornton Hydrographer. At the Signe of the Platt in the Minories, London (21 x 17¼ ins). From Atlas Maritimus, London [1700] Another version of this map with slightly altered title has the map of Jamaica erased. | |
#44 | 1704) | Wells (Edgar)] | Jamaica | I. of Jamaica (6½ x 2¾ ins). Inset on map 'A New Map of the ... Plantations of the English in America'. Sutton Nicholls sculp. From A New Sett of Maps both of Antient and Present Geography, Oxford, 1700. Several other editions up to [1738] | |
#45 | 1702 | Mount (R.) & Page (T.) |
West Indies | A chart of the West India from Newfoundland to the river Oronoque [with inset] Jamaica From Atlas Maritimes Novus, London, 1702 [plate No. 27] | |
#46 | 1705 | Bragg (B.) | Jamaica | The Island of Jamaica (6¼ x4½ ins). A plain map, in Jamaica Viewed, 3rd edition, London, 1705 by Captain Edm. Hickeringill. | |
#47 | 1707 | Aa (Pieter van der) | Jamaica, Cuba | Cuba en Iamaica, soo als die door Kolumbus ontdekt, en by de Kastilianen bevolkt syn. (8¾ x 6 ins). From Cartes des itineraires & Voiages modernes, Leiden, 1707. | |
#48 | 1707 | Sloane (Sir Hans)] | Jamaica | A New Map of the Island of Jamaica (21½ x 10 ins). Inset: The Harbour of Port-Royall. Appears on a sheet with charts of the Western Ocean and Caribee Islands. From A Voyage to the Islands of Madera, Barbadoes, Nieves, St. Christophers and Jamaica with the Natural History, London 1707-25. [In Vol. I] | |
Link | #49 | 1708 | Moll (Herman) | Jamaica | A New Map of the Island of Jamaica (10 x 7 ins). From Oldmixon's The British Empire in America, 2 vols., London, 1708 [Vol. II, page 266]. Also appears in Moll's Forty two new maps of Asia, Africa and America, 1716, his Atlas Geo- graphus, 5 vols. 1711-17 [in Vol. V] and was reissued towards the end of the century by Carington Bowles. |
#50 | 1708 | Mount (Richard) | Jamaica | Jamaica (8¾ x 5 ins). Inset top left on chart: A Generall Chart of the West India. Sold by R. Mount at the Postern on Great Tower Hill London. 20}x 17f ins. In: Atlas Maritimus Novus, Mount & Page, 1708. | |
#51 | 1713 | Savonarola (R.)] | Jamaica | Iamaica From Universus terrarum orbis ... delineatus, Patavii, 1713. | |
#52 | 1714 | Fer (Nicholas de) | Jamaica | L'Isle de La Jamaique, divisee par Paroisses, Dressee sur les Memoires Anglois par le Sr. de Fer. [Paris, c. 1714] (13½ x 9 ins). Appears to be based on Blome's map. A note, 'Description de L'Isle de la Jamaique', appeared with the map on a separate sheet dated 1714. | |
1715 | Senex | ||||
#53 | 1719 | Chatelain (H. A.)] | Jamaica | Carte de la Jamaique (9 x 5¾ ins). This is an inset at top of sheet 16 x 20 ins. which include six insets of des Iles & Terres que les Anglois Possedent dans l'Amerique Septentrionale, et en Particulier de la Jamaique'. There is a profusion of text in French. From Guedeville's Atlas Historique, Paris, 1705-20 (Page 100, Tome VI, No. 26). The lists an edition, Amsterdam, 1732-39. , | |
#54 | 1728 | Moll (Herman) | Jamaica | The Island of Jamaiea. Divided into its Principal Parishes with the Roads, &c. By H. Moll. Geographer 1728 (10⅞ x 8 ins). From Atlas Minor, London, 1729. The map appears undated in the many later editions of this work and in Thomas Salmon's Modern History: or the Present State of all Nations 1725-38, 1739 and 1746. Another edition, 10⅜ x 7¾ ins. Closely copied from the above, with the addition of the letters NNN outside the bottom right border, and although dated 1728 and attributed to Moll it appears in piracies of Moll's works issued by the Dublin publisher Grierson: Modern History, Dublin, 1739; and Just Publish'd Atlas Minor, Dublin [1740] . | |
#55 | 1730 | Candler (B.) | Jamaica | A chart of the Windward Passage including Jamaica ... by B. Candler [1730] (33¾ x23¼ ins). | |
#56 | 1730 | Seutter (Matthias) | Jamaica | Nova Designatio Insulae Jamaicae ex Antillanis Americae Septentrion ... a Matthaeo Seuttero [Augsburg, c. 1730] (22¼ x 19¼ ins). | |
#57 | 1733 | Popple (Henry) | Kingston Harbour Port Antonio Harbour |
Kingston Harbour in Jamaica (6 x 4 ins). A Plan of the Harbour of Port Antonio in Jamaica (6 x 6 ins). Inset plans on sheet 16 of: 'A Map of the British Empire in America with the French and Spanish Settlements adjacent thereto. by Henry Popple. Sold by S. Harding on the Pavement in St. Martins Lane, and W. H. Toms Engraver in Union Court near Hatton Garden Holborn. |
#58 | 1733 | Popple (Henry) | Kingston Port Antonio |
(1¼ x ⅞ ins). (1¼x 1¼ ins). Inset plans on the key sheet to the above. , , , |
#59 | 1737 | Homann (Heirs of J. B.) | Jamaica | Insula Iamaica in suas parochias divisa (6 x 12 ins). The Jamaica map appears on a sheet, 'Die Enghsche Colonie-Laender', with maps of Bermudes, Antegoa, St. Christophorie and Barbadoes. From the Homann Heixs' Grosser Atlas, Nuremburg, 1737. | |
#60 | 1740 | Buache (Philippe) | Jamaica | Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique aux Anglois ... 1740 A Paris sur le Quay de la Megisserie près le Pont Neuf. Avec Privilege du Roy (12½ x 9½ ins). Plate No. 9 from Plans des Isles, Rades, et Ports de plusieurs lieux en Amerique, Paris, 1740-1. | |
#61 | 1740 | Buache (P.) | Kingston Harbour | Port de Kingston dans la Jamaique. Quay de la Megis- serie au St. Esprit pros le Pont Neuf. P.B. 1740 Inset on plate No. 9 of Plans des Isles, Rades. | |
#62 | 1740 | Foster (G.) | Jamaica Port Royal Harbour |
A New Map of the Island of Jamaica. Publish'd July 4. 1740 . . . by G. Foster at ye White Horse in St. Pauls Ch: Yard London (21 x 9¾ ins). Inset: Harbour of Port Royal. | |
#63 | 1740 | Hodges (J.) | Jamaica Port Royal Harbour |
A new Map of the Island of Jamaica. About 11 x 21 ins. With inset of Harbor of Port Royal; no signature, from A New History of Jamaica, printed for J. Hodges, London, 1740. |
#64 | 1746 | Le Rouge (G. L.) | Jamaica | La Jamaique Aux Anglois dans le Golfe du Mexique. A Paris Chez le Srle Rouge, 1746. La Bermude aux Anglois. together (10½ x 8 ins). From Nouvel Atlas Portatif . A Paris chez le Sr. le Rouge, 1748. A second edition appeared in 1756-9 and this map was reissued by Crépy in 1767. For illustration see M.C.C. 19 'Maps of Bermuda' Plate XVII. | |
#65 | 1747 | Bowen (Emanuel) | Jamaica Port Antonio |
A New & Accurate Map of the Island of Jamaica. Divided into its Principal Parishes . . . By Eman. Bowen (16½ x13½ ins). Insets of Port Antonio & St. Francis, and Port Royal. From A Complete System of Geography, London, 1744-7, and A Complete Atlas, London, 1752. |
#66 | 1753 | Bellin (J. N.) | Jamaica | Carte Reduite de 1'Isle de la Jamaique . . . 1753 (34¾ x 21½ ins). Jamaica Showing part of South Cuba. This chart was issued in numerous editions to 1807 with slight additional imprints such as the Depot de la Marine and a Face of Knowledge stamp. | |
#67 | 1753 | Bontein (Archibald) | Jamaica Port Toyal Kingston |
A Map of the Island of Jamaica With Exact Plans of the Towns of Port Royal and Kingston by Archibald Bontein his Majesty's Chief Engineer in ye said Island during the late war. J. Noual scrib. Published 1st March 1753 (29 x 19¼ ins). | |
#68 | 1755 | Bowles (John & Carington) |
Jamaica | A New Map of Jamaica . . . from actual surveys made by Mr. Sheffield and others [inset] A General Plan of Port Royal. London, Printed for John and Carington Bowles, 1755 (21½ x18½ ins.) | |
#69 | 1755-1771 | Bowles (John & Carington) |
Jamaica | -- Printed for Carington Bowles, London, Published 1st. Jan. 1771 , | |
#70 | 1755-1790 | Bowles (John & Carington) |
Jamaica | Bowie's New one-sheet map of Jamaica, divided into its Parishes. Printed for Bowles & Carver, 69 in St. Pauls Churchyard [c. 1785-90] | |
#71 | 1755 | Browne (Patrick) | Jamaica | A New Map of Jamaica . . . from actual Surveys Made by Mr. Sheffield and others, from the year 1730 to the year 1749 . . . by Patk. Browne. 1. Bayly sculp. Printed for & Sold by John Bowles in Cornhil and Carington Bowles in St. Pauls Church Yard, London. Published . . . 1755 (50¼ x 26¾. Ins). Drawn on a scale of roughly 1 in. to the mile this is the first large-scale map of Jamaica and indicates the gentlemen's seats, forts, sugar works, indigo settlements, &c. | |
#72 | 1755-1790 | Browne (Patrick) | Jamaica | Another edition published by R. Wilkinson and Carington Bowles, London c. 1790 B. M. | |
#73 | 1755 | Le Rouge (G. L.) | Kingston Port Royal |
Kingston, capitale de la Jamaique, batie par les anglois en 1692 [plate No. 9]. Port Royal de Jamaique [plate No. 10]. From Recueil des plans de l'Amerique Septentrionale, Paris, 1755. | |
#74 | 1756 | Browne (Patrick)] | Jamaica | A correct Map of Jamaica. Printed for the author (21 x 9½ ins). From The Civil and Natural History of Jamaica . . . By Patrick Browne M.D., London, 1756 [plate No. 1] | |
#75 | 1756 | Jones (Richard) | Port Royal Harbours Kingston. Harbours |
A correct draft of the Harbours of Port Royal and Kingston. J. Mynde Sculp. 1756 (26¾ x 19 ins). | |
1757 | Ehret | ||||
#76 | 1758 | Bellin (J. N.) | Jamaica | Carte Particuliere de l'Isle de la Jamaique. Paris, 1758 (36x 22 ins). A large scale map issued in several following editions with imprints of the Dépôt de la Marine and a Face of Knowledge Stamp. | |
#77 | 1758 | Bellin (J. N.) | Jamaica | Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique Par le S. Bellin Ingen. de la Marine 1758 (12½ x 8¼ ins). From Prevost's Histoire generale des voyages, Paris, 1746-89 [in Vol. XV, 1759] and in La Harpe's Abrégé de l'Histoire Generale des Voyages, 1780. | |
#78 | 1758-9 | Bellin (J. N.) | Jamaica & Harbours | The following five charts of Jamaica appeared in Description Geographique des Isles Antilles, Paris, Didot, 1758- [9] Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique Par le Sr. Bellin Ingr. de la Marine 1759 (12½ x 8 ins). Carte des Havres de Kingstown et de Port Royal (11½ x 7½ ins). Plan de la Ville de Kingston (11½ x 7¾ ins). Plan de la Ville de Port Royal (6 x 7¾ ins). Plan des Havres de Port Antonio et de Sainct Francois Situés a la Coste du Nord Est de l'Isle de la Jamaique (6 x 8 ins). The general map is very similar to the 1758 version but with altered date and no Vol. or page numbering. |
1758 | Bonne (Rigobert) | Jamaica | Carte de I'Isle de la Jamaique | ||
Link | #79 | 1760 | Cole (B., engraver) | Jamaica | A correct map of Jamaica (7¾ x 4¼ ins). From The Royal Magazine or Gentlemen's Monthly Companion, J. Coote, London, Sept. 1760 [from Vol. 3, page 144] |
#80 | 1761 | Bishop (Robert) | Jamaica | The Island of Jamaica (22 x 8 ins.) Inset on chart: An Accurate Draught of the Windward Passage from Jamaica ... Robert Bishop. Engraved by Eman. Bowen. London, Published by the Author May 20 1761. 2 sheets, each (28 x 20 ins). | |
#81 | 1761 | Covens & Mortier | Jamaica | Plan of the Harbour of Port Antonio in Jamaica. Kingston Harbour in Jamaica Two insets on a sheet 'Les principales fortresses, ports, &c. de l'Amérique Septentrionale' which forms one of seven sheets of the reduced French edition of Popple. From Covens & Mortier's Atlas Nouveau, Amsterdam [1761] | |
#82 | 1761 | Covens & Mortier | Jamaica | Kingston. Port Antonio Two insets on 'A map of the british empire in America ... by Henry Popple'. This forms part of the same work as above. | |
Link | #83 | 1762 | Gentlemens Magazine. | Jamaica | A Map of the Island of Jamaica. Engraved Gibson (6¾ x 3⅝ ins). From The Gentlemens Magazine, London, April 1762. |
Link | #83 | 1762 | Gibson | Jamaica | A Map of the Island of Jamaica. Engraved Gibson (6¾ x 3⅝ ins). |
#84 | 1763 | Bellin (J. N.) | Jamaica | The following five charts of Jamaica appeared in Tome No. 1 of Petit Atlas Francois, Paris, 1763. They were reissued with the addition of volume and page numbers in Petit Atlas Marilime, Paris, 1764. They are similar to those of 1758- [9] | |
· Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique (12 x 8 ins). Tome 1 No. 56 [Copy of the map of 1758, see no. 77] | |||||
· B. Carte des Havres de Kingston et de Port Royal, (11 x 8¾ ins). Tome 1 No. 57 | |||||
· C. Ville de Port Royal, (6 x 8 ins). Tome 1 No. 58 | |||||
· D. Plan de la Ville de Kingston Suivant le projet donne par le Colonel Christian Lilly, (8 x 11½ ins). Tome 1 No. 59 | |||||
· E. Plan des Havres de Port Antonio et de Saint Francois —Situes a la Coste du Nord Est de l'Isle de la Jamaique, (6 x 8 ins). Tome 1 No. 60 | |||||
#85 | 1763 | Craskell (Thomas) & Simpson (James) |
Jamaica | The Map of the Island of Jamaica . . . from actual surveys performed by T. Craskell Eng. and J. Simpson, Sur. 1756-61. D. Fourmer, del. London 1763 (48x 38¼ ins) | |
#86 | 1763 | Craskell (T.) & Simpson (J.) |
Jamaica, Cornwall | Map of the County of Cornwall in the Island of Jamaica (surveyed 1756-61) [London, c. 1762-3] (38 x47½ ins). | |
#87 | 1763 | Craskell (T.) & Simpson (J.) |
Jamaica, Middlesex | Map of the County of Middlesex in the Island of Jamaica (surveyed 1756-61). [London c. 1762-3] (38½ x48½ ins). | |
#88 | 1763 | Craskell (T.) & Simpson (J.) |
Jamaica, Surrey | Map of the County of Surrey in the Island of Jamaica (surveyed 1756-61) [London, c. 1762-3] (38 x47½ ins). | |
#89 | 1763 | Kitchin (Thomas) A | Jamaica | New Map of the Island of Jamaica divided into its parishes . . Drawn from the best surveys by Thos. Kitchin-Geog'r. (16 x 12 ins). From The London Magazine, for R. Baldwin, July 1763 [opposite page 348 ], | |
#90 | 1763 | Rossi (D. V., engraver) | Jamaica | Carta rappresentante l'Isola della Giammaica (12½ x8 ins). Copied from Bellin. From Il Gazzettiere American° . . . del Nuovo Mondo, by Marco Cortellini, Livorno, 1763 [Vol. 2 page 104] . Also in Atlante dell 'America, Presso Gio. Tommaso Mosi e comp., Livorno, 1777 [plate No. 21]. | |
#91 | 1766 | Speer (J. S.) | Jamaica, Harbours | The following four charts of Jamaica appeared in The West India Pilot, published by J. Speer and sold by S. Hooper, London, 1766. The same plans, engraved by Prinald, were published in 1771 | |
· A plan of the Harbour of Port Royal in the island of Jamaica (13¼x 10½ ins). | |||||
· B Plan of Lucia Harbour on the north side of Jamaica in Latd. 18° 23' (12¼ x 8½ ins). | |||||
· C Plan of Mantica Bay on the north side of Jamaica (14½ x 9 ins). | |||||
· D. Plan of Blewfields Harbour in the island of Jamaica (12¼ x 9¾ ins). | |||||
#92 | 1767 | Grierson (G.) | Jamaica | The Island of Jamaica Sold by George Grierson at the two Bibles in Essex Street Dublin 204x 151 ins. A pirated version of the 1689 Thornton; a close copy except for the imprint. From The English Pilot The Fourth Book. Dublin Printed by Boulter Grierson, 1767. , |
#93 | 1770 | Scheibers (J. C.) | Jamaica | Neue Charte von der Insul Iamaica. Leipzig, [1770] (10 x 6½ ins). | |
#94 | 1771 | Speer (J. S.) | Jamaica, Port Antonio | A Plan of Port Antonio, on the north-east side of Jamaiea. Prinald sculp. (15¾ x 10¾ ins). From the enlarged second edition of The West India Pilot, sold by S. Hooper, London, 1771 [plate No. 7] , | |
#95 | 1773 | Kitchin (Thomas) | Jamaica | A new Map of the Island of Jamaica, divided into its Parishes [inset] Port Royal (16½ x11¾ ins). Probably from Kitchin's General Atlas, London, 1773. | |
#96 | 1773 | Mount & Page. | Jamaica | A New & Correct Chart of the Island of Jamaica with its Bays, Harbours. Rocks, Soundings, etc. Sold by .J. Mount & T. Page on Tower hill (27 x 18 ins). This chart replaces Thornton's of 1689. From The English Pilot, for J. Mount & T. Page, on Tower-Hill, London, 1773. Also appears in editions to 1789. | |
#97 | 1774 | Jefferys (Thomas)] | Jamaica | Jamaica. [London, c. 1774] (24 x 18 ins). An unfinished map—probably a proof copy of Jefferys' Jamaica issued in the West India Atlas, 1775. | |
#98 | 1774 | Kitchin (T.) | Jamaica | Island of Jamaica, Divided into Counties, and Parishes, according to the best Authorities, by Thos. Kitchin Geogr. Hydrographer to his Majesty. 1774. Publish'd June 1 st 1774 (25 x 12¼ ins). From Edward Long's History of Jamaica, T. Lowndes, London, 1774. Also in Patrick Browne's Civil and Natural History of Jamaica, London, 1789. | |
#99 | 1774 | Kitchin (T.) | Jamaica | Map of Jamaica, according to a Survey made in the year MDCLXX. T. Kitchin Sculp. (13¼ x 7½ ins). From Edward Long's History of Jamaica, T. Lowndes, London, 1774 [from Vol. 1, page 378, Plate 3] | |
#100 | 1774 | Kitchin (T.) | Jamaica, Port Royal | A draught of the Harbours of Port Royal and Kingston Published as the act directs 1 June 1774. (17½ x 12¾ ins). From The History of Jamaica, London, 1774 [from Vol. 2, page 102, plate No. X] | |
#101 | 1775 | Jefferys (T.) | Jamaica | Jamaica from the latest surveys; improved and en- graved by Thomas Jefferys. Printed for Robt. Sayer, London 1775 (24 x 18 ins). From The West Indian Atlas, London, 1775. [sheet No. 23]. There was a second edition in 1779-80 and another in 1794 by Laurie & Whittle. In 1810 a new edition appeared, another in 1820 (R. H. Laurie) and another in 1856. | |
#102 | 1775 | Jefferys (T.) | Jamaica | The Island of Jamaica and Cape Gracias a Dios with the Banks. By Thos. Jefferys Geograph. to His Majesty. London, Printed for Robt. Sayer as the act directs 20 Feb. 1775. (24 x 19 ins). From Jefferys' West Indian Atlas, London, 1775. There was a second edition issued 1779-80. There was another edition of the map, Sayer, 1792. | |
#103 | 1778 | Bonne (Rigobert) | Jamaica | Carte de I'Isle de la Jamaique, Par M. Bonne, Ingénieur-Hydrographe de la Marine (12¾ x 8½ ins). From Atlas de Toutes les parties connues du Globe terrestre, Paris, 1780 [plate No. 38]. | |
#104 | 1778 | Zatta (Antonio) | Jamaica | La Giammaica (16½ x 12½ ins). From Atlante Novissimo, Venice, 1778. | |
1778 | R. De Vaugondy,Paris | Jamaica | |||
#105 | 1779 | Bonne (R.) | Jamaica | Carte des isles de Cuba et de la Jamaique From Atlas portatif a !'usage des colleges, by L. Grenet, Paris, 1779-82? | |
#106 | 1779 | Lattré (Jean) | Jamaica | L'Isle de la Jamaique, par M. T. J. ingenier Anglois. Paris, (27¾ x 19 ins). A French copy of Jefferys' work with inset of Kingston-Port Royal and Port de Bluefields. | |
#107 | 1779 | Sayer & Bennett. | Jamaica, Lucia & Montego Bay Harbours | Plan of Lucia Harbour and Mantega Bay in Jamaica. London, Printed for R. Sayer, and J. Bennett, N° 53, Fleet Street ... July 1st 1779 (22½x 17½ ins). From A New and Accurate Chart of the West-India Islands, London, 1779. Appears with date altered to 1788 in The West India Atlas, London, 1794, and with date erased in later editions of the latter. | |
#108 | 1779 | Sayer & Bennett | Jamaica, Port Antonio | The Harbours of Port Antonio, in Jamaica. London. Printed for R. Sayer, and J. Bennett, N° 53, Fleet Street . . . July 1st 1779 (22 x 17½ ins). From A New and Accurate Chart of the West-India Islands, London, 1779 [plate No. 19]. Appears with date altered to 1788 in The West India Atlas, London, 1794, and with date erased in later editions of the latter | |
#109 | 1780 | Bew (J.) | Jamaica | A chart of the Island of Jamaica . . . Jno Lodge Sculp. Published 31st Aug. 1780 by J. Bew (10¼x 15 ins). From The Political Magazine, R. Butters, London, 1780 [vol. 1, page 549]. | |
#110 | 1780 | Des Barres (Joseph Frederick W.) | Jamaica, Montego Bay | A Chart of Montego Bay on the North West Shore of the Island of Jamaica. Published . . . August 20th 1780. Port Antonio on the North East Shore of the Island of Jamaica (20½ x28¾ ins). Printed together on one sheet; Montego Bay on scale of 4 ins=1 mile, Poxt Antonio on scale of 500 fathoms= 4½ ins. Though not called for in the list of plates this map occurs in some copies of the Atlantic Neptune. | |
#111 | 1780 | Des Barres (Joseph Frederick W.) |
Jamaica, Pprt Royal | A chart of Port Royal and Kingston Harbours in the Island of Jamaica Composed and Published from the Deposit of Surveys in the Office of the Right Honorable the Lords of Trade [London, 1780] two sheets, together 40 x 29 ins. Scale 2½ ins. = 1 mile. Appears in some copies of the Atlantic Neptune though not called for in the Table of Contents. , |
#112 | 1780 | Le Rouge (G. L.) | Jamaica | Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique Dressee Par Jefferys (11¼ x 7¼ ins. 4 On sheet 221 x 15+ ins., with Grenade, Dominique and St. Vincent. A note on the map of Grenada carries the date, July 1779, | |
#113 | 1780 | Lopez (Don Thomas) | Jamaica | Carta de la Isla de la Jamayca divideda en diez y nieve parroquias o quartoles. Por Don T. Lopez. Madrid, 1780. | |
#114 | 1780 | Unknown | Jamaica | A new Map of the Island of Jamaica, from an actual survey [no imprint, c. 1780] (14¼ x 10⅛ ins). The B.M. ascribes a date of c. 1800. , | |
#115 | 1781 | Bellin (J. N.) | Jamaica | Carta dell' Isola Giammaica Di Mr. Bellin Inge. della Marina (12¼x 8 ins). A copy and translation of Bellin's original map. From Theatro della Guerra Marittima, Venice, 1781. | |
#116 | 1781 | Jamaica | Jamaica | Plano de Pverto Antonio I Lvgares Adyacents Situado en la Parte del Norte de la Ysla de Jamayca . . . por el Teniente Coroul Dn. Franco de Miranda en el Mes de Novembre de 1781 . . . Delineado por Berlin-Guieri. [Madrid, 1781 ?] (25¼ x 17½ ins). | |
#117 | 1781 | Laporte (Joseph de)] | Jamaica | Isle de la Jamaique . . . fut découverte par Christophe Colomb, qui la nomma l'Isle S. Jacques; ella a été aux Espagnols, et elle est a present aux Anglois (8¾ x 7 ins). From Atlas Moderne Portatif, Paris 1781, 1786. Also reissued in Atlas on collection de cartes geographiques, Paris, 1787. | |
#118 | 1782 | Bew (J.) | Jamaica, Port Royal | A Draught of the Harbours of Port Royal and Kingston in Jamaica with the Fortifications correctly laid down. In. Lodge Sculp. Published by J. Bew, London, 1782. (10 x 14 ins). | |
#119 | 1782 | Keulen (G. H. van)] | Jamaica | Jamaiea From De neuwe groote lichtende zee fakkel, Amsterdam, 1782. | |
#120 | 1782 | Lopez (Don Juan) | Jamaica | Carta de Los Puertos de Kingston y Puerto Real. Madrid, 1782 There are four small charts on one sheet: Kingston, Bluefields, Puerto Real & Kingston Hbr., (14 x 15½ ins). | |
#121 | 1782 | Lopez (Don T.) | Jamaica | Carta nautica que comprehende los desemboc- aderos al Mar del Norte viniendo de la Jamayca y del Isla de Santo Domingo. Madrid, 1782 , | |
#122 | 1782 | Raspe (G. N.) | Kart van den eylande Jamaica durch den Hrn. Bellin 1758 (7½ x 12 ins). From Geschichte der kriege in and ausser Europa, Nurnberg, 1782. | ||
#123 | 1782 | [Scotch Magazine?] | Jamaica, Port Royal | Port Royal and Kingston in Jamaica with the Fortifications correctly laid down—also all the Keys and shoals Adjacent. London, Feb. 1782 (14½ x 10 ins). | |
#124 | 1785 | Bachiene (Willem A.) | Jamaica | Kaart van het eiland Jamaika From Atlas tot opheldering der hedendaagsche historie . . . by M. Schalekamp, Amsterdam, 1785-87. | |
#125 | 1785 | Campbell (Archibald) | Jamaica | Survey of the South coast of Jamaica, extending from four mile Wood in St. David's to the west end of Old Harbour in Clarendon, showing the river and gulleys . . . by Major General Archd. Campbell, Governor and Commander in Chief of the Island. Arch. Campbell, delt. 1785 (35¾x 25½ ins). | |
Link | #126 | 1785 | Gentlemen's Magazine. | Jamaica, Port Royal | Old Port Royal. London, 1785 (12¼ x 7 ins). |
#127 | 1786 | Depot de la Marine. | Jamaica | Carte de l'Isle de la Jamaique [from the English survey of Thomas Craskell & J. Simpson. With inset] Ports de Kingson et de Port Royal. Sept. 1786 (34½ x 23 ins). Another edition, An VIII [1800] , , | |
#128 | 1787 | Bonne (R.) | Jamaica | Isles de Cuba et de la Jamaique From Atlas Encyclopédique, by R. Bonne & N. Desmarest, Paris, 1787-88 | |
#129 | 1793 | Leard (John) | A collection of charts in Pilot for Jamaica and the Windward Passages, published by J. Leard and sold by Mount & Davidson and W. Faden, London, 1792-93. A later edition was 'Printed for and sold by H. Smith, Successor to Mount & Davidson' [c. 1805] | ||
· I The Island of Jamaica, Drawn from observations made by order of Philip Affleck between the years 1789 & 1793 by J. Leard. S. J. Neele Sculpt. (31½ x 18½ ins). | |||||
· II Port Royal & Kingston Harbours (survey by Geo. Vancouver & Jos. Whidbey, Master of H.M.S. Europa) (19½ x 22 ins). | |||||
· III Plan of Port Royal & Kingston Harbor, with Cow Bay and Salt Pond Bay. Surveyed by I. Leard 1791-92. S. F. Neele, Sculp. [with directions for sailing into Port Royal Harbour] (31¼ x 13½ ins). | |||||
· IV The Plan of the Anchorage at Morant Bay. Surveyed by J. Leard 1792. (26x 14¼ ins.) | |||||
· V The Plan Old Harbour Long's Wharf Salt River Peake Bay and Walkers Bay (surveyed by J. Leard & Wm. Buller in 1791) (28 x 22¼ ins). | |||||
· VI A Plan of Port Morant . surveyed by J. Leard in 1792 (18½ x 13½ ins). | |||||
· VII Port Antonio on the North Side of Jamaica (surveyed by John Leard Master and S. Seymour Mate of H.M.S. Centurion in 1790) (14¾ x 18¼ ins). | |||||
· VIII St. Ann's Bay Jamaica (surveyed by J. Leard and S. Seymour in 1790) (19x 13 ins). | |||||
· IX Martha Brae, Jamaica (surveyed by J. Leard & S. Seymour 1790) (19x 13 ins). | |||||
· X Montego Bay on the North side Jamaica (surveyed by J. Leard & Stephen Seymour, 1791) (20¼ x 13½ ins). | |||||
· XI The Harbour of Lucea on the North side Jamaica (surveyed by Jn. Leard & Stephen Seymour in 1790) (18½x 13 ins). | |||||
· XII Plan of the Anchorage at Savanna La Mer, Jamaica (surveyed by J. Leard 1791) [Note on where the Monarch struck in 1782] (19½x 12½ ins). | |||||
· XIII A Plan of the Anchorage at Blewfields Jamaica (surveyed by J. Leard & Wm. Buller 1791) (17¾x 13¼ ins). | |||||
· XIV Musquito Cove on the North side Jamaica surveyed by John Leard & Stephen Seymour 1792 (20 x 11½ ins). | |||||
· XV To Philip Affleck Esqr. . . . this chart, a plan of the Island of Jamaica & the plans of the principal Harbours & anchoring places . . . surveyed .. . 1780 . . . is dedicated by John Leard. S. J. Neele Sculp. London 1792 (38x 29 ins). | |||||
#130 | 1794 | Bonne (R.) | Jamaica, Cuba | Carte des isles de Cuba et de la Jamaique From Compendia di geografia arnica e modern, by L'Abbé Grenet, Santini, Venice, 1794 , | |
#131 | 1794 | Edwards (Bryan) | Jamaica | A map of the Island of Jamaica, divided into counties and parishes (24½ x 12½ ins). From The History of the British Colonies in the West Indies, by Bryan Edwards Esq.; John Stock- dale, London, 1794. Other editions were published 1801, 1807 and 1818. , | |
1794 | Stockdale | Jamaica | |||
#132 | 1798 | Gauld (George) | Jamaica, Port Royal | A general Plan of the Harbours of Port Royal and Kingston, Jamaica, with the channels leading thereto and the Bays and Shoals adjacent, including wreck reef, for the Board of Admiralty by George Gauld M.A. [with insets of Fort Augusta and Plan of Port Royal, 1722] Published by Wm. Faden Jan. 1st, 1798 (31½ x 21 ins). | |
#133 | 1799 | Luffman (John) | Jamaica, Port Royal | Port Royal in Jamaica . . . Engraved for Luffman's select Plans of the principal cities, Ports Harbours & Forts in the World. Lon- don, pub. July 1, 1799 (6 x5 ins). | |
#134 | 1800 | Brown (Thomas) | Jamaica, Harbours | A New and Accurate Map of Jamaica from the latest Surveys [with two insets] The Harbour of Bluefields [and] The Harbours of Kingston and Port Royal. Gavin & Son Sculp. Published by Tho. Brown Bookseller, Edinburgh [c. 1800] (13¼ x 10 ins). | |
#135 | 1800 | Mentelle (E.) & Chanlaire (P. G.) |
Jamaica | Carte des isles de la Jamaique et de St. Domingue (17 x 12½ ins). From Atlas Universal de geographic physique et politique, Paris [1797-18011. , | |
136 | 1800 | Neele (S. J., engraver) | Jamaica | Map of Jamaica, from an actual survey [inset of Kingston and Port Royal] , London, 1800 (9 x7½ ins). | |
1803 | Robertson | Maroon Wars | |||
#137 | 1804 | Robertson (James) | Jamaica | To the King's most excellent Majesty, this Map of the Island of Jamaica, constructed from actual surveys, under the Authority of the Hon. House of Assembly . . . is inscribed by . . . James Robertson A.M. S. J. Neele, engraver. London, 1804 3 sheets, each (35½ x 75 ins). | |
#138 | 1804 | Robertson (J.) | Jamaica | To his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, this map of the County of Cornwall, in the Island of Jamaica . . . London published Nov. 1st, 1804 (64¼ x 48½ ins). | |
#139 | 1804 | Robertson (J.) | Jamaica | To his Royal Highness the Duke of York this map of the County of Middlesex in the Island of Jamaica . . . London published Nov. 1st 1804 (64½-x48½ ins). | |
#140 | 1804 | Robertson (J.) | Jamaica | To his Royal Highness the Duke of Clarence this map of the County of Surrey in the Island of Jamaica ... An account of the Quan- tity and Quality of the Lands in the Respective Parishes. S. J. Neele, engraver. London published Nov. 1st 1804 (64½ x 48½ ins). | |
#141 | 1805 | Weimar Geographisches Institut. | Jamaica | Charte von Jamaica in Kirch- spiele eingetheilt, and mit den Poststrassen . . . du Verlage des Geographischen Instituts [margin marked] Ephem XVI Bd. 1st (11¾ x 6½ ins). Probably from Verkleinerter hand-atlas . . . Weimar, 1805. There were also editions dated 1814 and 1825 | |
#142 | 1808 | Heather (William) | Jamaica | The Island of Jamaica by W. Heather 1808 [with four insets] Savanna, Portland Point, Kingston and Morant London; published as the act directs Jan. 1st 1808 (36½ x 25 ins). Another edition was 'Revised by J. W. Norie in 1832’. | |
#143 | 1808 | Ministero de Marina | Jamaica | The following nine charts on Jamaica come from the Portulano de la America Selentrional, Minstero de Marino, Direccion de hidrografia, Madrid, 1808. A second edition containing the same charts appeared in 1818 and a Mexican edition in 1825. | |
· I Puerto Antonio (9¼ x 7 ins). | |||||
· II Bahia de Sta. Ana (9¾ x 7 ins). | |||||
Link | · III Bahia de Montego (9 x 6¾ ins). | ||||
· IV Puerto de Mosquito (9 x 6¾ ins). | |||||
· V Bahia de Lucea (6¼x 9½ ins). | |||||
· VI Plano del Fondeadero de Bleufields (9¼x 7 ins). | |||||
· VII Plano de Bahia Antigua (11¾ X 9½ ins). | |||||
· VIII Plano del Puerto de Kingston y Pto. Real (11¾ x9¼ ins). | |||||
· IX Plan del Pto. Morante6 x 9¼ ins). | |||||
#144 | 1810 | Edwards (Bryan) | Jamaica | Jamaica divided into counties & parishes From A new Atlas of the British West Indies . . . E. Norford, Wilhngton & Co., Charlesdon, 1810. A new map was drawn for the American edition of B. Edwards' History of the West Indies, which this atlas accompanies. It was reissued by I. Riley in Philadelphia, 1818. | |
1812 | Arrowsmith | ||||
#145 | 1814 | Thomson (John) | Jamaica | Jamaica [with two insets] The Harbour of Bluefields [and] The Harbour of Kingston and Port Royal. T. Clerk engraver (23½x 16¾ ins). From A New General Atlas, Edinburgh, 1814 . Other editions were issued in 1816, 1817, 1821 and 1827 usually marked 'Drawn & Enlarged for Thomson's New General Atlas' and the map was enlarged to 23½ x 19½ ins. | |
#146 | 1815 | Hurd (Capt. Thomas, R.N.) | Jamaica | Martha Brae Jamaica. J. Walker Seulp. Published according to Act of Parliament by Capt. Hurd R.N. Hydro- grapher to the Admiralty 10th July 1815 [plan No. 142] (11 x 9½ ins). | |
#147 | 1815 | Hurd (Capt. T.) | Jamaica | Jamaica. Old Harbour, Long's Wharf, Salt River, Peake Bay and Walker's Bay : by J. Leard & Wm. Buller R.N. 1791. J. Walker Sculp. Pub. According to Act of Parliament by Capt. Hurd, R.N. Hydrographer to the Admiralty 7th Nov. 1815 [plan No.457] (8¼ x 11½ ins). | |
#148 | 1816 | Luffman (J.) | Jamaica | Jamaica From Laffinan's geographical & topographical atlas, London, 1815-16. | |
#149 | 1821 | Mayne (Anthony de) | Jamaica | The Island of Jamaica from observations taken on the principal Headlands [shows two profiles of the headlands and New Bank discovered in 1821] Admiralty, Hydrographic Office, London, 1821 (30¼ x 23¼ ins). Reissued in 1823. | |
#150 | 1822 | Finlayson (J.) | Jamaica | Geographical, statistical and historical map of Jamaica drawn by J. Finlayson (12 x 11 ins). From A complete historical, chronological and geographical American atlas, by H. C. Carey & I. Lea, Philadelphia, 1822 . A second edition appeared in 1827. | |
#151 | 1823 | Lucas (Fielding) | Jamaica | Jamaica (12¼ x 9 ins). Fxom A General Atlas containing distinct maps of all the known countries in the World, Baltimore, 1823 . Another edition published in 1824? , | |
#152 | 1825 | Buchon (J. A.)] | Jamaica | Jamaica [with printed text in French on either side] H. Hennequin engraver 24 x 181 ins. From Atlas Geographique, Statistique Historique . . . deux Ameriques, by J. Carez, Paris, 1825. | |
#153 | 1825 | Weimar Geographisches Institut. Geographisch-statistisehe and historische | Jamaica | Charte von Jamaika [with inset of Kayman Islands and German text on margins] (21¾ x 15½ ins). From Verlage des Geogruphischen &stains, Weimar, 1825. | |
1835 | Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, | ||||
1836 | Walker | ||||
1850 | D' Invilliers | Tourist Map of the Island of Jamaica | |||
Link | 1850 | Tallis (John) | Jamaica | ||
Link | 1850 | Tallis (John) | Jamaica | ||
Link | 1858 | Foster (Tom) | Jamaica Post Towns | ||
1860 | Fularton | ||||
Link | 1870 | Black | Jamaica | ||
Link | 1877 | Harrison | Jamaica Railway | ||
Link | 1900 | Waterlows | Jamaica Railway | ||
Link | 1897 | Unknown | Kingston Street Plan | ||
1908 | Cornish | Earthquake | |||
Link | 1924 | Unknown | Kingston Street Plan | ||
Now | Jamaica |