Page 75 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 75

76                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
         Prohibition$-Coin,  bank  and  currency  note~,  and  so  on,  unle53  addreslled  to  the
       authorised banks or sent in insured letters with full particulars of the contents and value
       on the envelope, gold  an(l silver,  jewellery.
         Limits of  weight- CMnmercial papers  -l  lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz.
         Postage-Up to 2 lb, ·1/·l; 3  lb, 6/1; 7 lb, 7/2;  11  lb,  10/3; 22 lb, 18/2.
         Customs  c/ec/arations- 2  white  forms  and  dispatrh  note.
         Prohibitions- Letters, coin, bank  and currency notes, bills 1\nd  so on.
         Parcels  must  be packed  in  wood,  tin  canvas,  linen or  simill\r material,  and  mW!t  be
       sealed  with  a  distinctive  device.
         Postage-First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  a fter,  3d.  Postc11rds  3d.
         Dutiable  :l rticles  may  be  sent by  letter  post.  Green  label  required.
         Insurance-Limit £RO  to  certain  places.
         l"imits of  weight- Printe d and  commercial  pnpers 'llb 6 oz., snmplos 1 lh 2 oz.
         Postage- Up  to 2  lb, 3/10; 3  lh, 3/10; 7  lb,  6/8;  11  lb, fl/9; 22 lb,  16/11.
         Customa dedamtic>~•a-2 white form~ and  dispatch  nolo.
         I nsurance- Limit £80  to  certain  places  .  Fee  lOd.  for each  £12 of  value.
         P rohibitions-Letters,  except  one  for  addressee,  arms,  and unmanufactured  tobacco.
         Postn{le-Pirst  oz.  2}d., each  oz.  after,  ld.  Poslcl\rds 2d.
         Dutiable  .4rticlc3  muy  be  sent  by  letter  post  (only).  Green  label  required.
         Insurance-Limit £-tOO.
         Pruhi!Jitiolls- Articles  prohibited  or  restricted  ns  parcel  post  are  likewise  prohibited
       or restricted for the letter post , except Lhnt the restrictions relating to coin, precious stones,
       etc. (see below)  do not apply  to the letter  post.  These articles may be sent in re:~istcred
       lettPr  packet.~.  (Limit ·I  lh  6 oz.)
         Liunts of weight-Commercial papers and samples 5 lb.
       Parcels :
         Postage-Up to 2  lb, 3/·1;  3  lb.  3/4; 7  lb, 4/11;  ll Jb,  6/6.
         Customs declaration- Yellow form.
         I nsurance-Limit £~00.  Fee 6d.  for each  £12 of  value.  7'he inAurtmct  of  all  parcels
       conlainiug coin, bullion, 11aluab/e jewellery, or other weciotcs articles is obligu tory.  Spccicll
        attention  is called  to  the fact  that  coin exceeding £5 in  value  (except with  dr;clarllfiou
        that it is for ornarncntnl  pu rpo~es) ond gold in ingots exceeding £5 in  volue, lliHI silver
        in ingots or ~il vcr pnrti<llly  worked exceeding £20 in value ore pro' jbited even in insured
        po red;~.
         Prohibitious-False or counterfeit money, extracts, etc. of coffee, ten, chicory, or tobacr.o;
        tobnccn. cignrs, cigarettes  pncked  with  other articles.  All shipments of  tobacco  require
        a  licence to  be secured  by  the  addrc:l:lcc  from  the  Revonue  Commissioners,  Dublin.
        CuL  and  compressed,  sweetened  or  udulterated  tobacco  is  also  prohibited.

        ISRAEL and Isra.el-occupied areas
        Letters ;
         Postagt-First  oz.  2!d.,  each  oz.  nflcr,  !cl.  Postcnrds  2d.
         DutiaL/c Articles  may be sl!nt by letter  nnd smnll  packet post.  Green  lnhel  required.
         Restriction8-Apnrt  from  immigrants'  und  touristt1  pcrsol\l\1 and  household  eiTecta,
        the importation  of  ull  goods  is  prohibited,  except  under  licence.
          Limits  of  weiyht- Conuncrciul  pnpcrs  and  sumples  5  lb.
          Poataoe-Ull to 2  lb,  6/1; 3 lb,  6/1; 7 lb,  10,'5;  11  lb, 15/9; 22 Jb,  25/5,
          Cuatoma  clcclarcztions- l  white  form  unci  dispatch  note.
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