Page 73 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 73

74                    POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
      Parcels :
       Po.~tage-Up to 2  lb, 3/-; 3  lb, 4/-; 7  lh, 5/- 11  lb, 7/-; 22 lb,  12/3.
       Customs  declarations-'2  white  forms  and  dispatch note.
       Prohibitions- Letters,  nrms,  bank  and  currency  notes,  coin  and  jewellery.
      mercinl  invoice  in  respect of  each  parcel  should  be  sent separately  by  letter
      El .lefe de  la Ojir11w de Paquetes  Postale8 at place of destination.
      HONG  KONG
       Postage- First oz. 2~d. , each oz. after, 1 d.  Postcards 2d.
       Dutirrble A rlicles  may be ~ent by letter  nod small  packet  po~t.  Green label  requi
        lusurance-T"imit £100.
       Prohibitions-Coin,  jewellery,  precious  stones.
        Limits  of weight- Commercial  papers  and samples 5  lb.
        Postage-Up to 2  lh, 3/7; 3  lb, 3/7; 7  lb,  6/8;  11  lb,  10/3; 22  lb,  17/2.
       Customs declamtion- Yellow form.
        l11surancc-Limit  £100.  Fee of  9d.,  for  each  £12  of  value.
        Postage-First oz. lid., each  oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
        Dutinble  Articles  mny  be sr.nt  by  letter,  sample  and small  packet  post.
      and  2  white  ueclnrations  (in  French)  required.
        Jns11rance- Limit .£.100.
        Limits  of toeight-Commcrcia!  pnpera  4 Jb  6 oz.,  samples 1 lb  2 oz.
      Parcels :
        Postage- Up to 2 lb, 6/ 1; 3  lb, 7/10; 7 Jh, 8/11;  11  lb, 12/3; 22 lb, 22{2.
        Customs  drclarations-2  white  forms  nod  dispatc•h  nolo.
        Boaa fide  Gift  Parcels  should  be  marked "Gift  Parcel".
      Let ters:
        Postage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
        Dutiable  A rticlPs  may  be sent  by  letter  and sample  post.  Green  label
      declarations,  lo~telher  with  a  detailed  invoice  required.
        I.iwils of weight- Commercial papers 4  lb 6  oz., samples  l  lb 2  oz.
        Postaac-Up  to 2 lb, 6/1; 3  lb, 6/1; 7 lb, 8/8; 11  lb,  11/3; 22lb, 18/8.
        Cu~tom~ declaralicms- 2  white forms  and  dispatch  note.
        P ostage- First  oz.  2;d.,  cnch  oz.  after,  Id.  2d.
        Dutiable  Articles  may  bo  aent  by lette1·  nnd  sample  post.  Green  label  and  1  whill~
       declaration rcrp1ired.
        [ nSUI'OIICC- J.imit £220.
        Prohibitions-Celluloid  and  articles  wholly  or  pnrtly  made  of  celluloid,  such  81
       photograph  films.  Non-inflnmmnble cinemntograph films arc, however. arlmitted by  th~
       letter  post  provided that the  packets  bear n  label clearly marked in red  characters.
        ')'his cmJtaiTIS  lwn-in/lcmw•fllile .~lms only.  Account nnd mannRcript books,  advertisinc
       mntt~r (11ith  the cxcl'pl ion of  tmde cutnlop:ues  and circnlurs), nlmunncs, c11rds in gener
       lubcl ~,  photographs,  pi<:turc  bookd,  printed  forms,  works of art,  when SCI\t a~ mcrcha
       disc, and packets of picture postcards, nrc prohibited from  imporlntion by printed papen
         Rtslriclions  apply  to  the  importntion  of  silver  bullion and  silver  ijheets  and  plate~
       and  Dank  of  Englnnd  notes.•tercd  a11d  Insured  Packets  bearing  e.  post box address  must in addition bear tlit
       actual address  of the  addressee.
         Limils_of weight-Commercial  papers  and samples 5  lb.
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