Page 68 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 68

OVERSEaS  POST                      69
   Postage-First oz. 24d., ench oz. after, Id.  Postcards 2d.
   Dutiahle  Articles  may  be sent  by letter,  sample  and small  packet post.  Green  label
   l Murance-I.imit £240.
   Limits  of weight-Commercial  papers  and samples 5  lb.
   Po~lage-Up to 2  lb,  314;  3 li:J,  3/-1;  7 tl>,  6/2;  1 L lb,  9/3;  22  lb,  15/8.
   CU8toms  declaration-Yellow  form.
 f.  1Murance- Limit £50.  Fee 8d.  for  each  £12 of  value.
 :  Postaqr.-Fir11t. oz  2d., each oz.  after,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
 !  Dutiahle  Artirles  may  be  sent  by  lcltcr,  sample nnd small  packet  post.  Green  label
  and  I  white deel:,ration  required.
 '  Limits  of weight-Printed  and  Cornmcrcitll  p3pers  and  samples  5  lb.
 'I  Postage-2 lb.  -l/7; 3 tb, 4/7; 7 lb,  0/5;  11  lh,  15/:-1.
  I  Custo>11s  ,fec/arntion-Yellow  form.
 I  Prohibilions- Lelters.
   Podage-First oz.  2~d., each  oz. after,  ld.  Postcards 2d.
   Dutiabls  Articles may  be sent  by letter  and  sample  post.  Green  label  required.
   /nsurat~ce-lim it. £60.
   Prollibitioru-Bank nnd  currency  notes,  unless, sent by  t\  bnnk  to  a  b:\nk,  coin, but
  coin  of gold  or  silv~r for  pnrpos~s of orunment  not exceeding  £5 il)  valua  is  admitted.
 t  Limits of weight-Commercinl  p~pers and  samples  5  lb.
   Posla!Je-Hp  to  2  lb.  -t/7;  3  tb,  4/7;  7  lh, 7/8;  11  lb,  12/-;  22  lb,  t8rZ.
   C11atoma  dn /nrnliou-YPIIow  form.
   lnsmance-T.irnit £60.  Fee 9d.  for  ench  £12  of  vnlue.
 !  PrnhibitioM-Letters,  except one for  addressee,  firearms,  paper  money, eilver  bullion
 .exceeding  £5 in  vnlue.


  e;::~:~~-First oz.  2\d., cnch oz. after  ld.  Postcards 2d.
   Dutiali/e  Article.~  mny be s2nt hy letter and stnull  packet post   Green label required.
 l l!wtrance- T-imit £400.
   Limits of toeight-Commercial  papers  and  samples  5  lb.
   In order to secure  prompt delivery mail  for  London  must  inclurle  tbc  initials  of  the
   stnl  district,  by  the  number  of  the oflicc  of  delivery;  thus,  London,  S.W.4,
   W. 8 and so on.  Tf !l hou5e bears n  name as well as a  number, the number should be
   ed, whether or not the natne bo added.
 ~It is essential  to  include the name of  the county in the address of  nil  mail  to  Grea~
 r Prohibitions-Art.irles  prohibited  or  restricted  as  parcel  post  are  likewise  prohibited
  ritain aud  No.  Irelnnd.
  r  re~tricted for  the lelter  po~t.  that coin not exceeding £5 in  ,·alue  (except with
  eclarntion  that  it is  intentled  for  ornamental  purposes)  and gold  bullion  not  exceeding
  £ 5  in value; bank ancl currcnry notes, securities pnyable to bearer, gold, ~ilver, platinum,
  and  precious articles are adu1ilted by ugi~tered k llcr post.  (Limit 4  lb 6 oz.).

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