Page 69 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 69

70                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDB
     CUSTOMS  TllEATME:NT  I N  UNITED  KrNGDOM  0 11'  DUTIAllLI'l  GOODS  SENT  llT  S u rPLI'l  p
      Genuine t rade samples of certain classes of  dutiable  goods  are allowed to  be irnpo
     inlo  the United Kingdom  by sample post as specified below:
      (a) Spirits (except Perfumed Spirits) may be imported in packages each not exc
     12 ounces gross weight and will be delivered on pt1.yment of duty at n flat  rate of WG
     packet,  provided  that each  packngo  is  distinctly  marked  "Spirit  (not  perfumed)".
       (b) Ten may be imported in packages each not exceeding 8 ounces grosij wei~ht, an
     dialinctly  marked  "TEA",  will  be  delivered  on  payment  of  duty  in  accordance
     the  following  scale:-
             (i)  if the weight of the sample is under 3 oz. gross or  I oz. net- Free of d
             (ii)  if the gross weight of the sample i3 3 oz. or more but does not exceed 8 o
                A  flat  rate of  2d.  per  package.
       (c)  Tobacco.  Type samples  of  unmanufactured  tobacco,  NOT  cigars,  etc.  may
     imported in  packages each not exceeding 6 onnrcs gross weight nnd, if distinctly ma
     "Type Samples of unrnanufactured tobacco", will  be delivered on payment of duty at
     flat  rate  of  £L  l /3d.  Ct\ch  package.
       (d) Wine may be imported  in  packages each not exceeding  12 ounces gross weight,
     such  packages will,  if  distinctly  mnrked  ''Wint>",  be  delivered free of duty.
       (e) Raw Chicory, Raw Cocoa, Rnw Coffee, Drietl Fruit, Rugar anti Sugnr Confectio
     tnay  be  imported  in  quantities  not  exceedinl(  !  lb.  net  weight  per  paeknge  and  s
     packages, will, if distinctly  marked  with a  dcscl'iption of the contents bo delivered fret
       Packets containing the under mentioned dutiable articles nre  also admitted by aam
     post subject  to compliance with  the  conditions shown  in each  instance:
       (n) Oee~:~.  Each  packet  containing live  bees must be rnnrked c/o T he Officer of Cus
     and Exci~c in  atldition to be~Hing the full  nnmo and addross of th!! addressee.
       (b)  Primers' blorks.  Each  pnckct  must  be  plainly marked  Printers'  Blockd and
     c/o The Offirer of Customs and Excise in addition to bearing the full name and addrem
      the addressee.
       (c) Scrurn.  Serum (in glass ampoules) renclcred harmlel!S  by the method of prcpara ·
     and  packing.  Each  packet  must  be  plainly  marked  c/o  The  Olliccr  of  Customs
      E xci;;e in addition to bearing the full name and address of the addrcs:~ee.  Customs
      at the as>propriate rate will be chnrged.  A  post Office fee of 6d. for clearance through
      Customs  will  be  charged  on  each  packet  ou  which  customs  duty  ia  levied.
       Po~laqe-Up to 2  lb, 2/10; 3  lb, 2/ 10; 7  lb, 4/5;  11  lb, 6/3; 22 lb, 9/8.
       Custom1 declaration-Yellow  form.
       /ruurance-Limit £-100.  Fee Gd.  for  each  £1 2 of  vo1ue.
       Every pnrcel containing coins,  hullion, prcrious stones, and any article of gold, ail
      or  plntinum  must  be insured.  If a  parcel  containing sur.h  articles is  mniled  unins
      it shall be  placrd  under insurance by the  post o(lice which  first obscn•cs the  fact of
      having ll<len  rnailed uninsured, and  treated  accordingly.  Attention  i~ called t  • the!
      that coins of a  higher value than £5 (except  with a  dcclnr!llion  indicating that they
      intended to serve nd  ornament~). as wcll nH  gold in ingots of 11  value  higher  than £5
      eilver  in  ingots or  silver  partially  worked of  a  value  higher  than  £20,  arc  probibi
      ecen  in  in&ured  parcel&.
        Prohillition&-Soiled  clothing;  false  or  imitntion  or counterfeit coin;  U. K. ailver
      not of the legal standnrd of weight or  fineness; gold or  silverware which  has not the I
      nlloyage;  books,  painting:~, etc.,  protected  by  the U.  K  copyright  law;  cut  aud  pr
      tobacco  aud  tobacco  containing  other  substances;  cigr1rettes  manufactured  in  U.
      (except in bona fide gift parcel:~); Ci!senccs, etc., of coffee, tea, tobacco; circulars; ficti ·
      stamps  and  dies;  coin,  preciou:~ stones,  jewellery,  and  any  articles  of  gold,  silver,
      platinum, in uninsuTPd parcels : coins of a  vnluo higher thun £5 (except with a dech1ra
      indicating that they nre intended  to serve n~ ornarncntd), gold in ingots of a  vnlue hi
      than £5, and  silver in ingots or silver partially worked of a  value  higher  than £ 20,  e
      if  the shipment of coins or  ingots,  etc.  is  rnaclo  as nu  insured  parcel.
        CASu  ON  DELII'EitY  SYSTEM.  A  Cash  on  Dalivery  System  of  parcels  is in operat
      between J amaica and Great 13rilnin.
        Parcels up to the value of £-10 oach may be sent either way, and the value collected f
       the addresaee,  and  rumitted  to  tbe eender.
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