Page 71 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 71

72                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

      must  be  endorsed  by  the  send11rs  with  the  words  "Unsolicited  Gift".  A  ~;ifl  is
      rcgr.rded  by  the  Britihh  service  ns  unsolicited  if  it i:i  received  as  a  result  of  n  p ·
      eomn.unic •• tiou  sent  l>y  the  recipient to  the  d.onor.  While  parcels sent as  gifts  do
      require  n  nr; li~h  import  licence,  they  may,  neverthelc.'ill,  he  subject  to  customs  d
      which  the addressee must  pay in order  to ohtnin delivery of  the  parcel.
        The special (yellow) Customs dcclarnlion  (~7 1 A)  must be affixed.  (Sec also page 46).
        OosEnvATIONS-Cusloms dc<·lnrntions must show  net weight or ctnnntity of  cncb  ·
      of  goods  nnd  ,·:.lue  (not  includang  cost of  conveyance  and  insurun.:e),  sud mu.t
      signature  of  sender.  lf goods  are  liuble  lo  any ad  vv/nrl'lil  duty,  an  invoice,  sho  ·
      coments in  detuil and vnlue of enrh arlicle, should be enclosed, !\nd cover of parcel sho
      be marked on  address side" l rwoire  Enrlnsed".  When  the invui,·e  relntes to more th
      one parrcl. the cover of each pnrr·cl should he marked" /nv&ice t11lcnstd in porctl  No.
      Both  insured  and  uninsured  parcels  should  be  very  strongly  packed.  Onu~ of  se
      pucking de,·olvc~ upon senders.  No compensnlion  i~ paid for  dn r na~e to insured  pa
      unle.os  they are "del)uutely  pnckcd.  I ni!urnnt·C  of glnHswore  ond  di 1~1 i l n r  fr:~!Jile nrtirl
      d .• es  not covflt  d:uuu~c. The  Post  Office  of Grea t  13rilniu  will  not  IWccpl  re3ponsihil'
      for an,v pnrrel conlniuiug precio11~ stones, jewellery or nny other gold or Rih·er article. of
      greater  value  than  £100, sent  inlrnnsit  through  or  for  dcli,·ery  in  Gre!lt  Drilnin  or ·
      Northern  I relnnd, unlefs it is enclosed in a  box  measuring not less than 1. 1 meters (3
      6  inches)  in  length  and  girth  coruhined.
        A  fee of 6d. is colll'ctcd by the Urilish Post Ollice for each parclll on which  the custo
      charges  do  not  exceed  10/-,  and  If- for  each  parcel  on  which  tlie charges exceed 1

        Postaue-First oz.  5d., each  oz. afte;, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
        Dutiable  Artieles  may  be  sent  by  small  pnokel  post.  Green  label  required.
        Prt•hi/Jitions-Letter  packets  containing  dutiable  nrtklcs  nro  stricLiy  prohibited.
        Limits of weight-Commercial  pape1·s -1 lh  6 oz., samples 1 lh  2  oz.
        Po~lllge-Up to  2  lb, -1/-1;  3  lb, 7/10; 7  lb,  R/11;  11  lb,  12/-;  22  lb,  Hl/11.
        C~t#omt ·l~c/aralit•lls-2 white forms  and dispatch  note.   Gift pnrcols  must be clearl
      marked  "Gift  parcel".

        P~Mtoge-5d. for  first  oz.,  3d.  for  each  or..  nfler.  Postcards  3d.
        Dutioble  :l rlic/es rnny be sent  by small packet post.  Green lubel required.
        l nsuronce- l.iu1il £ 100.
        Linnts of weight- Commercial  pnpcrs ·l  lh 6 oz., samples  1 lh 2 oz.

        Postagr-Hp  to 2  lb, •1/1; 3  lh, 5/ 1; 7 lb, 6/2;  11  lb, 8/6; 22 lb,  I·J/8.
        Cu.~tom& du/aratiom1- 1  white  form  und  dispatch  uoto.
        / nsurartce-Liuul £.JOQ.   l~co Sd. for cuch  £ 12  of vllluo.
        Pruhibitious - LcLtcrs.

        Postaoe- First  oz.  2jd., ea<'b  oa.  after,  Id.  Postcurds 2d.
         Dutwble  Articles  may be sent by  letter,  sample  nnd small  packet  post.
         / n.•urauce- T.imiL £20.
         Pruhibitiorts- Coin.
         Limit&  of  weioht- Commercial  papers  and samples  5  lb.
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