Page 70 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 70

OVERSE:\S  POST                     71

    In adrlition to  the 6d.  Customs clearance fee, a  further service  fee  of 3d. is  collected
   on each C.O.D. psrcel.
    A  Cash on Delivery parcel may only be relaim•d at the offiCI!  of destination for  15 d'lyl
   from the dato of arrival after which if unclaimed it is forthwith returned to origin.  This
   fact is  emphn~ized  hecaus~ certain  firms  abroad  represent  that  C.O.D.  parcels  are
   retained for a  lon~er period before being returned.  Requests for longer detentions will
   not be enlcrl~\i ned ,  nor will part payme11t  be  accepted from  the addressee; the fr~ll 11'11011111
   of duty, trade chnrges, and  all other fees must bo  remitted to the head office  before the
   parcel can  bo forwarded.
    PnEP.nm:wr 011  CusTOMs  DuTIES  AND  OTHErt  CuAUOE.~.  Persons sending  parcels  to
   the Uniteci  Kin~dom mny, if tlaey so desire, tnke upon themselves the prepayment of tho
   Customs duty  and other charges which  in ordinary  cases nrc  levinble  on  the  addressee.
   The  sender  will  be loiJ  at  the  lime  of  postin!(  what  the approximate  amount of  these
   charges will  he and a  deposit will  be taken of the estimated amount.  A settlement will
   ~n~bsequently be  nu\de  when  a  statement of  the  total  amount of  the ch1nges  hns  been
   received  from  the  British  Post Office.  The following are 1.he conditions:-
    Parcels  to  be sent  under  this arrangement must be  handed  in  at  the  Parcels  Post
   Branch  at TGngston.
    The cover must be marked by the sender "To be delivered free of charge. "
    The sender must fill  up and sign a  formal  undertaking to pay on demand the a•nount
   of  tl-te charges due.  l~orms for this declaration may be had  ou application to  the  Parcels
   Post Branch  at Kingston.
    Parcels for free drlivcry will only be ncecptcd from persons whose settled residence is in
   Jamaica.  If the  sender  is  residing  only  temporarily  in  Jnmaica  a  parcel  catmot  be
   accepted for  doli very free of charge.
    A fee  of 1s. per parcel is charged for the cost of the service in addition to  the  postage
   and  depoRit  for duty.  If the  parcel  prove  duty-free  in  Great  Britain  the  sum  of  Is.
   will  be refunded  to  the sender.
    The sender must mnke such deposit on account of  the charl(es for  which  he desires to
   provide aa the clerk in charge of lhe Parcei:J Post Branch at Kingston may in each ease,
    One  form  of  undertaking  will  suffice  for  two  or  three (but not more)  parcels  posted
   togeU1er by the same sender to the same addrc.iSee.  In such cases the fee will  be Is. for
   each parcel.
    The following are the articles liable to duty under  the British Tariff  which  are  likely
   to  be despatched  from  Jamaica  by  parcels  post,  tol(ethcr  with  the rateil  of duty,  (r1nrl
   in the case of  tobacco, of certain  fines)  thercon.  These  rates  are subject to considerable
   chanue  and ahould  be  read  as  approximate:-
                                                          £   8,  d.
   Tobacco, mnnufaclurcd, viz.:
      Cigars (per lb.)                                    3  4  ()~
      Cigarct les (per lb.)                               3  I  3l
      Cavcndish or Negrohead  (per lb.)                    3  0  5
      Other manufactured tobacco (per lb.)                2  18  lit
   Tobacco, unmanufactured, containing 10% or more of moisture:
      If stemmed or stripped  (per lb.)                    2  16  n
      If unstemrned or unstripped (per lb.)                2  16  7!
   Tob:~cco, unmanufactured, containing less than 10% of moisture:
      Jf stemmed or stripped (per lb.)                     2  17  6t
      If unslenuned or unslripped  (per lb.)               2  17  5!
   Ru",  lll WAttt:uousEo von 3 YEAilS (per proof gallon)   ..   10  12  2
 l   "   Tr WAtttlHOUSED  ovEn 2 AND  UNOFm  3 Yt)AttS (per proof gallon)   10  1:!  2
 ,   "   Jr WAilEIIOUSED UNDEtt  2 YEAttS  (per proof gallon)   10  13  8
    Parcels will  be accepted in Great Britain for delivery in Jamaica free of Customs duty
   on conditions similar to the foregoing.  Such p'lreols are liable to exarnin·\tion  on arrival
   for Customs purpostl3,  and all  p1ins and  penalties  ~<ttaehing for  undervnht•\tion nr  tnis-
   representation  of  contents  or  to  prohibited  goods  will  be enforced  agninst  the  goods
   lhemselvea or against  the  parties assuming lhe charge, IUI  may be decided by the  proper
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