Page 72 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 72

OVERSE~S P OST                      72.
    Postage-Up to 2 lb,  1/3; 3  lb,  1/3; 7  lb,  2/6; 11 lb, 3/9; 22  lh,  6/3.
   Customs  declaration-Yellow  form.
   l nsurance-Lirnil £20.  Fee 6d.  for  each  £12 of  value.
    ProhibitionB-Letters,  except  one  for  addreSBee.
  GUADELOUPE  (See French West Indies)
   Postage-First oz. 5d., each oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
    Dutiable  Articles  may  be sent  by  letter  (registered  only),  and sample  post.  Green
  label  and  l  white  declaration (in Spanish)  required.
    Prohibitions-Bank and currency  notes  and  coin.
    Limits of toeight-Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samP.les  l  lb 2 oz.
   Poswge-Up to 2  lb, 3/-; 3  lb, 4/-; 7  lb, il/-;  11  lb, 7/-; 22 lb, 12/3.
   Customs declarations-I  white form and dispatch  note.
   In the case of commercial parcels, certificate of origin signed by a Consul for Guatemala
  together  with  one copy of  the relative  invoice should be sent separately by letter  po~t
  to  the addressee.
  Letters:  Same  aa  U.S .. ~.
  Pa.rcels:  See Sandwich islands.
    Posta(le-First oz. 5d., each oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
    Dutiable  Articles  may  be  sent  by letter and sample  post.  Green  label  and  l  white
  declaration  (in  French)  required.
    Limits of toeigltt-Commercial  papers  4 lb 6  oz., sample  1 lh  2 oz.
    Postage-Up l<1  2 lb,  1/9; 3  lb,  3/3; 7  lb, 5/-; 11 lb, 5/3; 22  lb,  9/3.
    Customs  declarations-3  white forms  and disptltch note.
    Prohibition•- Letters.
    Postaue-First oz. 5d., each  oz.  after, 3d.  Po~tcnrds 3d.
    Dutiable Articles  may  be sent by letter, sample  and small  pncket  post.  Green  label
    lntttrance- Limit £400.
    Limit~ of wei!fhi-Comrnercial papers  4  1!,  6 oz., samples  1 lh  2 oz.
    Postage-Up lo 2 lb, 3/10; 3  lb, 3/10; 7  lb,  5/11;  11  lb, 8/3; 22 !!,,  13/5.
    Customs  declumtiolls-3  while  forms and  di€pntch  note.
    17l<rarlce- Limit  £135.  Fee  Sd.  for  each  £ 12  of  value.
    Prohibitions- Letters,  firearms  except  under  permit.
  HONDURAS  (Republic of)
    Postage- First  oz.  lid.,  each  oz.  after, 3d.  Postcards  3d.
    Dutiable  Article.,  may be sent by letter and smnll  packet post.  Green label (in French
  or  Spnuish)  required.
    Prohibitions- Bank  and  currency  notC8,  coin  and  jewellery.
    L1mila oftveight-Cornmercial papers 4 lb 6  oz., samples 1 lb  2 oz.
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