Page 76 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 76

OVERSEAS  POS'l'                    77
    PTohibition.s-Letters,  wines  IUld  spirituous  liquors  unless  lahelled  to  indicate  their
   true nature,  rountry of  origin,  full  nr1me  and  addrc s ,,f manufacturer or agent.
    Bona  Fide  Gift  Pared&,  noL  to  exceed ·ll  lb., or 22  lb  if  the  contents nre  food  only,
   are admitted into  lsruel.
    A copy  of  the  relative  invoice should  be  attached  to  the dispatch  note and  cuatoma
   declarntion  of  every  commercial  parcel.

    Po~tnge-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  nfler,  3tl.  Postcard3  3d.
     DutiaU~ Artirlt3 mny be sent by  letter ond sompla posL.  Green label and one  white
   decl11ration  required.  A  green  label  !3  required  for  111\  packets  oi  printed  paperi,  and
   if these con~nin books  (induding music)  a  white form  i3  nlso  required.
     ProhibatioTia-Dank  notes,  coin,  jewellery,  precious  stones,  tobacco.
     Prurnqe-Up to 2\b, 5/4: 3 lb, 617: 7 lb, 7/8; 11  lb, 10/6; 22lb, 18/2.
     Cu.\lum4  declor<~tioWt-3 white forms  and  dispatch  note.
     Pruhibiti~~na - Lettcrs.
     C an  PAnCf!LS  mlly  I'.Ontain  only  clothing,  food  eommoditie:>,  medicine  for  personal
   uae of addressee.  These must be marked Family Gift Pared, nnd are admitted duty free.
     Pt~stngd-First oz.  5rl.,  ear.h  oz.  after,  3rl.  Postcards  3d.
     Dutiable :1 rticle1  rnny be sent by srnnll p:1cket post.  Green label and one white declara-
   tion  reqnireJ.  Corre~ponrlenr.e  cannot  be  registerild.  Letters  and  postcards  may
   consist of personal, businPss  financial  and commercial corri)Spondencc, subject to certain
   prohibilions.  (9-!c  Dritish  Post  Office  Guide.).
     Limit•  of  weight-Commercial  papers  (subject  to  restrictions)  4  lb  6  oz.,  umple.t
   1 Jb 2 oz.
     Po.!laoe-Up to 2 lb. 5/4; 3  lb, 5/4; 7 lb, 8(1;  11  lb,  18/3.
     Ct~toma dec/nrntiona-1  white  form  and  dispatch  note.
     Prohibitions- Letters,  coin.  jewellery  and  precious  stones,  seditious  or  treaeoOflble
   matt·er  against  any  government.
   JORDON  (Hashemite Kingdom of)
   Letters :
     Posla(le-First  oz.  2id.,  each  oz.  after,  Id.  Postcards  2d.
     Dutiable  Artirlc•  may  be  sent by small  p!lcket  post.  Green label required.
     Limiu of weight-Commercial  papers and samples  5  lb.
     Poslage-Up to 2  lb  6/·1;  3  lb, 8/10; 7  lb, !l/11;  11  lb,  14/-; 22lb, 2-!/11.
     Custom•  decl<lrotion-Yellow  form.
     Prohibition•- Letters.
     PoAtnur-First. oz.  2\d. ench  oz.  after,  Id.  Postcards  2d.
     Dutia/Jle  .4r!irle•  may be sent by letter  nod sm11ll  packet post.  Green  label required.
     l naurnnee-Lirnit £120.
     Prohibitions- Coins,  jewellery.  Prizes such as medals, and spootU of gold and silver
    may  be Rent  in  rPgiMtered  letters.
     Limiu of weight-Commercial  p!!pers  and aarnplea  5  lb.
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