Page 78 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 78

OVERSEAS  POST                      79
    Po.ttage-First oz. 5d., each oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
    Duliable  Articles  may be sent by letter, sample and small  packet  post.  Green label
    ln&Ura?tu-l.imit £400.
    !limits of wtighl-Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples 1 Jb 2 oz.
    Postage-Up to 2 lb, 3/10; 3 lb, 4/10; 7  lb, 5/11;  11  lb, 8/·; 22 lb,  13/5.
    C11stoms  derlara/ions-2 whiLe  forms and  dispntch  note.
    imurance-Limit £115.  Fee 7jd. for  each  £12 of _value.
    Postage-First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after 3d.  Postcards  3d.
    Dutiabl~ Arliclu may  be sent by letter  and sample  post   Green  label  and  1  white
   declaration  required.
     I n1urance-Limit £100.
    Limits of tveight- Comme•·cinl papers 4  lb  6 oz., samples  l  lb 2 oz.
     Po.tlage-Up to 2 lb, 5/7!·  3 lb, 8/ l ; 7 lb, 9,2;  11  lb,  13/3; 22lb, 23/2.
     Cu&toms  declaration-Ye low  form.
     Insurance-Limit £ 100.  Fee !l}d.  for  each  £ 12  of  value.
     Postage-First oz. 5d., ench oz. after 3d.  Postcards 3d.
     Dutiable  Articlts mny  be sent by let.tter  and sample  post.   Green  label  requirod.
     Prohibitions-Coin  and  jewellery,  gold  and silver.
     Limit& of weight-Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples  l  Jb 2 oz.
     Po.ttage-Up to 2 lb, 5/10; 3 lb, 7/ 10; 7  lb, 8/11;  11  lb,  12/·; 22  lb, 20/11.
     Customs  dv/arutions-4  white forms  and  dispatch  note.
     Parcels should  be sealed  with  a  distinctive  device.
     Po.otage-First oz. 5d., e:~ch oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
     Dutiable  Articlu may  be sent by letter  post  only.  Green  label  required.
     l r~suranre- Limit.£~00.
     Prol1ibitions-Coin  and  jewellery,  gold  and  silver,  tobacco.
     Limits of tveighi-Commercial  papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples  1 lb 2 oz.
     Postage-Up to 2 lb, 5/·li 3 lb, 5/·1; 7 lb, 7/5; 11  lb  9/6; 22  lb, 16/5.
     Cu&toms  declarations-!  white  form  and  dispatch  note.
     Insurance-Limit  £50.  Fee  Od.  for  each  £1:!  of  value.
     Prohibitiom- l.etters,  tobncco,  postnge  stamp~, etc., except in insured parcels.
     Postoge-Fir11t  0 1 .  2!d. each  oz.  after,  ld.  Postcards 2d .
     .Dutiable  Article•  may  be sent by letter,  sample nnd small  packet  post.  Green  label
     l n1urance-Limit £400.
     Limits  of  weight-Commercial  papers  and  samples  5  lb.
     Prohibilion~-Coio, jewellery,  precioua  atones.
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