Page 82 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 82

OVERSEAS  P OST                     83
    Postage-First oz.  5d., each  oz.  after,  i!d.  Postcards  i!d.
    Dutiable Articles muy be sent. b~· letter and s:1mple post..  Green label (Spanish) required.
    Prollibitioll$- Dauk  uotcs, coin, gtold, 11ih-cr and plutinulll.
    Limit~ of ueight- Comrnerr.i!ll papers ·I  lb 6 oz., s:1mples  I lb 2 oz.
    PNtag.,-1!11;  for 1st.  lb, and lld. for  ench additional lb up t.o 22  lb.
    Customs  dcclrrrations- 2  white  forms  nucl  di~plltch note.
    Prohil•ition.~T,cttcrs,  pntrol  lighter:!,  telegrtlph  appurnlus.
    A  consular  invoice signed by a  Nie~tragunn Consul  shoukl be furuished in respect of
   every parcel contaiuing goods v1aluet1  $10 find over.
     Parcels should be scaled ll'iLita diEtinctin: ch~\·ire.
    Postage-First oz.  5cl.,  each oz.  after,  3d.   T'o~lf'ards 3d.
    Dutiable Articles llli<Y  he sent by letter and ::.mall  packet post.  Green ft;bel required.
     Limit of weiglil- Commerriul papers '1 lb (i oz., sarnples 1 lb 2 oz.
     Postage-Up to 2 JIJ,  5(1; 3 lb, 7/1; 7 lh, 8,'2;  11  lb,  111:~; 221h, 19;8.
     Cudloma declarations- a  white forms  und  disp:.ttch  uotc.
     Poalagc-First oz.  2ltl., each oz. after,  1d.  Postcards 2d.
     Dutiable  Articles may be sent by letter and small packet post.  Green label required.
     I naurtmcc-Limi l £60.
     Prohibitions-Coin,  bc!lds  composed  of  inflammable  cr.lluloid or similnr substance.
   Munufuctured !,rOld,  platinum,  or sih•er,  jewell~.:ry uml  precious stones  arc ndmitted if
   not.  more  than  £5  in  vulue.
     Limita  of t,eigiii- Commcrcial  papers nod  samples 5 lb.
     Poslug!-Up to 2  lb,  -1.'4; 3  lb, .J,I.J; 7 lb, Gill; 11  lb, !)J!);  2'2  lb,  15/5.
     Cuatoma  drclarrrtivu- Ytllow  form.
     Insurance-Limit  £60.  Fee &1.  for  e:!ch  £12 of  \'llhre.
     Prolli/iitions- Lcttcr:;, except. one for uddr·c:,scc, lll'll\s, bcmls (ut> for letter posl), cot.t.oll-
   sccd,  spir·ils,  wiucs.  A  <·ertificd  invoice giving  full  dc:scription  of  cont ents uuu valuo
   mu~~ uccornpuny  ~::ood:;  of  all  kinds t!l!lll  by  Pared  Post.  Waterproof  CIJ\ICrs  should
   be used for p:lrccls for plttce:; beyond  the service::. of the Nigerian Hnilwoy.
     Postagt- Firsl oz.  2~d., each oz.  after,  l cl.  POi!lctu·ds 2d.
     D11tiuble  A rticl!& may  be sent by lclll·r,  sample !lnd llll\till packet. post.  Green label
     J>rohibitiona- .\ s  for  Australia.
     Limits of weigltt- Commtrciul p.1pcrs and s!l.mple::. 5 lt.
   Pa.rcels:  Same us for Australia.
     Poala,c-First. oz.  2ld.,  Mch oz. after,  Id.  Postcards :?d.
     Dutiable  A rticlcs  may be sent hy letter s:lmple and sm:.JI  packet pobl.  Grct31  label
     / naurance- Limil  £ 115  to  certain  places.
     Limit•  of weight- Commercial papers nnd samples 5 lb.
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