Page 86 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 86

OVERSE.-\S  POST                   87
     Postage- First oz.  2!d.,  each oz. after,  id.  Postcarr!s 2d.
     Limits of weight- Commercial papers and samples 5 )b.
     Postage-Up to 2 Jb, 4/1; 3  lh, .['1 ; 7  lb, 8,2; 11  Jb,  12/9;
     Customs  declaratio11-Yellow form.
     Postage-First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards 3d.
     Green In bel scrvico by sample post only.  Green label nnd l  white declaration required
   in F1·ench.
     Prohibitions- Gold  coin,  unm~nufactured gold,  except  under  permit,  letter  packets
   cont.'lining duthtblc a•·ticlcs.          ·
     Limits of w~ight-Commercial  papers .J  lb 6 oz., samplf'.s  l  tb 2 oz.
   Parcels :
     Postage-Up  to 2lb, -117: a lb. 5/10; 7 lb, 6/ll; 11  lb, 9/3:22 Jb,  15/8.
     Customs rleclorations- 2 wh:te forms and rlispatch uotl', (a separate s<'t for each parcel)
     I nsurance- Ltmit  £115.  Fee  &1.  for  each  £12  of  value.
     Prohibitions- Lelt ers, gold coin, unmanufactured gokl, except under permit.
     Postage-First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  aft!'r,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
     Dutiablt  Articles  ma.y  be sent by letter and sample post.  Green  label  and  I  while
   declaration  (Frencb  or  Portuguese)  required.  Packets  must  also  be  conspicuously
   mnrkcd  EN  DOUANE.
     I nsurance- Limit .£-!00.
     Prohibitions-Coin  unci  jeweller~·.  gold  platinum and sil ver,  tobacco.
     Limits o'  torighi-Commcrci:\1  p:~pers -!  lb 6 oz., snmples 1 lb 2 oz.
     Postage- Up  to 2  lh,  .J/10; 3 IIJ, -ltlO; 7 Jb,  ti/11;  11  lb, 9/-; 22  lb,  lf>/2.
     Cuslo111s  declaralions- L white  form  nnd  dispatch  note.
     Insurartce-T"imit £ 115.  Fee ScL for Mch £12 of value.
     Proltibitim•s- T.etters,  tobacco, postage stamps, bonds and orders payable  to  bearer,
   except  in  insurecl  parcels.
     A  consular  invoice sho11lcl  nccompnny  each  consignment of goods over 550  escudos
   (£5) in  vulue.  Invoice must be attached to declaration and not be enclosed  in parcel.

     Postngc-First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  a rter,  3J.  Postcards 3d.
     Dt.tiablc Articl~J~s  mny be sent by lett.or and sample post.  Greeen  lnbel and  1  white
   decl1lration  required  (Prench  or  Portuguese.).
     iltst.rrtnce- Limit. .£-100.  {Prinripnl  towns only).
     Prohibitions-Coin nnd  je1, ellery,  golu,  platinum, silver.  Bank and  currency  notca,
   etc., ex<:ept. in iusured I ell ers.                  ·
     Limits of  tteight- Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples 1 tb 2 oz.
     Poslnge-Up to 2  lb, 5t4;  3  lb. 5/4; 7  lb, 8/5; 11  lb,  12/6; 22 lb, 21/8.
     Custom8  dcc/arntions- 1  white  form  ancl  dispatch  note.
     Jnsurance---£115.  Principal  towns only.  Fee &1.  for  each  £12 of  value.
     A cousular invoice is  required as for parcels to Portugal.  Maximum value for parcel
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