Page 83 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 83

8-1                   POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

      Po.ttage-Up to 2 lb, 4/1; 3 lb, 4/1; 7 lb, 7/2;  11  lb, 10{9; 22 lb,  18/5.
      Customs  dalar~tion-Yellow form.
      / nsurarrce- Limit £60 to  cert:1in  pluces.  Fee &1. for  each  £12  of  value.
     NORTHERN  IRELAND  (See Great  Britain)
     Letters :
       Postage-First oz.  2~d., each oz. after,  hi.  Postcards 2d.
       Dutiabl~ .4 rticlts may  be sent by letter, sample and small  packet post.  Green label
       Limita  of weight-Commercial papers and samples 5  lb.
       Postage-Up to 2 lb,  5/-l; 3  lh, 5t·l; 7 lb, il/2; 11 lb, 19/3.
       Customs  tlu:laration- Yellow form.
       Prohibitions- LeLtcrs, arms, btmk notes, bonds,  etc., platinum; precious stones,  trade
     spirits,  worn clothing for •mic,  (Jil skins nnd similar oil  goods.
       Maximum  n1luc of a  pt~rccl £50.  \Vutcr\woof covers should  be used for parcels for
     places  not  on  the  Northern  Hhodcsian  Hai way.
       Postage-First oz.  5d.,  each oz.  after,  3cl.  Postcards 3d.
       /)utiaUo  .4rticlcs  may he sent by letter,  sample and small  packet post.  Green label
       I nsurance- Jjmit £.J()().
       Limits  of wcig/it-Commcr<-iul  papers 4  lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz
       Postayr- Up to 2 lb,  4t 10; 3  lb, 6t l ; 7  lh,  7t2; 11  lb,  9/9; 22 lb,  16,11.
       Cr.sloms  d<claraliorls- 1  while  f~~rm and  dispatch  note.
       I rlaur«llct.- Limit  £-100.  Fee &1.  for  c:~ch £ 12 of  value.
       Prohibilions- l.ctll:rs.

       Postay~ - l:'irSt oz.  2~d., each oz.  nftt:r,  Id.  Postcsrd!l 2d.
       Dr.liabh .4 rlicl!s  may he sent by letter, sample and small  packet post.  Green  label
       J>rohiLitio11s  -Dunk  nnd currency notes, coin unless forwarded by and  addressed  to
      a  Dank.  llnmnnufnctnrcd JrOI<I,  silver or pbtinum.
       Limits  of u·eight-Commerci11l papers and samples 5 lb.
       Poslog~Up to 2  Ill,  5/10; 3  lh,  5/10; 7  lh,  ll t8;  11  lb,  19/6.
       Customs  declaration- Yellow  form.
       JusurM:fc- Limit  £20.  Fcf• Shl.  for each  £12 of value.
        Prollibilions-Lcltcn;, coin, bank and currency notes, unless posted by and addressed
      to a  Otlnk.
       1\laximum  value of puree!  £50.
      PAKISTAN  (Same as India)
      PALESTINE  (Egyptian occupied areas)
         (See also Israel a.nd Palestine (J ordon occupied are&rs))

        PoaiiJgc-Firol oz.  :HJ., ench oz.  nfler,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88