Page 84 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 84

OVERSEAS  l>OST                     85
    Dctiable Articles may be sent by letter post.  Green label and one white declaration
   required.  No registration service is available.
    Prohibilion.s-Samples of cigars,  cigarettes,  and  tobacco of all  kinds.
    Limits of weight-As for Egypl.
    Postage-Up to 2 Jb,  6/10; 3 lb, 6tiO; 7  lb, 10/2; 11  lb,  13J9; 22 lb, 23/11.
    Customs  declarations-!  white  form  and dispatch  note.
    Prohibitions-Letters,  adulterated  or  artificial  tobacco.
    A copy  of the relative  invoice should  be enclosed  in  the parcel.  J>arcels should  be
   very  strongly  packed.

   PA.LESTINE  (Jordon occupied areas)
      (See also Israel and Jordon (Egyptian occupied areas))
    Postage-First oz.  2h!., each oz.  11fter,  ld.  Postcards 2d.  ·
    Duliable Articles may be sent by letter, sample and small packet  post.  Green  label
   (French) required.
    Limits of weight-Commercial  papers and samples 5  lb.
    Postage-Up to 2 lb, 6/10; 3 lb., 6/10; 7 lb,  10;2; 11  lb,  13}9; 22 Jb, 23/ll.
    Customs  declaration-Yellow form.
    Parcels must be packed in wood,  tin,  canvas,  linen or similar material.
   PANAMA  (Republic)
    Postage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
    Duliable  Articles  m!l.y  be sent by  registered  letter  post  only.  Green label  required.
    Limits of weight-Printed and commercial papers '1 lh 6 oz.,  samples 1 lb 2 oz.
    Pustage-Up to 2lb, 2/9; 3lb, 3(7; 7 Jb, :'!(10;  ll lb, 4/1; 22lh, 7/ 11.
    C11stoms  declarations- 3  while  forms  and dispaLch  nole.
    Prohibitions-Letters, g•·e!ISe,  liquid:~ or  easily  liquifiable substances.  A  commercial
   invoice should be sent to  the addressee by letter  post.
    Special allcntion is directed to the fact that th! postage r<zlesfor parcels for  the Canal Zo11c
   (U.S.  Territory)  differ  from  those for  Pa11ama  (Rep11b!ic.).  See  page 59.
   PANAMA  CANAL  ZONE (See Canal Zone, U.  S. Territory)
    Postage- First oz.  2!d., each oz. after,  ld.  Postcards 2d.
    Dt.liablc .4rticlcs  may bo sent by letter sample and small  packet  post.  Green label
    Prohibition.t-Documents  of  monetary  value  (cheques,  money  orders, etc.,)  except
  in registered letters, spirits, tobacco, cigars, cigarettes, except genuine samples for privnto
  use of the Tmportcr.
    Limits of weight- C",ommercial  papers and samples 5 lb.
    Postagt-As Cor  New  Guinea Territory.
    ewtomt declaration-Yellow  Corm.
    Prohibitions- Letters.  Same 88 ror letter post.

  Letters :
    Postage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz. after,  3d.  Postcards 3d.
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