Page 79 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 79

80                    POST  OFFICE  OUIOb:

        Postage-Up to 2 lb, 4/4; 3 lb, 4/4; 7lb, 7/8; lllb, 11/3; 22 Jb,  18/11.
        Cmtoms  declaration-Yellow  form.
        Insurance- Limit  £~00 to  certain  places.  Fee 8d.  for each  £12  of  value.
        Prohibitions-Letters,  coin,  jewellery,  precious  atones.

        Postage-First 01.  24d.,  each oa.  after,  1d.  Postcards 2d.
        Dutiable  Articles  may  be  sent  by  letter,  (except  insured)  and  sample  post.  Greeo
       label required.
        Insurance-Limit £400.
        Prohibitions-Coin  and  jewelll!ry,  gold  and  silver.
        Limiu of wtight-Commercial papers and eamplea 5 lb.
        Postage-Up to 2 lb, 3/10; 3 lb, 3/10; 7 lb, 6/8; 11 Jb, 9/9; 22 JL, 15/8.
        Cu&toms  der.laration-Yellow form.
        I nsurance- Limit  £400.  Feo  8d.  for  each  £12  of  value.

        Postage-First oz.  24d., each  oz.  after, 1d.  Postcards 2d.
        Dutiable  Article. may be sent  by  letter,  sample and small  packet  post.  Greon label  .
       required,  alao  l  white  deolaration  for  small  packets.
        Prohibition&-Spirits,  tobacco,  cigars,  ci~areltei!,  except  for  private  use  of  importer.
        Limits of weight-Commercial  papers and samples  5 lb.

        Postage-Same as  for  Gilbert and  EUice  Islands.
        Customs  declaration-Yellow  form.
        Prohibilion~-Lcttera, as for  lottor  post.

       MARTINIQUE (See J'rencb Weat  Indie1)
         Postage-First  01.  5d.,  each  oz.  after  3.  Postcarrls  3d.
         Dutiable  Articles may be sent  by letter and small  packet post.  Green label  requirod.
        l"imill of weight-Commercial papers 4 tb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 01.

        J>ostage~Up to 2 lb,  3/10; 3  lb, 5/4; 7  lb,  fl/5; 11  lb, 8/9; 22  lb, 14/8.
        c~toml declaration4-4  wnite forms  and dispatch  nota.
         Postage-First oz.  24d., each oz. after,  1d.  Postcards 2d.
         Dutiable  .irticlta  may  be  senl  by  amnii  pnckot  post.  Green label required.
        /mllrance- T.imit  £400.  (Port  Louis  only).
         Limita  of weioht- Commercial  papers  and samples  5 Jb.
       Parcels :
         Pnstage-Up to 2 lb, 3{7; 3 lb,  3{7; 7 lb, 6/8; 11  lb, 10/6; 22 lb,  17/5.
         Custom&  dulorationa-Yellow  form.
         I nsuranct - Limit £400.  Fee 8d. for each £12 or  value.
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