Page 77 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 77

78                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
      Parcels :
       Postage-Up  to 2lb, 4/4; 3  lb,  4/4; 7  lb, 7/11;  11  Jb,  11/9;  22  Jb,  19/8.
       Custom1  declaration-Yellow  form.
       lnsuraru;e-Limit  £120.  Fee 8d.  for  each  £12 of  vlllue.
       Prohibitions-Letters, except one for  addressee,  trade and immature spirits.
       Postage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.''" Postcards  3d.
       Dutiable Articlu may be sent by small packet post.  Green label and one white declar-
      ation  required.
       Limit1 of weight-Commercial papers 4 lb  6 oz., samples 1 lb  2 oz.
      Parcels :-Service suspended.
      LATVIA  (Same aa for U.S.S.R.)

      LEBANON  (Republic of)
       Po•tage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after, 3d.  Postcnrds  3d.
       Dutiablt.Articlea may be sent by letter and small  packet  post.  Green label required
       I n.turance-Limit £160.
       Prohibit-ions-Bank  notes  and  foreign  money, etc.,  except  for  an  authorised  Bank,
      cigar, cigarettes and tobacco.
       Limita  of weight-Commercial  papers  4  lb  6 oz.,  samples  1 JL  2 oz.
       Postage-Up to 2 Jb,  5/1; 3  lb,  7/1; 7  lb, 8/2; 11  lb,  11/9; 22 lb, 20{2.
       Customs  declarations-3 white forms  and dispatch  note.
       Insurance- Limit £160.  Fee  10d.  for  each  £12 of  value.
       Postage-First oz.  2!d.,  each  oz.  after,  1d.  Postcards  2d.
       Dutiable  Articles may be scut by letler and small  packet post.  Green label  required.
       Jn.wrance-Limit  £20.  (For  1\Ionts~ rrat,  Insurance  is  restricted  to  Plymouth).
       Prohibitions-Coin,  etc.,  for  Montserrat.
       Limiu of weight-Commercial papers 11nd  samples  5 lb.
       Postage-Up to 2 lb,  1/3; 3  lb,  1/3; 7 lb, 2/6; 11  lb, 3/9; 22 lb, 6/3.
       Custom&  declaration- Yellow  form.
       insurance-Limit £20.  Fee 6d., for  each  £12 of  value.
       Prohibition-Letters  except one for  addressee.
       Postage-First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after1 3d.  Postcards  3d.
       Prohibilion&-Gold,  silver,  jewellery.
       Limits of weight-Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz.
      Parcels :
       Postage- Up to 2 lb, 7/10; 3 lb, 7/10; 7 lb 9/11;  11  lb,  12/3; 22 Jb,  23/8.
       Cu•toma  dtclarationa-2  white forms  and  aispatch  note.
      LmYA  (See CYRENAIC.A)

      LITHUANIA  (Same aa U.S.B.R.)
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