Page 74 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 74

OVERSEAS  POST                      75
     Postage-Up to 2  tb,  4{1; 3  lb,  4,'7;  7  lb,  8/5;  11  lb,  12/6; 22  lb, 20!-?.
     Crutom•  dularations-2 white  forms  and  dispatch  note.
     Insurance-Limit £200.  Fee  8!d. for each  £12 of  value.
   Customs  declarations  should  show  clearly  the  materinl  of  which  goods  nre made,  for
   example,  silk  stock ing~,  cotton  material,  silver-plnted  cutlery.  If  books  and  photo-
   graphs are enclosed in 11  parcel with other articles I heir value Hhould be shown separately.
   The net weight of the contents of parcels of tobacco, cigars and cigarelles and in the case
   of cigars and cigarettes,  particulars of the brnnds nnd the number  and  net  weight  of
   the r.igars or cigarettes of each brand, should be clearly stated.
     Prohibitions-Letters,  except  one  for  the  addressee;  cotton  and  woollen  piece  goocb
   euch as are ordinarily sold by length or by the piece, imported  for  trnd(l  purpose"  and
   not stamped  to  indict\ le the length in yarcb or fractions thereof.
     Reslriclions apply to the importation of the following articles: Silver bullion  uml  silver
   1heets  and  plutes;  wireless  sending  apparatus.
     Parcels  bearing  a  Post  Office  Dox  uddress  must  also  bear  the  actual  nddrnss  of  the
     PCMtage-First  oz.  5d., each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcard!!  3d.
     Dutiable  Articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  and  sample  post.  Green  label  and  I  white
   declaration  (in  French)  required.
     Prohibitions-Articles  of  celluloid  nod  films.   Coins  other  than  current  coins,
     Limiu o/10eight-Commercial  papers 4  lb 6  oz., samples 1  lb  2 oz.
     Postage-Up  to~ lb, 4{1; 3  lb, 4{1; 7 lb, 8/5; 11  lb,  12/6; 22 lh, 20f2.
   - Cautoms  dcclaratioM-2  white  forms  and  dispatch  note.
     Poataue- First oz.  5d., each oz. aftt!r, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
     Dutiable  Articles  may  be sent  by snmple  post.  Green  label  and  I  white  declaration
     /n&uranu-Limit £220.
     Prohibitions-coin  and  jewellery,  bank and currency  notes,  except  in  insured letl~r:~.
     Limits of weight-Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 oa.
     Postage-Up to 2  lb, 5/1; 3  lb, 5/1; 7  lh, 8/11;  11 Ill,  ta/-; 22  lb, 20/11.
     Cu~torns declarati01UI- 1  white  form  and  dispntch  note.
     Insurance- Limit £115.  Fee o( 8!d. for  euch  £ 12  of  value.
     Poilage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
     Dutiable  Artirlts may  be  sent by letter, sample and small  packet post.  Green  la-bel
     Limits oftoeight-Commcrcial  papers 4  lb 6 oz., sample~ 1 lb 2  oz.
    Pa.rcels :  (Service  suspended).
     Po.rtaue-First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcnrds  3d.
      Dutiable  Articles  may  be sent  by  letter  and  sample  post.  Green  label  and  I  whitd
    declamtion  (in  French)  required.
     ln•urO~~j;~Limit £220.
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