Page 80 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 80

OVERSEAS  POST                     81
     Po~tage-First oz.  5d., each oz. after 3d.  Postcards 3d.
     DutiaUe  Articles  uuty  be  sent by  letter,  Sllmple  and small  packet post.  Green label
   and  l  white  declaration  rc(Juired.
     Prohibitiont-Bank  notes and coins  to  maximum  value of 2,000  pesos  arc  admitted
   only  if  sent  by  registered  post.
     Limits of weight-Commercial  papers ·1 lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz.
     Postage-Up to 2  lb, 5/3; 3  lb, 5/3; 7 Jb,  10/-; lllb, 15/3; 22 Jb, 26/6
     Customs  declaration-Yellow  form.
     ProltibitioM- Lctters, bank note!!.
   MONTSERRAT  (See Leeward  Islands)
   MOROCCO- TANGIER,  British Post Office
     Postage-First  oz.  2~d.,  each  oz.  after,  Id.  Postcards  2d.
     Dutiable  Articl~ may  be  sent  by  letter  snmple  and small  packet  post.  Green  label
     l nauranu-Limit £2-tO.
     Limits of weight-Commercial  papers and samples 5  lb.
     Postage-Up to 2 lh,  ·1/10; 3  lb, 4/10;  7  lh, 7/8; ll lb,  11/-;  22  Ill,  17/5.
     Customs declaration-1 white form.
     1 nsurance-Limit £50.  Fee !l~d. for  each  £ 12 of vnlue.
     Postage-First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Post-:nrds  3d.
     Dutial!le  Articles  may  bo  sent  by  letter  snmplc  and  srnnll  packet  post.  Green  label
     I nsurunce-Limit £:?65.
     Prohibitiona-Coin  and  jewellery,  gold  nod  silver,  exceeding  £2 in  value.
     Limiu of tct'i!]ht-Cornmercinl  papers -1  lb  ti oz., s:unplcs  1 lb 2 oz.
     Postage-Up  to 2  lb, 5/10;  3  Ill,  7/7;  7  Ill, 8/8;  I l  lb,  I 1/!l; 22  lb, 20/2.
     Customs  dcc/cuntions-·l  while for111s  nntl  dispatr:h  note.
     J>urccls  should  be  sc:tlcd  with  a  distincti vc  device.
   MOROCCO,  SPANISH  ZONE  (Spanish Offices)
     Poatage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcnrds  3d.
     Dutiable  Articles  mny  be sent by  letter  post only.  Green  label  required.
     Prolli~i/ion!I-Coi n nnd  jeweilery,  gold  nntl  silver,  bnnk  nncl  currency  notes.
     Limits of  wei!]ht- Commorcial pnpNs ·l  lb G oz., snmplc  I JIJ  ~ o:.:.
     Postage-Up to 2 lb, 6/7; 3 lb, 8H: 7 lb, !l/5;  I I  lb.  12,13; 22  lb, 21/d.
     Customs  declarations-t  white forms  and dispatch  note.
    MOROCCO,  SPANISH ZONE  (British Pos~ Office  of Teutan)
     Poata!lc-First  oz.  2~d.,  ench  oz.  nflf'r,  Jtl.  PostCDrds  2d.
     Dutiable .4 r!iclca mny be sent by letter post.  Green lnbol re(Juircd.
     Prohibitions-As (or  Spanish  Zone  ubove.
     f.imit11  of wci!]ltt- Comrncrciul papers und snm(ll~;; lb.
     The  words  British  Offict  mu~l he included in the nddrcss of letters intended  for
    delivery  through  the  British  Post Ofiico  at Tetuan.
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