Page 90 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 90

                             OVERSEAS POST                      91
      Duliable  .Article~ may  be sent by letter  post,  except  in  insured  letters.  Green  label
    and  1  white  declaration  required.
      / naurnnre-1-imit  £230.  (Princip9.l  towns only).
      P rohibitions- Coin  nnd  jewellery, gold,  platinum  nnd  silver.
      Registered packets containing bank and currency notes are admitted at sender's risk!.
      Limit& of weight-Commercial papers 4  lb 6  oz., samples  I  lb 2 oz.
      Postage-Up to 2 lb, 6/4; 3 lb, 8/10; 7 lh, 9/11 ; 11  lb, 1·1/-; 22  lb, 23/5.
      Cmtom.s  declaratioru-3  white forms  and  dispatch  uoi.e.
      / murance-Limit  £230.  Fee Sd.  for  each  £12  of  value.
    SCOTLAND  (See Great Britain)

    Letters :
      Postage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
      Dutiable  Articles  mny be senl by letter, sample  nnd small  packet  post.  Green  label
      Limits oftDeiglii-Cornmercinl pnpers 4 Jh 6 oz., samples  I  lb 2 oz.
      Postage- Up to 2  lb, 3/10; 3 lb, 3/10; 7  lb, 6/5; 11  lb, 8/9; 22 lb, J.l/'.
      Cmtoma declarations-3  white forms  and  disratch  note.
      I nsurance-Limit  £230.  Fee  9d.  for  each  £12 of  \'alue.

      Postage-First oz.  2~d., each oz.  after,  ld.  Postcards 2d.
      Dutiable  Articles  may be  sent by  letter,  sample  and  small  packet  post.  Green  label
    (French)  required.
      / n.surance-Limit £120.  (Victoria only).
      Limit& of weight-Commercial papers and samples 5 lb.
      Post<Jge-Up to 2lb, 3/ 10; 3 Jb, 3/ 10;  7 Jb, 7/2;  11  Jh,  10/!l; 22  lb,  l!lf5.
      Custom•  declaration- Yellow  form.
      Insurance-Limit  £20.  Foe !)d.  for  each  £12 of  value.
    Letters :
      Postaoe- l~irst oz.  5d., Ct\ch  oz.  aflur 3d.  Postcards 3d.
      Dutiable  Articles  may be sent by letters, s:unplc and sml\11  packet  post.  Green label
    required.                               ·
      LimiiJ of weight -Commercial p!lpeu 4 Jb  G oz  , s.'lmples  I  lb 2 oz.
      Poatage- Up to  2  lb, 7/ 1; 3  lb,  7/l ; 7  JIJ,  10/.3;  11  lb,  11/6; :?2  lb,  23/S.
      Customs  dfclaration-Yellow  form.
    Letters :
      Postage- First  oz.  2~d., each  oz.  arter,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
      Dulillblc  Articlu  may  be  soot  by  letter,  sample  and  small  packet  post.  Green  label
      l muranre-Limit  £ 60.  Freetown  only.
      Prohibition&-Stlver  bullion,  exceeding  £5 in  value,  West  African  currency  notes.
      Limit:s  of  weight-Commercial  papers  and aamplcs  5  lb.
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