Page 93 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 93

94                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE

     Parcels :
       Postage-Up to 2 11>, 3J)O, 3 lb, 3(10; 7 lb, 6/5; 11 lb, 8/9; 22 Jb, 14/8.
       Ct.stoms  declarntions-3  white  fora1s.
       J r~suranc~-Lillli t £ 160.  Fee 9d. for ench £ 12 of value.
     Letters :
       Posla~ First oz.  5d., each oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
       DutiaU<J Arti.;lrs  may be ;;cut by letter and small  packet post.  Green label required.
       / nst.rana-J.imit £·100.
       /',.olt ibitio~ts-'l'ubacc • in any F,)l'm b  private perl!<111S.
       Umits  of  u:ciglii-Commercial pupct'S .J  Jb 6  oz., s:uuples  1 lb 2 oz.
       P os!<.ty.:-Up  to 2 Jb,  .JJIO; 3  lb, .JflO; 7  lb, 8,8; ll Jb,  12!6; 22 lh,  20/2.
       Custouts  doclumtio,s-l  white  form  and  dispatch  note.
       / ll~ura/lce-Limit £-100.  Fee  Sd.  for  each  £12  of  value.
       Puotauc- Firsl oz.  5cl.,  C.'lch  oz. after, 3d.  Postcnrds  3d.
       Uulitrl.!e  A rticlt:4  may  be sent by I ell er and small  packet post.  Green lub£:1  and  l
     whitr d.,;,;bration  in  Fre:nch  requin >d.
       I IISilTQIIC<,;- Lilllill:2tiii.
       Limits of  w<~iuht-Conunerciul papers .J  lb 6 oz., samples 1 lu 2 oz.
       Pu$/ag::-Ut>  to 2  lb,  -1,-1.;  3  11>,  5/ 10;  7  lb,  6/11;  11  lb, !>/!>;  22 lb,  IG/11.
       Cu~tum! d.clumtio11s-'2  white forms and dispatch note, (Freucl&).
       /'ru! tcrs, bees.
     Letters :
       J>oslng~-Fir:.L oz.  5d.,  e:1ch oz.  after, 3d.  Poslctlrd:; 3d.
       DutiuU~ A rticlt$ m:l) ue :.enl by l.:ttcr ant! small packet posL  Green lubel (in French)
       l llollrllllce-Limit  £100.
       Limit3 oj u·.iylti- Cornmerc·iul  p:~pers ·1 lb 6 oz., samples  I  lb 2 oz.
       l'ostau•- Ufl  to 2 lh, 5  10 ; 3  lb.  7/ 10; 7  lb, 8rll ;  ll lb,  1'2/0·  22 lb, 22/8
       Cu<tlor•IS  d..clartrlluus- 3  whitt: form:;  and dispatch  note.
       /usurance- LillliL  £WO.  Fee b!d. ior e:~ch £12 of  \'aluc.
       J'o~wy.·-F'ir-st  oz.  2~d.,  each  oz. nfter,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
       DutiuUe :1 rticl<<~ may be sent uy leller and small pocket post.  Green label requin>d.
       lri$Urallce-Limit £1:!0.  Princlp:Jl towns only.
       ProhiWiolls- Unmunuf:IClltrecl  platinum,  gold  and silver,  coin  and  jewellery.  Prizes
         such us medal,, etc., or b'old und 1>ilver may bo ~:~cnt in registered letters.
       L!mits oj  W!iulri- Commertial paJll!n;  and sumplcs 5  Jb.
      Parcels :
       Postage-Up to 2  lb, ·l '·l; 3  lb, ·1!·1; 7  lb,  7/11;  11  lb, 11/!>;  22 lb,  l!>JS.
       Customs di!Cinmtiou·  Ycl!ow form.
       l lt4tmmn-Limit  £120.  Pr inci! :d ll>\\'th  only.  Fee Sd.  for  e.'lch  £12  of  v:tlue.
       /'rol.tbitioll&- Lcttt:n-,  c.~cepl one fnr  nddr essce,  trade and immature spirits.
       1'.1rccls should  be  very SLr<>ugly  packed.
     TANGIER  (See Mocrocco)
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