Page 98 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 98

OVEllSEAS  POST                      99
   ing  lhc consignment.  For  instance,  if the consignment  consists  of thrf'c  pnrcels the
   parcels  should be numbered 1/3,  2/3,  and  3/3  respectively.  One  customs  declaration
   may be used for any numher of ordinary p:1rcels from one sender to onp addrt~ssee.  The
   U>tnl  number of parcels forming  the consignment should  be  shown  oo  the  customs
     Prohibitions-Letters,  cotton  seed,  cotton  and  cotton  !'eed  producL'!,  (except  oil,
   unmanufactured  cotton and cotton wal'tc: sec below), feathers and  skins of wild  birds
   (e.'Ccept  ostrich feathers) unless for educat.ionnl  or scientific purposes; films or pictorial
   represenL'\tions of prize fights;  fre.«ll  fruit;  intoxicating  liquors; potatoes.
     Re&lr£cLiotu apply  to the importnt.ion  of: Arms; bees; bulhs; cereals, cigars, cigarettes
   and  cheroots; cotton waste  and  umnnnufnctured  cotton; drugs;  therapeutic  prc,duct.s;
   mC!lt  and meal food products;  plant.s and  parts of plants,  seeds, sealskin  in any form;
   virus,  scrums and  toxjms.
    lnooice:  An  invoice  or  statement giving  accurntely  Ute  value  of  the contents for
   customs purposes should be enclosed in every parcel containing books and tllso in every
   sealed parcel containing merchandise; and the parcel should be marked on thr. nddress side
   I nvoico enclosed.  If, however, Ute invoic!l or statement relutt!s to more parcels than one, it
   should be enclosed in parcel No. 1, and the remai11ing parcels should be marked Invoice
   enclosed i 11  P11rcel No.  1.
    If the value of the goods contained in a  parcel or in several  parcel~ sent at the &"'mc
   time by one sender to the s:tme addressee exceed~ 100 dollars, an iuvoicc rcrlifiecl by a
   United States consul may have to be furniJted as for letter m:til.  The invoice shoultl
   be enclosed in  the relative parcel, the customs declnrfltion bei11g noted Conaui<Jr im>Oice
   enclosed.  When the consular invoice relates to more parcel:~ tltan one, il should be euclosed
   in  pared  No.  1,  the customs declarations being rtOit'<l  uccordin~ly.  The custom~ dec-
   larations or covers of the remaining parcels should be marked Consular 1·/lvoice i11  Parcel
   No.  1.  If the sender prefers, however,  the consular  iJtvoice  may be scut scjJnrntely  to
   Utc addressee, the relatrve customs declaration bein~; suitably noted.  \Vheu t te consulnr
   invoice  is enclosed  no  oUter  invoice of statement of vnlue  need  be furnished.  If lhe
   consular  invoice  is sent separately  to  the !lddrcssec,  a  commerci.'\1  invoice  should  be
   enclosed in the pare<'!.  A consular invoice is not required, howevtr, in re. peeL o.  pare<>ls
   the contents of which are for the pcrsonnl use of the addressee, and do not exceed $1,500
   in value.
    Origin:  Every  arliolo  (except  hooks  imported by  or for the  account  of auy public
   libmry or libmry ass ·cintion) c3pnble of being stamped, branded or labelled  at the  time
   of iu  manufacture,  without :mffering dumuge, must 11-l well as it.:l  immeuhte  container
   and  the  packing  in which the article i:~ sent be conspicw•usly and indelible  stampcJ or
   branded,  and  so on, in  English characters with an indication of the countrv  of origin.
    Delioery:  A  charge  of  15 cents fur  cU:>toms clearance nnd delivery kl  collectcJ from
   the  addressee.
    Custom$ Duly:  Art.icles (P.Xcept  those subject to internal revenue tn..'{, such as cigars,
   ci(:arcttcs, and so on)  the aggregate vnluc of whiPh  is not more than one dollar, am ad-
   mttted free of duty provided they arc not imported for sale or forwarded for the purpose
   of avoiding the payment of duty.

    Po4/age- First oz.  5<1.,  each  oz. after, 311.  Postrnrds 3d.
    Dutia!Jle Articles may he  sent by letter ancl  small pucket post.
    Limits of weighl- Q.lmmercinl  papers 4  lb 6  oz.,  samples 1 lb  2 oz.
    Po.stage-Up to 2lb, sn; 3 Jb, 711; 7 lb, s.2i  lllb, 1113; 22lb, 1!>/8.
    Customs  dularaliorl&- ·1 white forms and Jtspatch note.

    Poalage- First  oz.  5d.,  cnrh oz.  af~er. 3d.  Postcards 3rl.   .
    DulialJie Article$ mny be sent by reg•stcri:'llcttcr ~st.  Orccn lalwl (French) re<lutrcd.
    Prohil•ilions- O>in  l\nd jewellery, !.(Old, stlver,  platmum, etc., Dank and currency notes.
    Limil$ of toeiollt-Oommcrcial papcrP ·I  lb G oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz.
   93   94   95   96   97   98   99   100   101   102   103