Page 101 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 101

                Air mnil  correspondence is divided  into two  cntc~?<>rics: ordinMy air mail lcUcrl'; the
              uni~ of wei~hl of which  is h:!lf-nn-<:~uru:e nnd the limrt of wdp.hl1 lu. G 01..,  :111d  (light·
              wciiJhl)  nir lcllcra  written on  the prrscriucd  letter forms.
                A•r  mnil  lctlcrs  for  nny  destination  rnn.y  bo  rcgi&lcrcd.  They  mny  nl~o uc in.mrcd
              for Crrat Dritnin, but the limit of compcnll.'ltion pnpblc by eilht•r  the  Driti,h or J:unnic:~
              Administrntions is  £2  ISi - (ns  for  r('&islcrcd  corrcspondcncr),  unless lire  loi'S ocrurs
              while thr. insured letter is in the cuslotly of either PosL Office,  in  whirh C.'ISC the limit of
              oompensation is £400.  1f the loAAof nn insured lcltcr  occurrt:'d whih.' iL wns in nir trnnsi~,
              the compensation  would  be  limitCfl  .to  thnl  for  n  regi:stcrc.~l  nrticlc  (£2  IS/-).
               A blue nir mnil lttbcl (oblninablc at nll  I'ost omcc~) should uc nm.xcd  to cnch air mnil
                The rntcs of postage nre shown below:-
                                      Arn  :'1!.\IL ltAn:s
                              per h:~lf   Air               per h:•lf   Air
                 Dcst.inllt.ion   oz.   T~llcrs   Destinntion   01..   Letters
              Aden              3/:ld.   ()d.   Cook Jslnnds   3/:ld.   ()d.
              Mghnnistlln       3/3d.       Costa Rica        8<1.
              Algeria   .       3/3d.       Cuba              Sd.
              Antigua            Sd.   Gd.   Cypnrs  ..      3,t,3d.   9•1.
               Do.   hY. Jl.W.I.A.   Gd.    Cyrenaica        3r3d.   ()-1.
              Argentine llrpublic  ..   Sd.   Dominica        8<1.   6'l.
              Aust.ralin        3i3d.   !)d.   Do.   by D.W.T.A.   ()d.
              Azores            1/Gd.       Dominica Republic   Sd.
              D:~hamns           Sd.   611.   Dubni          :!/3d.   Od.
              D.ahrcin  ..     3(.311.   ()tl.   Dutch East Indics  ..   3J3d.
              Barbados           Sd.   Gd.   Dutch Gui:~nn    Sd.
               Do.   by D.W.I.A.   Gd.     •Dutch West lndies   Sd.
              Delglnn Congo    3,:;u.       l!:cuudor ..      Bel.
              IJermudn           Sd.   (id.   Ej,rypt        3/:ld.   Od.
              Bolivia            Sd.       E•re              1/Gd.
              13rnzil            Sd.       El S:lh·ndor       Sd.
              British Cuinna     Sd.   Gd.   Eriuc."         3/3<1.
               Do.   by D.W.I.A.   ()d.    Ethiopia (Abyssinia)   3,3d.
              British Ilondurns   Sd.   Gd.   • Europr!\n Countries   lJGd.
               Do.   by D.W.J.A.   Gd.     Fnlkland Islands   ..   3/3<1.   ()cl.
              British North Borneo   3{3d.   9d.   Fiji Islands   3/3d.   !ld.
             British Somnlilnnd   3/3tl.   Od.   French Equatorinl
             JJrwJci  ..       3/3d.   Od.   Africn ..       3J3d.
             Burma.            ·3/3d.   ()d.   French Guinnn   &1.
             C'lmcroons, British           French Cui ncn    3J3d.
               Sphere          3/:!d.   ()d.   French I mlo-Chi nn   3i3d.
             Camcroons, French             French SeLLicmcnt
               Sphere          3/:!d.        of QceJinin     3/3d.
             Canada  ..         Sd.    Gd.   French Somali Coast   3f3d.
             Canary Jsl~~nds   3/3d.       •French WcsL Jodie.-.   Sd.
             Cllpc Vcrdc islands  ..   3/3d.   Gambia  ..    3J3d.   9cl.
             Cayman Islands     2hl.       Gilbert &  Ell ice
             CcylCin  ..       :l/3d.   !)d.   Islands       3/3cl.   Ocl.
             Chile              Sd.        Gold Const        3J3d.   !le!.
             China             3/3d.       Great nritnin nncl
             Colombi~t          8<1.         Northern Jrclnnd   IJGd.   Gd.
               *Eu nOPI!AN  Co~;'1\'11l1F.S-Aibania,  A1L~tri:1,  Belgium,   Bulg:~rin,   Corci:~,  Crclc
             c~cchoslo,·akin,  Denmark,  Dodec:~ncsc  Islands,  Estonia,  Finlnnd,  France,  Germa.n~,
             (Hamburg,  Berlin. Munich, Mnyencc, Frankfurt, 1\in., Stuttg:lrt, l<rcfcld, Peine, Bonn f
             Gibraltar, Creece, Holland, Hungary, Icclancl,  Italy  (Milan  :md  Northern.  Rome  C\ll(
             Southern)  I.~ttl'in, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Norway, Pobnd,  Portug:~l, Roumania,
             Spain, Sw~lcn, Switzerland, Turkey, Vatican City State,  Yu~osla,·in.
               tDuTell Wrs1· 1:->DJEs- A.ruba, Doonire·,, Sabn, St.  · ust:~lius, St. Manrtccn.
               f Fnr.Ncu  W &eT  J:mu:s-Mnrtinique nncl Gundeloupo
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