Page 104 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 104

100                   I'Oti'l'  O~'FIC8 OUIDt.;

      Payment of Money Orders (British or Foreign)
        No money order shall  be paid unless-
             (a)  The corresponding advice has been previously received; except in the case
                of Canada, the United  States of Ametica and  the Canal  Zone; or
             (b)  the advice bears the date stamp of the oflice at which  the order purports
                to  have  been  issued;  or
             (c)  t.he id en my of the person presenting the money order is esl.:lblished to the
                satisfaction  of the paying ofl1ccr.
        (I)  Subject to the pro,·isions of tlwse Regulations, the paying oflicer shalllllJlke pay-
      ment of  every order  presented  (other\lise than through  a  Dank)  when it is  properly
      reccipl~l, if the n11mc of the rcmiller as furnish~! by L!ae applicant is in agrecmcn~ w.ith
      the ad vacc, or appears on the order, unless the pay1ng ofhcer has good reason for  bchev111g
      that  the upplil:ant is  neither the ptlyee nor his agent.
        (2)  .\ money order payable to a limited liability company, corporation or society shall
      be compleLed by the insertion of the name of the company,corporalion or society in  the
      receipt space, together with the signature of a  responsible oflicer snrJ1  as the secretary,
      manager, director,  treasurer or accountant,  and  the description of his official  position.
        When an order is  crossed for payment through a  b11nk,  payment shall be made to  a
      duly accredited representative of  the bank, if the order bears a  legible imprint of the
      bank's stamp.
        ?lloney 01xlcrs shall be paid subject to  the possession by the Postmaster of lhe pay-
      ing office of sufficient funds, and the Postmaster General shall not be responsible for any
      delay  in payment. owing  to  insufficient funds  being available.
        If a payee is unable to write, be shall sign the receipt by making his mark, which shall
      be witnessed in writing.  The witness shall sign his name and write his address in  the
      presence of  the paying officer.  The  payin~ oflicer shall  not himself acL  as  witness.
      The  Witness need not be personally acquamtcd with the payee.
        The rntes of conversion for money orders issued in the United States of America and
       Canal Zone and payable in this Island and vice •·ersnand the rate of conversion for  money
      orders issued  in  this Island  and  payable in Canada shall  be fi.ted  by the  Postmaster
      General on the basis of the prevailing local rale of exchange as advised daily by Darclays
       (Dominion Colonial Overseas) Bank;* the Post Office selling rate not  to  be  lower  than
       five points below the selling rate of the local banks, and the Post Office  buying  rate  not
       to exceed the local Banks' buying rate by more than five points.  In the  case  of  money
       order!' issued in Canada for payment in Jamaica the Canadian Post  Office  indicates  the
      amount to  be  paid  in  sterling.
        After once pt\ying  a  money order by whomsoever presented  lbe Postmaster General
       shall  not be liable to any further claim, nor  to pay compensation for  the loss or injury
       arising oul of delay in payment of n money order or out of any other irregularity in con·
       nerlion  with  a  money order.
        Where the remitter of a money order desires to be advised of the date of payment of
       the order, he may npply to the office of issue either at the time of issue of the money  order
       or suhsC(Iuenlly, anrl pay a fee of threepence.  The issuing Postmaster shall then arrange
       for an advice of payment to be sent to the remitter.
        If the payee of a money order desires to receive payment in t.he Island at some other
       oflice than that upon which  the order  has been drawn,  such  transfer may be granted
       free of charge.
        In case of a  miscarriage or loss of a  money order  in  transmission through U1e  post a
       du1>licate  order shall  be issued free of charge upon  \\Tit.ten  applic.ation  containing the
       necessary  particulars being made t.o  U1e  Postmaster General.
        Where a duplir.ale order is required to replace a  missing order application should be
       made by t.he remitter to the post office of the country of issue.  The payee may also
       make application for a duplicate order through the Postmaster General of Jamaica, pro-
       vided he can  furnish  particulars of the number, etc.,  of the original.
        Defore a duplicale order is paid in this island, the payee must sign an indemnity lht'
       form  prescribed  by law.
        llepayment of the amount of an original a  void or duplicate money order shall not be
       made to the remitter until an authorisation for  such  repayment  shall  first  have  been
       obtained from  the country where such orders are payable.
        Every money order issued in another country and payable in U1e Island which has not
       been paid  within tweh·e months of l11e  month in  which  it was issued shall  be void.
       *This does  not  apply while  the rate of exchari!Jt  doe&  not fluduate daily.
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