Page 108 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 108


      Inland and  Overseas  telegrams  arc  accepted at nny  Post  Ofiicc  or  Jlailway station
     at which  telegraph  business is  transacted  and which ure indicuted by the  letters  T  or
     Ry.  '1'.  in list of Post Office,  pugt>~ 21  to  30.

      Ordi11ary:  The charge for a  tclcbrrnm  other th:~n a  Priority or Press  telebrrnm  is 1/-
     for llte first 12 words and a !d. for each additional word.
      Prilil'ily:  The chnrge for a  Priority telegram  is 1/Ud.  for  the  fu'SL  12  words and  id~
     for each additional won I.  The word  "Priority" for which  no charge is made, must bu
     written before  the address of the telegram.
       Preu:  The charge for Press messages is 6d. for the first  12 words nnd  ~d. for every
     additional  two  words.                      .
       Reply-paid:  Tbo sender of a telegram msy prepay a reply.  The wonJ "Reply-pnid"
     ami the nmount of prepayment must be wnttcn  before the address, und  counts as one
       Cotmliny of tuliTds for charging:  The rules governiJ1g the counting of words for inbnd
     telegmms are substantially the sume us those for overl!Cns  telegrruns.  Sec below.
       Porterage:  If the addressee resides wiilain one mile of the tenninal office the telegram
     is delivered by messenger wiU10ut any adclitiounl chnrge; but if beyond  that limit the
     followiJ1g  porterage  fee  must  be  prepaid.-
       At the rate of 6u. per mile (one way) countin~ from boundary of free delivery.
       The  above  rates arc  maintained  whenever  p1·acticnble.  If messengers  cannot be
     obtained at these  rates,  the  Postmistress  is authoriseu  to  make  the  most reasonable
     arrungeme.nt possible.
       'fhe charge for  the transmission and for  porter:~ge of telegrams must be  prepaid.
     Office Hours:
       The oflice hours arc from 8·a.m. to 5 p.m. daily-Sundnys and Public l folidaysexcepte.l
     From 5 p.m. until  5.30 p.m. or us long ns oflice is actually engaged in Telegraph work
     double rate is charged but no additional fees.
       Night,  Sunday and 1 !oliday services may be obtained at U1e  following rates:-
            (a)  After 6 p.m. until 8 p.m., double rate for telegram plus a  fee of 1!- to each
               clerk  handling the telebrram  and 6d.  for  lhe messenger.
            (b)  After 8 p.m. until 6 a.m., double rate for the telegrrun plus a  fee of 2/- t.o
               euch clerk handling  the telegram  !Uld  1/- for  the messenger.
            (c)  The charges of 6d. and 1/- respectively,  for  messengers  refer  only  to  tele-
               gran1:1 for  delivery  up to one mile from  the  office.
            (d)  On public Holidays all offices are open from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. and  telegrams
               are accepted  at the  ordinary week  day rutes during  these  hours.
     Oentral:  A receipt for a  telegram may be obtained on the prescribed form on payment
     of a  1d. for each receipt.
       A certified  copy  of a  telegram  may  be obtained  on  upplicat.ion  to  the  Postmaster
     General on payment of a  fee of 6d.  If special search is necessary the t:ost incurred will
     be  charged  in  addition.
       Inland telef,'Tilii\S are retained on .file for 3 months, and foreign telegrnn1s for 6  montlla.
       Abbreviated telegraphic addresses (inland) for use at any office, may be rcgi:~tered \\ith
     thc PoslmUBter  General at a cost of 5/- per annum, or upon  payment of £2 for a  perma-
     nent address.
       J..ocal telegrams from authorized Government officials, members of Uae Jiouse of Repre-
     sentatives, the Legislative Conncil and other authorized persons on public business arc
     tnwsmitted  free of charge.
       Persons resident ala place to which U1e isltlnd telegraph liJ1e hasnoL been extended can
     benefit  by its use  on  the following condilions-
            (a}  If the words "By Post'' with name of a  telegraph station be written on n
               message it will be telegraphed to such station and forwanlcd from thence to
               ita posla.l address by first post.
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