Page 110 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 110

•                  'f ELECOMMU NICATlON                 113

    Telegrams to Members of H. M. Army a.nd R . A. P. Abroad
      To.llegrams may be sent by means of any of the public services (ordinary, LT or GLT)
    which  ma y  be  available to  the address concerned, subject  to  the  usual  conditions  as
    rcga1•ds ol1arges, nntl so on.
      'J'olegrums addressed  to a ny of  the  Forces addresses  are chargeable  at current rates.
      The  urgent service a t  double  the  ordina ry  rate is avnilaul<>  for  the overseas  trnus.
    mission  of  t.clegrnme  to  these  Forces  addresses  (except  B.A.O.R.)  but urgent  delivery
    facilities are not nvnilahle.
      Tcle:;l'llms addressed  to members of the  Forces ovcrsens are  given  telegrnpl•ic trans·
    mission  abroad,  but  final  delivery  is  normally  effected  by Service  postal  channels.
      The nrldress of n telegram for n member of t.he  Dritish Army of the RJ,ine counts ns
    five words irrespective of its length.

    Prepaid Replies:
      A reply may be prepnid l.o the majo1 ity of overse.'\S telegrams.
      When  prepnyment of  !L  reply  ~ desired  U1e sender should  write  the letters= RP~
    folluwcd  by the  umount  to be prepaid,  for  examr.le,  a.RP  I0/6=before  the  nddress.
    Thi::~  prefix  is counted a nd charged fnr  llS one won .
      A voucher is issued  to the addressee by  the office of delivery and is  valid for a  periocl
    of th1·ce months  for p:1yment, or  pw'lial payment of any  telegram.
      1 f tho reply-paid telegram cannot he doli ver01l to the a ldrc.;;see, the vnlue of the voucher
    is  rcrundcd  to  the sender oa application bt:ing made  wiLhin  a  period of four month11.
      If the atldrcssee does not use the voucher it.s  \'alue will  be refundt.>tl  to  the sender if
    he makes application and  returns t 1c  voucher within a  \'eriod of four  months.
      Fo1· tahle of n\Lcs apply to any Tdcgrnph  Ofllce or ut  t 1e Office of Cubic and Wireless
    (\V ullt  f ndies) Limited. 8  Port Royal i:ltreet, 1\ing:;ton.
      Tho ad h·ess of telegrams  to be retained uutil called  for  at a  telegraph offic!' or  post
    ollicc should  be  prccctk'C!  by one of  the  following  indicators  according  to  the facility
     = Tit= T elegram to  be ret'lined  at a  telegraph officn:  =G P=T elegram  to be retained
    nt a  J>Oste  re.-1lanle;  = GPR=<Telegram  to  be called  for  at a post officu,  registered.
    This service is notavailablcon Commonwealth social telegrams.
    Mnltiple Addresses
      'rhc uddres.•es of u telegram to be sent l.o several persons in the same town or to the
    s.'lllH! firm  at d ifferent  lo<·alitirs in  tnc s.'lnW town, s lould be pr<>faced by  th<· indicator
    - 'I'M- followed by tne number of :l<i<.lre~ses, for ex:unple,  = TM =  4 =.  TI&P  te!E'j;rnnt
     including the acldres&:s is charged  fnr as a single  telegram,  but a  copy is /'repllroo  for
    each adarrss.  The cnpvin&. ft:e is  10rl. per copy nnL <>XCc!.-.ling  iiO chart;eub e 1vords and
     5d.  for  every ad&.titiouu)  50  words or  portion  U1ercof.
     Telegrams to follow the Addressee
      When t;.e aeno<>r of 11  telegram is not  certain that the :~ ddresse~> will  be fuund at  the
     addreS-i  given  and  desires  the  trlrwnm to be sent  on,  the inclic.~lor -FS- should  be
     insertccl  bP.fore  the ndtlress.  T his service is not available on Commonwealth social tele-
     grnms and  is charged for  as one word.
     Sender's Name a.nd Address
      'l'hc uame nnd address of the sender must be wrillen on  the back of the form in  the
     space provided and it is desirable that the sender's telephone number  should be added.
      Words in  th<>  address of a  tciPgrum, other than the Mme of the ofllce of destination,
     are counted nl the mte 0f  15 lett.ers to n wore!.
      Subject to this limit : (I) jJerson:tl  uames,  names of ships and so on mny be combined
     by the sender  to f'lrm singe cxpressi.lns,  for  examplr,  Delarue;  and  (2)  the  names of
     streets,  squar~, boulevard;; and otlw I?tJblic  lhoroifghf~res may  be  combined  to form
     ain!;le expre~on~ and 11re cuunted as sangle  words 1f  wrnten \'I'IU1out  a  break.  House
     numbers,  for example 30'A  or 30 1 8 / S are counted at the rate of five characters to the
     word,  but the oblique stroke is not charged for.
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