Page 113 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 113

              Advice of delivery of llebistered   Jewellery,  Definition of   LG
               Articles:                        "   Trunsrnis~iou of   lG
                 f11land                l(j   Judicial Stamps  ..      7
                 Ovcrs~Jas           ·10- J:?
              AirMuik                       Letters.
                 T n~unmce (lcller~)   103    Outinblc Articles in    ;j()
                 Postugcs              .tOt   Iusttrnuce, Ovcrsca~   . .   ·ll
                 nc~;istmtion (letters)   .   10:1   Limit~ of wei~,;ht nnd size, Inland   11
              Arliclcs li>lhlc to Customs Duty   :l7   Limits of weight and size, Ovs.  53- 10 l
                                               Hates of Postng;c, Inland   11
              Tklcs, Transmission of    37         Do.     Ovcrsca•   5~-1 01
              "Blind  Literature"       If>    llcdirwtion  . .        ~
              Book Post.  Sec  under Printe.l l'apers.   HcbiotrnliO!t, Iulawl   . .   1:;
                                                 '·     Overscns  . .   ·10
              Cnsli on Dnlivcry (C.O.D.) Service   70   n~turn to seuder. wben nrohibited
              Christmas Cards, writing on   13   Uudclivered CorrcSJJondencc   \1
              Circulnrs                 12   Letter Bnt:s and Boxes  ·   \J
              Classification of M ail:      Liquids, Trnusroission of   1·1
                 Inland               7- 10
                 Overseas            31-101   l\  f ll(lnziucs (local)   . .   11
              Coin, etc .. Trnnsmissio11 of   liHO   ~lo.:dicinc for cure of Consumntion   .')1
              Commercial Pnncrs             l\1 iliLarr Forces. Letter~ ndd,:c..oscd  to  i\2
                 Overseas  •            35   1\!oucy                  JG
                 j n;urcd .Letters      .J.I   1\foncy Order:;·    lOS  106
                 TusurcJ  l'arc~ils     ~-1   Mowr [\I uil und Passcng"ers Service   :lQ
                 llcgislcrcd Articles  Inlnud   16
                    Do.       Overseas   .JO   Nav~l  Forces, Letters addressed to   52
                 Uninsured Pnrcels      ·17   N<lWSJ>UJlers, Jnlnnd   11
              Com!Julsory ll.egi~tration   . .   ](\   Newspapers, "Registered"   ll
              Countries of The Postal Uniuu.   ] ()!)   Newspaper wrappers   . .   7
              s.~rv ~es to           53- 101   Notes, Bank, Transmission of   J.J
              Customs Chnrees-
                 lncoming Parcels       ·l7   Ollices,  List of Post   21- 30
                 Payable by sender      71   Official Correspondence   17
                 Pnynhlc ou repairs     ·18   Oils, Transmi.;sion of   J.J-.JG
                 Refund of  ..          ·l~
              Customs Clearance Fee     .J~   Parcel Post, Inland     1-1.
              Cw;toms Declarations      ~G   Parcel Post Overseas:
                                               C.O.D. Service         70
              Dangerous Articles        1-1    Custom8 Declaration    .J()
              Dutiable Articles by Letter 1\fail   ·10   Duty on Repairs   'IS
              Duty on Repairs           48     Geueru1 llegulations   ·16
                                               Import Duties          -.17
              Envelopes,,istcred Letter   7   Insurance         45
              Gift Parcels      . .     -15    Postage Rates, table of   53- lOL
              Greasy Substance, Transmission oi  l~, ·lG   F'rcferential Tariff   ~8
              " Green Label" SyBtem   . .   3 7   Prepayment of Duty   47- ·JS
                                               :Prohibited Articles   . . 51, 53- 10l
              Holiday arrangements   ..   7  111   Refund of duty     48
              Hours of business at Post Offices   7   U ndcl i vered Parcels   ·lG
              Hours of business at Tlgb. Offices  7, 111   Passenger Services   :JO
              House Delivery  ..        8   Plants, importation of    51
                                            Porterage on Telegrams   lll
              Import Duty   . .        47
              Impressed Stamps          7   Postal Union Countries:
              Inland !\·!ails.               Services to           53- 1 01
                Closing times at G.P.O.   21- 30   Post Offices,  Ho~ of busine;,_.; at   7
              J nsurancc 01  Overseas Letters   41   Post Ollices, List of   . .   21- 30
              Insurance of Oversell8 Parcel11   45   Postage on Official registered letters   17
   108   109   110   111   112   113   114