Page 111 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 111

      A  telephone number and  the  name of  the  cxrhonge,  togethrr  with  the  indicator
     - TF"', is counted in the address as one word,  for example  = TF Pauv li074 ...  counts
     as  one  word.  Similarly,  a  tele.'  number  together  with  the  indicntor  -TELEX=  is
     countcJ  io  the address as one word,  for example  =TELEX=  20 074 =  counts as ooe
     word         ·
      The name of  the office of destination is chorgccl  for os one word whatever its length.
     Wlten  the name of  the country or district is  nec(;ssnry  to distinguish  the  office  from
     others of  tho Slime name it is not chu1'&ed  for.  Similarly in  telegrams for  lar~;e towns
     a  district indicator added to the name of the town  is  not charged for.
      Groups of inilinls in common  use mny he  comiJiucd  inn !).roup without ll1e stops ancl
     are counteu ns  livll  letters to the woru.  lf, howevet· the  sender desires that thl• letters
     should  be  trnnsllliUed  11:1  isolated letters each  letter  IS  counted as one word.
      In 1111  telegrams words compri~ing the 1tum!'  nnd ncldress of the sender, if lo IJe  trnns-
     mitt~>cl scp:lmlcly from the te..xt,  ure oount.-d at 1 he rate o r fiflef>n  letters tCI  the word,
     but a n  r1rhih1ry expreS:!ion  which  is not  a  registered  addre!'S  is counted nl the rate of
     five  h:tters to the word.  T e/Pgr .Jfll8 without  I ut are  1wt admilltd.
      Plain  ltUlguage  is  that which  presents  nu  intcllit~ihle  meanin~t, each  word  and  onclt
     exprcs11iou havin~ the meaning normally  aEsil\ned to 1t in the language to which iL holonbS
      Plainluuguugl' tele~;rnms may be drawn up 1n most hlllb'IIUI;,eB but they must uc written.
     in letter:~ of the En~::lish alphabet.
       Each pluin  la nguage word up to 15 letters mnkP as one chargeable word, any letters
     in  CX<'CSS  uf  15  !win~::  charged at  the  rnte  of  15  letter:~ to the word.  EX<:!ptir nally,
     however, Lllf' frllluwin~ are counted at 15 lcLters to a word if written without break:
        OrJinary c tmpound words;
        N:un.:s uf wwns, provinces, c'>untries and 80 on;
        l•'a1uily u:uncs :llld names of ships;
        Dc:li.;m\U<lllS ••f aircm ft, railway trains and so on;
        Only :ipplic:.blc in adJre.~s as ' llll.' word;
        \\'ltlllc nu1nbcr~, frarli,ms, decimals or frnctional numbers v.Tillen in words.
       Tltc  f,,1J.,wing  muy al~ .. be included  in  a  plain language telegram  but arc charged at
     the rate of five  churacters to  the word, any ex cess  (where permitted  )  being charged at
     Lhc  sam(; rute:
        A sin;,:lc check  word or check  numbe1· not exceeding five lellers or five fibrures placed
          ut the IJCJ::inning or the  text;
        Gruups .tf letters and figure~ forming ordinal numbers, such as 17th;
        Conu111:rcinl  t:.'(prcssi.) nS  or commercinl  murks;
        Gr .ups uf  letlt>rs,  of  figures  or of  signs  provided  they  have  no  secret  meaning.
        (Oblique Rtrokes,  docimal  points, and  ~tops used  in  the formation of such groups
        arc  e<lunted  as  fi6rure~).
       Ex<'t:PL in  the case of groups of figures,  si,;,rns of punctuation are  tmnsmitted only at
     the special  request of  the  sender and  they  ure I hen  charged  for  ns  SCJ>:Irnte  worJs.
     However, an  oblique stroke in the numiJcr of a  house, for example, 30 ...1,  30BI S, is not
     counted  for  the  purpose  of charging.  If compound  words,  joined  by  a  hyphen  or
     separated hy nn apostrophe, appear in a standard dictiorury, tlwy are normally charged
     and  trausmittecl  as a  single word  (that is,  wilh  hyphens or  apostrophes  deleted).  If
     they do not nppear  in a  sl:lndnrd dictionary,  tltt'y are treated nR  separnte words.
       Every  i~lntcd letter  and  fi:;ure  is  c:hurgcd  for  as  a  word,  but  groups of initials  in
     common  use  Auc:h  us  HMS,  RAF,  BOAC,  YMCA,  YTVCA,  PAA,  are  counted  as  five
     letters  to n  word  if slops are omiUed.
       Words incorrl'ctly spelt  so as  lo hriug  the number  of letters within  the maximum,
     or  incorrectly  i•line•l  togPtl1er  contrary  to  the  use  of  ilic  language  are  not pennittcd
     in  plain  l:mgun£,e  lPirgr::~ms.
       Figures may be ueed in the te."\1., but  thCI'hargcahle number of such fi~;ures or groups
     of figures must not C.X<'.eed  one-third of  the chargeable nlimbcr of words in tl1e tclcgrom
     exclusive of the address.
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