Page 107 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 107

OVEn::;Jo:.\:o;  MONt.:\'  OHDI!:H     109
      Repayment  to Sender:  The  sende.r  of  n  postal  order  can  obtain  repayment of  the
    amount (but not the poundage) on presenting the order and the countCJ foil at the i~suing
    ofiice.  If the order h11s been crossed for  P3ymcnt through a  bank the sendtr must first
    cancel the croi!Sing by writing across the face of  Lhe order  the words "please pay casn"
    addiJ1g  his  initiuls.
      Ercuure1, A /1 erJiio!ll,  &:c.:  U any erasure or alteration  is made or if the order  is cut,
    defaced, or  mutilntod,  payment muy be refused.
      Postal  Order1  uol  Neuoliable:  Postal  orders  do  not,  like  Bank  of  England  notes,
    represeut value in themselves.  If nn order is lost or stolen no person into whose hands it
    may full,  though himself innocent, is entitled  to receive  the amount of the order.  The
    rightful ownar is alone entitled to cash  the order.
      Int.crnntional  Reply  Coupons arc  sold  at the  Money  Order  Office,  1\ingston, at 8d.
    each, and  Imperial  Heply  Coupons at 3d.  ench.  The former  represent the posla~c on
     a siu~le-ruto letter mailed m any country of I he Postul  Union; and the latter the po~tnge
     of a stngle-rate letter mailed m ny country of the  British Empire.  Coupons arc cashoo
    at the rnte of 5d. for a 5Q..centime, and 24c1. for un  Imperial coupon.
      Not more than ten coupons may be 110ld to or exchanged by the same person on any one
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