Page 105 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 105

OVEilSJ::.\ S  ~ ~ O~ I~Y  OllDEHS     107

     Telegraph Money Orders
      The Postmnster General may issue and pay Post Office telegraph money orders for sums
     not exceeding forty pounds to and  from  the  UniteJ  Kingdom respectively.
      The charges for telegraph money orders issued  in  this Island shall  be-
           (a)  commission nt the ordinary rate for  money on.lers issued  for  payrncnL  iu
               the United Kingdom; and
           (b)  a  charge for the telegram of mh•ice at the ordinary or  "lcUcr tclCJ,'l'IIOI"
               rate fur  tclcgr::tms addressed  to  the  United  1\ingdom.
       On puyirl'g for the additional words required the remitter of a  lelcgrnph  money order
     mlly add t.o the telegram or advice nny short. rommunicatioo, in Engli::;h, which he nmy
     wish to t~entl to the payee, and may also if he so dc:;ires prepay the cost of n tclcgruphic
     reply  to  such  communication.
      The remitter of a telegraph money order shull defr::ty all expenses aud hear nil losses
     resulting from the address or lbe telegram or ndvice or thnt of the paye-e bring incorrect
     or insufficient to ensure due payment to the proper person  .
       If the remitter intends that a money order shall be called for at a post office, the word:~
     P0::1tc Rcstante shall be \Hitten i0:1tead or an  address after  the pnyee's name.  Tn  the
     absence of these word:!, it shall be assumed that the onJer is to be sent out  for  delh·cry.
      The Postmaster General shall supply Utc remitter with an advice of payment  on pay-
     ment of a fee of threepence.  lf the remitter clu:;ircs that o. request for an advice of pay-
     ment be communicated to the offire of payment in  the telegram of advice, he slmll nlsO
     pay the cost of including  the words "advise  payment".
      Tolcgt'llph money orders mny be sent from  the General Post Office, 1\ingPton, or from
     any other Money Order Office in the  Tslantl  through  the medium of the Ucncrnl  Post
     Office, Kingston.
      Telegraph money orders may be paid ut any rnoney order office in the Tslnnd.
      The provisions of these Regulations t·elating to foreign money orders shall  apply  (bO
     far as t.hcy arc apJ>licable) to telegraph moncyorclcrsexchanged with the  United Kingdom.
       The Postmnster General shall not be liable for any loss or damage which  mny he in·
     curred or :~ustained by reason or on account of any mb;take or default in the transmis..ion
     or delivery  of a  teleb'Taph  money order.
       Amou11ta  of  Pour1daye:  Postal  Orders arc sold  nnd  cnshed  at  all  Po.;t  Omccs  in
     Jamaica,  ami in  the British Empire, ·except Australia and  Canarla.  These orders nre
     printed on a ptlper bearing an "all-over'' water mnrk consisting of the Royal Ciphcr- n
     crown ami the letter::~ G. V.R., and  they measure slightly less than 7 ins. in length.
      The commissions charged on orders issued  nre as follows:-
             At6cl.                                         lrl.
             At 1/-                 .                       l~d.
             At 1J6d., 2/6d., 3/·, 3/6d., -1/·, ·1/6<1., 51-  2d.
             At 7/6d., 8/-,  10/-                          :Jd.
             At 20/·  ..                                    <t!d.
       Posta!}t Stamps a.Dizcd to Postal Orders:  Postage stamps of the  following  Dominion.::,
     Colonies, etc., are recognised when properly affixed by lhe senders t.o  the face of British
     Postal Or\lcr issued in the respecli ve tcrri tories, provided that. the stamps do not. c.xcced
     two  in number and  (a) 5d.  in  total  v11lue  0 11  un  order of denominulions up  to and  in-
     cludiug 4/!id.,  (b)  lld.  in  total value on  uu  order  of denomiualions  aho,·e ·1/Gd.:-
    ~   Aden, Anguilla, Antigua, Bahomus, Barbados, Dasut.oland, Bechuan::tlund Prou.'c-toralc,
     Bormuda, Br-iLish Guiana, British Tiondurns,  Brunei, Burma, Cayman lslunds,  Ccylon,
     Cook Tslllncls, Cyprus, Domini<'Jl,  Palklnnd  T~:~lunds, Fiji, Gambia, Gibraltar, Gold Coast,
     G1·cnndu, Hong Kong,  India  (including  Indian Post Offires on the Persinn Gulf and  in
     Tibet), hnq, I r1sh Republic, Kenya, Uganda and Tanganyika,l\lalaya, l\laltn, l\tnuritius,
     1\lonlserrnt., l\lorocco  (British  Agenries ut Tangier and Tetuan),  Nevis,  New  Zealand,
     Nigeria,  North  Borneo,  Northern  H.hodcsia,  Nyasaland,  Pakistan,  Samoo, St.  J\ilts,
     St.  Lttcia,  St.  Vincent,  Sarawak,  Seychelles,  Sierra  Leone,  Singapore, Somaliland  Pro-
     tectorate,  Southern  Rhodesia,  South  Afri<'a,  Union of  SouU1  West Afyica,  Swaziland,
     Tonga Islands, Tortola (British Virgin Island), Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and  Caicos
     Islands,  Zanzibar.
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