Page 106 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 106

108                    I'OS'I'  OFFfC~~  GUIDE

        The  value  of the postage  stamp$ of those  Colonies,  etc.,  which  do  not use  Sterling
      currency i~ given in the following li~t:-
                                                 Equivalent of
           0.1untry       Currency
                                      ltl. 2d. 3d. 4d. :>d.  6d. 7d. 8d. 9d.  lOd.  lid.
      - - ---------------------------------
      nritish Guiana  1
      lki lish  Honduras
      Trinidad         Cents of a dollar  . .  2  4  6  S  10  12  J.J  16  1S  20  22
      G re 1:\llo.
      St.  Vincent   j
      Aden           '1
      r:Ji'~la       Jl  Annas (1 annn =
      Pakistan          12 pies)          2  3  4  5   6  7  s  9   11
      Som:1liland Protect-
      Ko"Y'· Ug•mda ond l                 \)  13  17  21  25  30  3-J 3S  42  ..15
                     ..  Ccnls of a dollar  . .  7  15  20  30  35  45  50  55  65  70  so
      l£ong Kong     . .  Pinstres   . .   .l  q  2t  3  3~  51  6  Oi  n  Si
                       Fils of a dinar  ..  5
                                            ? "
      1':11lj::llllyik:i   Cents of a Shilling  tO 15  - <>  35  ..10  50  00  65  75  85  9 0
      Turrit.ory, Zanzibar
      Federation of    Cents of a dollar . .   -1  7  11  J.J  1S  22  25  29  32  36   4  0
                                       ·I  7  11  14  IS  21  ?"  29  32  30  3  9
      North 13omco   }  Cents of a dollar  ..
      l\l:writiu!!   .. , Cents of a Rupee   12  18  2-1  30  3-1  39  -15  51  56  6  2
      Seyche-lles    . .  Cents of a Rupee  gl  12  IS  2-1  :10  3:1  39  -l-1  50  56  G 1
        Period durino which Orders art. p<ryable:  If an order be not paid within six months from
       the lnst dny of  the month of issue, a commission equnl to the origiJ1al pounda~e will be
      charged.  The commission thus paid must be affixed in postage stamps to the back of
      the order.  p,1stal orders whic:n nre uot presented for  payment within six months from
      the last <.h1y  of the month of  i~sue are not paid  until  reference has been made to  the
       Postmaster for  Jamaica.
        Filling  in of Order:   'l'he  purchaser of a  post11l  order  must,  before par1ing with it
       fill in the name of the person to whom the amount is to be paid, and is reeonunended to fill
       in the name of the office of payment as a  precaution in ease the order should be lost or
      stolen.  T f the purchaser does not know winch Post Office is most convenient to the payee
      he should insert the name of the town,  village or district where the payee reside.  The
      order will  then he paid at any Post  Office in the  place named.
        Cormlerjuils:  'Every  person  to  whom  a  postal  order  is  issued  should  tear  off  and
       ret~;in the counterfoil.  Its production will  facilitate inquiry if the order should be lost.
        Miscarriage  or  Loss:  The  Po~t mnster  cannot  undertake  to  consider  any  applica-
       tion respecting a p'lstal order which has miscarried, or which has been  lost or destroyed,
       unless the counterfoil be produced; and unless proof be given to his satisfaction that the
       name of the payee was inserted in  the order before the holder parted ~;Lh it.
        After a  Postal  Order has once been  paid,  to whomsoever  it is paid,  the Postmaster
       will  not  be liable  to any further  claim.
        Paymenllo the Public:  Before a Postal Order is paid the name of the payee and the
       rume of the office of payment must have been filled in and the order be properly receipted.
        Payment  through  Bankers:  If a  postal  order be crossed, payment will  only be made
       through a b:lnk; and if the nnme of a bank be added, payment will only be made through
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