Page 103 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 103

     ,.British and forcisn mo~1cy order·s shall be issued :111<1  paid ut the following Post Offices;
    J\.rugstou, Black nrv('l', hdmoutlo, Lucca, l\l.undevrlle, 1\fay Pen, l\lontego Day,  .Morunt
    Bay, Port Autonio.  Port J\laria, St.  Ann's Da.''• Savanna-In-Mar Rpanish Town,  Brown's
    Town aud ButT Bay an I at such other Post Offices as the Postm:1Ster Geucral may deem
    ad visa hie.
      The rates of <:ommissiou  to be charged for money order-.; and the other charges le,·i-
    nble shnll he as follows-
           ( a)  on money orders drawn on Anligua, Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, British
              Gubnu, Uritish  Honduras,  Cnyman  Islands,  Dominica, Greuada,  1\f.ont-
              serrat,  Nevis,  St.  KiLts,  St.  Lucia, Tobago, T ortolu, Trinidad, aud Turks
              Island, sixpence for  the first  two pounds in  value and  two pence for each
              additional  pouud  or  fractional  part thereof.
           (b)  on money orders drawn on any other country sixpence for the first pound
              in  value  and  three  pence  for  each  additional  pounrf  or  fractional  part
    Issue of Overseas Money Orders
      ( I)  The ma.~imum amount for which a single money order may be drawn on-
           (a)  Great  Britain  and  Northern  Troland,  Antigua,  Bahamas,  Barbados,
              Bermuda,  British Guiana,  Drit.L~h llondura~;,  Cayman  fslands,  Dominica,
              Grenadn, Montserrut, Nevis, St.. T\itts, St. Luci!1., Tobago, T ortola, Trinidad
              nncl Turks  Island, shall be forty pounds.
           (b)  Canadn,  (including  Newfoundland),  the  United  States of  America  and
              Clmal  Zone, shall  he one hundri!CI  dollars.
      (2)  The maximum amount in  other case~ shall be as shown in the Post Office Guide
    issued by ll is  M'aje.~ty's Postmaster General.
      ( J)  All  money or·dcr!< shall be expressed  in sterling except those drawn upon  Canada
    (including  Newfoundland),  the Uuited  States of  America  and  Canal  7Ane,  which shall
    be expressed in dollars and rents.
      (2)  No money order may be cashed for an amount including a fractional part of a penny.
      A pcrsou npplying for  a money order payable abroad sh,tll fill  in the Sp!'t·i!tl  rel]uisi-
    tion form supplied for the purpose.  The amount of the money ordr.r, the ofllce of pay-
    ment, the name and full address of the payee aud the name and  full address of the  re-
    mitter shall he stated clearly.
      The Postmaster General-shall  not he responsible for any wrong deli very or payment
    resulting  from,  or  fac:ilitated  by indistinctness,  inaccuracy  or incompleteness  of  name
    or address or any other defect in any applic!ltion for  a  money order.
      The issuing  Postmaster shall  hand  to  the remitter either-
           (1)  a  money order to be forwarded by post to  the payee for  presentation at
              t.he office of payment; or
           (2)  in  cases where arrangements have been made for  the payee  to rccei,·e a
              money order through  the chief office  of the country of payment,  a  cert.i-
              ficnte of issue.
      'l'hrnugh  money  orders:  An  additional  commission  of  twopence  for  each  pound or
    fraction  of a. pound with  a. minimum of fourpence upon money orders for  all countries
    sent through Lhe intermediary of the United Kingdom shall be deducted from the amount
    of  the order before it i.'l  re-advised  from  London.  (Money orders dra.'' n  on  t.he  Irish
    Hepublic  are IJ·euted  as  "t.hrough  orders").
      The payment of a  money order drawn  on  an  office  abroad shall  be subject  to  Lhe
    regulations of the country of payment.  The payee may be required  to produce docu-
    mciil.llry  evidence  of  his  identity  before  payment.
      Where money orders are being used hy persons for  the tran~mission of large swns of
    money,  or  to profit by an  advance in  Lhe  rate of exchange, or  in other circumstances
    causinp; abuses or acting injuriously  to  the postal revenue, t.he  Postmaster  General on
    the direction of t.he Governor may increase the prescribed rntes of commission, or sus-
    pend  the i~sue of s uch  money orders.
      Orderf< issued in the Tsland for payment abroad shall be valid for tweh·e months  after
    the month of issue, e.xcept orders payable in the Belgian Congo, which arc valid for eight
    months only, and in Brazil, Tnrlia, the Nctherland West Tndies, and  Uruguay, which are
    valid for six months only, after the mont.h of issue.
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