Page 99 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 99

100                     I'O::;T  on'tcl!:  ounn;
         Po&lagc- Up to 2 lb, 5/i; 3 lb. 9/1; 7 Jb,  10 2;  11  lb,  13/6; 22 lb, 23 1 2.
         Cu.toms  d~laralicms- 2  white  forms and di~putch note.
         Prllhibili11ns- Letters, gold nncl ~ilvcr eo ius, cxcepL ancient coins not over 10 per parcel
        Commercial  parcels must  be nccompanied  by a  Cousular ccrtificnLc  of origin.
        Letters:- As  for  l t:~ly.
          Po.tage- Up to 2 lb, 5/4; 3 lb, Gn; 7 lb, 7/8; 11  lb. 10.'6; 22 Jb,  18 2.
          Cu.tom~ dcdu oJiioM- 3  white forms and di~pntch note.
          EAch  declaration for  a  gift  parcel  mu~t be conFpicuuusly mnrked Gijl  Parctl.
          Po&tagt-Firsl oz. 5<1.,  each  oz.  a fter,  3d.  Poslcnrds 3d.
          Dutiable Articles may  be sent Ly small  packet posL only.  Green  label  and  1 white
        dcclamtion  required.
          Prohibitions-Gold,  silver,  platiJmm,  etc.,  bank  :md  currency  notes,  all  dutiable
        articles except b'OO<Is  contn.inctl  in  small packct:~.
          Lit11ils  of tDeighl-Commercinl  papers  1 1 lb 6  oz.,  sample.s  1  lb 2  oz.
          Poalage- Up to 2 Jb, 8/IOI· 3 lb, 8/10; 7 Ill,  12/2;  11 lb, 14{6; 22 lb, 23/11.
          Customs declaraf1'ons- ·1 w 1ite forms.
          Prohibitions- Letters,  arms, cigarette  paper,  uickcl  and  silver  coins.  Parcels  must
        be very  securely  pack<.od  and  those  containing  gold,  silver  nud  other  precious  object
        should be clearly marked "013JETOS PRECIOSOS".
        VIRGIN  ISLANDS  01' THE  U.S.A.
        Letters:  (Same as  Puerto  Rico)
        Parcela:  (Same as  Puerto  Rico)
          Poat:tge- First oz.  Sd.,  each  07..  after,  3d.  Postcards 3d.
          Duli!lble A rtidu may  he sent by lellcr, sample nnd small packet post.  Green lahel
        and  I  white declaration  (French) required.
          Limila of tDeighl- Comml'rcial  pnpcrs ·I  lb 6  oz., sampk>s  I  Ju 2  oz.
        Parcels:- No service.
          Po.tage-FirsL oz. 5cl., cach  oz.  after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
          VuJiable  A rliclu muy be scni. by letlf.:r,  snrnplc nnd small  packet  post.  Green  lahol
        and  I  white dcchration required.
          Limit a o/IDeighl- Commercinl papers ·I lb 6 oz., sample I lh 2 oz.
          /llauratlce- Limit £400.
          Poataye- Up  to 2 lh, 5/1 0; :3  IIJ, iti; i  lh, 8,8;  11  llo,  11 '9; 22 llo, 20/5.
          Customs  declaralio••d- a  white  forms  ami  di~)JIIlch note.
          Poalage- First oz.  2411.,  each  oz.  after,  hi.  l'o~tcard 2d.
          Dutiablt  Articlta  mny he sent by letter, s.:unple  nnd sm:1ll  packet IIOijt.   Green label
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