Page 97 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 97

98                      POS'r  OFFICE  OUIDE
     UNITED  KINGDOM  (See Great Britain and Northern Ireland)

       Poslage- First oz.  St.!.,  each oz.  after,  3t.!.  Postcards 3d.
       Duiiabl11  Articles may be sent by  letter  and  small  packet post.  Green  label  and  I
     white declaration  reqUired.  All  scaled  packets containing merchandise  (or  bavinj; the
     !ippCArllnce of cont.nining  merchandise)  which  is not definitely  known  to be dutwble,
     must bear an endorsement (may be openeclfor cuslo111s purposes prior to clelivcry to addreuee,)
     Packets cont.ttining  merchandise  which  bear  neither  the  endorsement described  nor a
     green customs label can be ar.ccptcd only at sendcr·'s risk.
       Prohibitio113-Wedding cake not securely packed  in  tin  boxes.
       Restriction&  apply to the importation of bees; cigarettes and cigars; plants and  pruts
     of  plants;  seeds.
       Origin:  Every article  (except books imported by or for  the account of any public
     library association)  capable  of  being  stamped,  branded  or labelled  at the  time of its
     manufacture, without sufferin~ damage, must. be conspicuously and indelibly stamped
     or brooded, and so on, in Enghsh cbar:~cters with an indication of the country of origin.
       Jnooice:  An  invoice must be enclosed  in nil  packets conltlinin~; either merchandise
     or books for  sale; and a  statement (hiving accurate particulars of contents and  value)
     in all  pucket.s conltlining merchandise or books not sent in eMcution of an order or not
     for  sale.  Each  packet should  be marked on the address side 17woice  enclosed.  If the
     total  value of the ~oods contained  in  n  packet or in  several  packets sent nt the snme
     time  hy the same sender  to the same addressee exceeds  100 dollars,  the  invoice  (or
     statement.)  may  to be certified by a  United St.niN!  Consul  nndsendersare  recom-
     mended  to  make  inquiry  of a  U.S.  Consul  if in doubt  as to  whether certification is
     necessary in any particular case.  A consular invoice is not required, however,  in respect
     of packets  the  contents of which are for the personal use of the  addressee, and do not
     axceed  $500  in  value.
       Sample pn.ckets should be marked Trade  Sample&.
       Custom•  Duly:  Articles (except  those subject. to internal revenue ta.'\., such :~s ci~nrs,
     c:i&arettesand soon) lheagj,'l'egate value of which is not more Ut= one dollar, are admrtted
     free of duty provided they are not imported  for su!e or  forw:~rded for  the  purpose  oi
     avoiding  the  payment of  duty.   The undcrmentroned  arlicles are also exempt from
     duty:  Ncw,pnpcrs and  periodrcals  (the  term  periodicals  is  to be understood  to  include
     only  unbound  or  paper covered  publications  issued  within  six  mont.hs  of the  time of
     entry,  devote;!  to  cun-cnt  literature  of t.hc  day or  containing  current literature  as  a
     prr.dominant. feature and issued regularly at stated period A as weekly, mouthlv or qunrterly
     and  bearing the date of issue),  bookB engravings,  photo!!,raphs,  etchings  (hound or nn·
     bound), maps, and charts imported  for  the use of  the United States, and addressed  to
     any department,  bureau, or division  or the Govcrnmeut.;  publications issued  for their
     subscribers or exchanges by scientific or literary associalions or :~cademies, publications
     of individuals for gratuitous private r·irculation, not advertising; public documents
     issued by forci~ ~;overmnents; books, mark!,  music, c~gmvinbs. photol9'aphs, etchings,
     JithOJ,.'Taphrr prmts (bound or unbouncn and charts wluch have been prmtcd more thnn
     20 years and not rebound wholly or in  part in  leather within such  period; books and
     pamphlets printed wholly or  chiefly  in languages ot.her than English,  and bool;s  :~nd
     music in ratsed print used exclusively by or for the bhncl.
       A chnrt;e or 10 cents for Customs clearance and, in addition, a delivery fee of 5 centa
     in  the cnse of small  packet~, are collected  from  the addressee.
       Limit• of weiyhi-Commercial papers 4  lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz.

       Po3tage- &l. per  Jh.  Limit 22 lb.
       Cuslom1  decl.Jration- Yellow  form.
       Parcels for the U.S.A. may be  Fel' ·Id.  No indemnity is paid in connc..'tion
     with registered parcel  post packages exchan~t>tl with the United Sltltes.
       If more than one pa.rccl is sent at one time to  one  nddrfsscc, the sender should  numhcr
     tlw parcels consecutively 3Dd should indicate nn each parcel the numbr.r 01  parcels form-
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