Page 92 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 92

OVERSEAS  POST                      93
      Postage-First oz.  2}d.,  encb oz. a h er,  ld.  PostMrds 2d.
      Dutiable r1rlicles  Jn'LY  be sent  by lot LOr,  s:unole !iml sm!l!l  packet post.  Green label
    required.                         ·
      Limits  of 1o!i!]llt-Commercial papers  and samples 5  lh.
      Postage-Up to 2  lb,  4:7{·  3  lb,  ·l/7; 7  lb,  CJ/5;  11  lb,  16,-.
      Cr~sloms declaration-Y cl ow form.
      Insurance- Limit  £40.  Fee !)d.  fur each  £12 of value.
      Prohibitions- Letle•·s,  bullion,  coin,  oilskins.
      l\laximum value for parcel £50.
      Posta!}s-First  oz.  lid.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Po,.tc:ards 3d.
      Drlliuble Articles- may b.; sent by letter, ;;:Hn:lle ani s n dl p·tcket p1•t.   Green label
     required.  (Spuni:,h)  Books, cntalo~,;ucs uu•l so on urc liulJic to Custom duty, ami a  grct!n
     label  must be affixed  to  packets  containing such  urticlc::.s.
      / nstorarJCe-Limil £100.
      P rollibilions-Spanish  bank  notes,  tobacco.
      Limit& of 1oeight-Commerciul papers .J lb G oz., s:1mples  1 lb 2 oz.
      Poslngc-Up to 2 lh, 6/4; 3 lb, 7t l0; 7 lb, 8/ll; 11  lb, l l/9; 22 Jb,  lCJt.2.
      Cr~sloms dcclaralioni- 1 whit.e  forms and Jb::p •• tch  note.
      Prul.i!.itions- l.cllcrs, articles of ~:.-old or ~ilver, militury weapons, Spanish bank notes,
     tobacco.  Jmportntion  of jewellery  is  r~trictcd.

      P oata11e-First  oz.  5d.,  cach  oz.  after, :>d.   Po~tcnrds 3d.
      Prohibitiolls-Coins  nnd  jewellery,  gold,  silver,  platinum, etc.,  Buuk  nnu  CUl'fenc.v
     not~, tobacco.
      Limilt of  weight-Commercial papers ·1 lb G. oz., snmples 1 lb 2 oz.
      Postaue-Up to 2 lh, 1t·l; 3 lh, CJJ I; 7 lb,  10!2;  11  lb,  12/!l; 22 1!1,  22/11.
      Ct~aloms dcclarationa- :>  while for111s  and dispatch  nolc.
      Posluge-First oz.  2ld.,  each oz. nfter,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
       DuJiablc Articles  may  be sent by  letter post  (only).  Green  l:tbcl  required.
       Limits of weight- Commercial pnpers .J  lb. 6 oz., sample!!  1 lb. 2 oz.
       Posl<rg~Up to 2  lb,  4/·l; 3  lb,  4/·l; 7  lb.  7t2;  11  lb; 10.3; 22 lh,  lt}J8.
       Customs  dccl.lratiot!&- 2  white forms nnd  di~patch note.
       l n&llranc!- Limit  £55.  Fee &1.  fur  ~·eh £12 of  value.
       J>t~rccls must be \'l:ry strongly packed.

       Po&tugt-First oz.  5d.,  C!lch  oz.  nftcr,  3d.  Poslc:mls 3d.
       DuJiablc A rticlts may be s.enL  by letter and small  packet posl.  Green  lnbel required.
       Limits of weight- Commcrch1l  papers ·l lh 6 oz., snmples  l  lb 2 oz.
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