Page 109 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 109

11:!                   PO::>'r  OF FICi,;  OU!lH;
           (b)  rr n letter mnrked "On l'osL Oflice 'J'clegruph  Dusiness '' be sent  hy post to
               the  tele,;rnph  clerk  ut any station  the message cnclosc<.l  will  be promptly
               fnrwardt.~l  by  tcle~,rrnph from  such  station.  In  this  case the letter may
               be  registered  and  the  ccst  of  tl1c  meewgc  enclosed  in  stamps or coin.
               Tclcgrnmsmay also be handed ton m:1il 1:ourier on ),is wuy  to  a  telegraph
               office,  but the Department does not  Iuke uuy liability for  miscnrl"iage.
           (c)  No clwr~;.: will be made in  either case for postage or regislmtion.

       Cable!Jnwu:  CalJil•grarns for  nil  parts of  the world  mny be  handcJ in  at any Tcle-
     W••rh  Office on  payment of the  inland charge in  addition  to  the amount chargc<.l  by
     Cable and  \VireleS:l  (\\'est lndil.'d)  Ltd.,  in accllrduncc with their TnriiT.  No i11lautl rate
     is  clwrued for  leleurams / IJr the  British Em71irc.

     The various classes of message available are:
     Ordinary Telegrams
       Ordinary t.clcgrams may be writt1•n in plain or secret (code or cipher) language or any
     combination  of  these.
       The  u.xt  of an  ortlin:~ry telegram  may contnin  a  mixture of plnin and secret (code
     nr1d/or cipher) language and the total charge is arrived at by adding the chnrr.t- for ench
     individual word reckoned in nccordance with the rules for counting at pages 113  to  11-l.
       The minimum charge is as for five  words.
     Urgent Telegr&.m11
       The  urgent,  telegram  provides  n  specially  accclemted  service  to  most countries.
       Such  telcj,'Tilms  have  priority in  transmission  nnd  the rates are double  the ordinary
     rates.  The word" Ur~-:ent" must be included ns the first word in the address and charged
     for.  The minimum churge  is as for five words.
     Letter Telegr&.m11
       The  le:ltcr  telegram  services  (LT)  provide  facilities  nt half  the  rate  for  ordinary
     telegrams for communicntions in pltlin language of a lengthy though less urgent character
     than those  provided  by the onlinary or urgent services.  The minimum charge is ns for
     22 words.  Prcfi..x  L 1' i! charged for as one word.
       Lc/ter  7'elcur.Inl8  (L'f )  may be sent. to m'lst  places  outside  Europe.  They arc nor-
     umlly delivered  during  the  day following tile day of handing in.
     Commonwealth Social Telegrams
       Cummonwcalth social  telegrams  (GLT)  may be sent  to  most plnccs in  the British
     Olmmonwcnlt.h,  territories  under  Britjsh  Trusteeship,  Durma,  and  the  lJashen.ite
      Kingdom of the Jordon.  They must be in plain language nml may be used for greetings,
     f~lmily news  or  non-eommercial  perscnnl  aiTnirs.
       Commonwealth social telegroms are normally delivered during the day follo\\ing the
     day of handing in.  They should contain  tl•e full  postal nd1lress of the addressee.  The
     only accessory service allowed is the prepaid reply.  The rates arc one-hnlf UIC ordinary
     rates bused  on a  minimum of 10 w01·ds.  No charge is  mnde for the prefix GL'f.  No
     other accessory services such as the multiple address facility are admissible.
     Press Telegrams
       Press telegrams for  publication in  tl1e  newspapers  mny be sent at  reduced rntes by
     only authorised  press  correspondents.  The minimum  charge  for  press  tele(,trame is ae
     for  IOworde.
      Multiple Address Telegrams
       A telegram addressed  to several  persons  in the  same town or  to U1e  same  firm  at
     different addresses in the same town may be sent to practically all destinations at rates
      which give a  reduction on all copies after the first.
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