Page 67 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 67

68                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
     Po•ta;- Up to 2 lb, ·l/7; ~ lb, 6/ 10; 7  lb, 7/ 11;  11  lb,  11( ; 22  Jb,  19/2.
     Cullom5  dtclaraliorts- 3  \1 bite forms and dispatclt  note.
     !'.u-cel!l  should  be sealed  wiU.l a  dislinrlive device.
     Po,/.a~e- First  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Po~trnrtls 3d.
     Vutwb!e Art~'"' may b.; sent by letter, sanple tu.d  ~moll packet  post.  Green
   2  whit~: d<·cbrat.iuus  rL'<)tairctl  I
     p, nhtLtti,,,_  (.\lartini,tuc  only)  Bauk not~,  cuHency  notes,  etc., exre):t in ·
   letl.-r~.  ;.;.>iu  and  jewdlcry.
     Linn/1 11/  wdghi-Conuncrciol papers 4 lb 6 oz., anmplcH l  lb 2 o•.
     Pv$/..a?-F P to 2  lb, 3/(1;  :1  lb,  4/!l; 7  lb, 519;  11  lb, 7/3; 22 lb,  12/3.
     Cu•l.>rna duJ .. mJtion~- 3  white 10rma ami disJ•ntch nute.
     p, ~hibitivn•- Lettera.  Parcel11 ~hould be sealed with a distinctive device.
   Letters :
     P9Jiaoe- First  oz.  2\d., each oz. after,  ld.  Posto11rds 2d.
     1J "twNe A rl ides mu?' l,c :lCIIL by lctt"r (cx~cpt in iu~ureJ letters) .  Green label requ
     J,.•tlfCtl/ce- J.iutit  £100.  ( IIHthurs~ only).
     PruhJbitioM- Coiu,  \Vest  i\.ricnn curre11cy notes.
     Lim111  11/  weigl.t- Omunerciul  papers auJ Ball1fJlCI 5  lb.
     P.~~!.Jlle- lTp to 2 lb, 4 1 1; 3 lb, ·!'1; 7 lb, 6 '11; 11  lb, 0 "6; 22 lb, 14 8.
   •  ru.lOIIl5 d<c!arati.ll<- \\:!loll  Cmn.
   i  J,w, J; £.J()().  (BntluJrst o11lyl.  Fee Od.  for enf'lt  £12 of v11lue.
     Prnhi!dtiuns- · Ll"lt.ers, except one Cor addressee, West Ah icun cunency note•, w·
   tdcl(rn1JIJ  upparutu~.
     PoHiaye- Fir~t oz. 50., pach oz. after, :Y.I.  Postctlrds 3d.
     Llu!a..ab:e tl rl&c/e• may bl! st~Ht by sant~ll p!lckettJVSt.  Gn:en laht>J anrl one white :let
    tiou n:qturcJ.
     ltl$1uanc-.  - T.imit  £-100  Cur  Brili~h, American  and  French  zooes  (incluJing  ecc
    of  n•·d!n)  ooly.
     J'ro~hibitio"1 - (Sor·iel zone only)  cignr~. ci~nrcllcR, tvbar.c:o.
     Limit• of ll'eighl- Cummen:iul pnpcn1 ·1 lb 6 oz., lllllltplee  1 lb 2 OJ.
     Polla(}e - lip to 2 lb,  4'7; :1  lb, 5 '7; 7  lb, 6'8;  11  lb,  91-; 22  lb,  IS.'ll.
     Cu$/oma  drclaratinrt.• - 1  whit~: form  nn.!  dispnt<'ll  nnw.
     I n.sura11re- Limit  £115  for  P.ri ti~h ,  Am.::ric:\!1  uHd  l;'fencb  zones  (iurluding
    of Bt:alin) only.  Fee 9J. f•Jr ead1 £12 of ,·alut:.
     Gtrr P1RCI'lJS  may bP  Sl'lll  to lite  wholo of Grrmnny.  The<~' nre  etrit·tly limit
    esst•utit.l  ro•licf ilflms such  us  clotlting,  tll!·dit·iucs,  and  Jtt•rmi -i.-<iblr  ncm·pcr lSht~hl.: .
    ft,lfT,..  (~•C p:Wt:  ·15).  00lll parcel  '\Ht:f  dcdumli<lll  fN Ill  llll<~t  bt  111:11 lwd  ()lfl  /'
    u••tmidtcrl  trift.  £oq!q  and  pr111lt!l  Wilier  may  r&ut  bt  ~etJI  171  yijl  p.trcc/,  IJ  any  pat
    Oo:nM••!J·  They  rn!ly,  !tfiii"I! \"Cr  br  df'nt  by  print.:d  Jlll!X:r  J>C•~t :mu  in•:e~s  (o
    L1u11  G,,..,  ~:.r•:cl~l  to the wh•1le of G~>rmnny.
      rrohi~liiOil•- (&t,lt:!  III.I!Jl,  ri;;:us,  cib'11TCLI.C3 1  tnbacr.o  and  its  produc~.
      All  parcels  be  etrongly  pM:k.ed.
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