Page 62 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 62

OVERSEAS  POS'l'                    G3
   Cwtom6  declarations-!  white  form  and  dispatch  note.
   Insurance-Limit  £115.  Fee 8!d. for  each  £ 12  of  value.
   Prohibiliom-As for  letters.   •
   Postage- First oz. 5d., each oz. afler, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
   Dutiable  Articles  may be sent by letter and small packet post.  Green  label required.
   Insurance-Limit £60.
   Limits of weight-Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., sample llb 2 oz.
   Postage-Up to 2 lb, 5/7; 3 lb, 7/Id; 7 lb, 8/2; 11  lb,  11/3; 22  lb,  19/8.
   Customs dec/arations-3  white forms and dispatch  note  (French).
   Insurance-Limit £80.  Fee !Jd.  for  each  £ 12  of  value.
   Postage-First oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
    Dutiable  A rlic/es  may  be  sent  by  letter,  (except  insured  letter),  sa1nplc  and  small
  packet  post.  Green  label  required.
   Insurance-Limit £-LOO.
    Limits of  toeight- Commercial  papers -1  lb  6 oz., samples  1 lb  2 oz.
  Parcels :
    Postage-Up to  2  lb, 4/1;  3 lb, 5/1;  7  II.J,  6/2;  11  li.J,  8/6: 22  lb,  1'1/d..
    Customs  declarations-!  white  form  and  dispatch  note.
    Insurance-Limit £-!00.  Fee 8d. for  each £12 of value.
    Prohibitions-Letters, bees.
  Letters :
    Postage-Fir~t oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
    Bminess Correspondence  must be limited to  ascerl.aining fncts and exchanging inform-
    Limits of  weight-Commercial papers -1 lb  6 oz., samples  1 lb  2 oz.
    Postage-Up to 2lb,.J/-l;  31b, 7/10; 71b, 8/ll; lllb,  12/-; 22 1b,  1!lfll.
    Cwtoms  declarations-2  white  forms  and dispatch  note.
    Postage- First  oz.  2~d., each  oz.  after,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
    Dutiable  Article~ may be sent by letter, snmple and small  packet  post.   Green  lnbel
    l11suranu-Limit £20.
    Limits  of weight-Commercial  papers  and  samples  5  lb.
    Po~tage-Up to  2  lb,  1/3; 3  lb,  1/3; 7 lb,  2/G;  11  IIJ, 3/!l; 22  lb,  G/3.
    Custom~ declaratiM-Ycllow form.
    Insurance-Limit £20.  Fee Gd.,  for  each  £ 12 of value.
    Prohibitio1t3-Letters,  except one  for  addressee,  arms,  goods  bearing name  of a  firm
   in the British  Commonwealth  unless country  of  origin  i:;  stated.
    Postaue-First  oz.  Sd.  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
    Dutiable Art icle~ may be sent by small  packet post.  Green lnbcl and 3 white dcclam-
   tions required.
    Prohibitions- Bank and currency  notes,  coin  and  jewellery, silver.
    Limit~ of  weight-Commercial papers 4  lb  6 oz., Sllmplcs  1 lh 2 oz.
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