Page 59 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 59

60                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
       I nsurance-Limit £400.
        Prohibition~-Bank and currency notes, except in insured letters.  Coin and jewelleey.
       Limits of weight- Commercial papers 4  lb 6 oz. samples 1 lb 2 oz.
        Poatage-Up to 2 lb,  6!7 ; 3 lb,  6/7; 7 Jb, CJ/2; 11  lb, 11/6; 22 1b, 20/2.
       Custonu· declarations-! white form and  dispatch  note.
        l Muranct- Limit £115.  Fee 9!d. for  each  £12 of value.
       Posta:Je-First oz. 2lcl., each oz. after,  ld.  Postcards 2d.
        Dutiable Articles  may be sent by letter,  sample and small packet post.  Green label
        Insurance- Limit £ 120.
        Limits of weight-Commercial  papers and samples 5 lb.
        Postao&- Up to  2 lb,  1/3; 3  lb,  1/3; 7  lb,  2/6;  11  lb, 3/9; 22  lb, 6/3.
       Customs declar .1tion- Yellow fom1.
        Insurance- Limit £ 120.  Fee 6d. for each  £12 of vnlue.
        Prohibi!ions- Letters,  except  one for  addressee; and  c:'Ccept under  license,  bees and
      appliances for  beekeeping cotton.
        Postaoe- Ji'irst oz.  2!d., each oz. after,  Id.  Postcards 2<1.
        Dutiable Articles  may  be sent by letter,  sample and small  packet  post.  Green label
        Insurance- Limit£132.
        Prohibitions- GolJ  leaf;  articles  of  solid  gold  or  silver,  other  than  jewellery,  gold
      or silver  wire  or  thread.
        Limits of weioht- O.>mmercial  papers and samples  5  lb.
        Postage- Up to 2 lb, 3110; 3 lb, 3/10; 7 lh, 6/11;  11  lb, 10/0; 22 lb, 17/5.
        Customs  declaratio11- Yellow form.
        /nsur.ltiCe- Limit £120.  Fee Sd. for enc!1  £ 12 of value.
        Prohibitions- LellerR,  except one  for  ad;lresscc.  As  for  letler post.
        Po3laae-First oz. 5tl., each oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
        Dutiable Articles  may  be sent by letter and sample  post.  Green  label and 3  white
      declarations requirerl iu  French.
        l11~uratu:e- Limit  £200.
        Prol.iiJilioM- Bank nnd currency note;;, except in insured  letters, coin and jewellery.
        Limits of  weioht- Commercial papers 4 lb () oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz.
        Postaoe- Up to 2 lb, 5/-; 3  lb, 5/-; 7 Jb,  7{-;  11  Jb,  U/-;  22  lb,  151-.
        Cmioms declaralioru- 2 white forms and dispatch  note.
        Prohibitions'- Letters. A certificate of ori0 n must accompany every commercial parcel
      posted hy one sender  to the same address, and must. he certified by n Chilean coruul if
      value exceeds  $15  (U.S.A.).
      CHINA (inc'uding FORMOSA and MANCHURIA)
        Poslaae-Firet oz. 5d., each oz. aftC>r, 3d.  Postcards 3r!.
        Services  nre  limitecl  to unregistered letlA.•rs  nnd  poatcanls  to  Chillll  :md  Manchuria.
      Normal services arc available only for  Fonnosa.   ·  ·   · ·
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