Page 61 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 61

62                     POST  OF'FlCE  GUIDE
        Postage-First. oz. 5d., each oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
        Umits of weigllt- Commercinl  papers  4  lb  6  oz.,  samples  1 lb  2  oz.
        Prohibitions-Coin  and  jewellery, currency notes.
        Postage-Up  to 2  lb,  -1/4; 3  lb, 7/10;  7 lb, 8/11;  lllb, 12/-; 22 lb,  Hl/ 11.
        Customs  declarations-2  while  forms  and dispatch  note.
        Posta{le-First.  oz.  5d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
        Dutiable  Articles  mny be sent.  by letter post  (only).  Green label  and 1 white declar·
      at ion required.
        Limits of ~&eight-Commereinl  papers 4 lb,  6 oz. samples 1 lb, 2 oz.
      Parcels :
        Post(lae-Up  to  2  lb,  5/-t;  3  lb, 5/-1;  7 lb, 8/8; 11  lb,  12/0.; 22 lb, 20/11.
        Customs  dec/arations- 2  white  foru1s  and dispntch  note.
        Prollibition- Let.ter$,  raw cotton.  A  consular invoice should  be  obtained  beforehand
      for every  parcel for Cuba,  whatever the value of the contents, and be forwarded  before-
      hand  to  the addressee.
        Postage-Fir~t oz.  2~d .,  each  oz. after,  Id.  Postcards  2d.
        Dutiable  A rti~lcs may be sent by let.ier  and small packet  post.  Green label  required.
        fiiSllra/ICt- J. imit £120.                                 I
        Prohibitions-Coin  and  jewellery,  bank  and currency  notes except  in insured  lette~
        Limits of weights-Commcrcit1l papers nnd S!llllples 5 lh.
        Pos1<1ge- Up  to 21b, 3/7;  3 lb,  3/7; 7 lb, 6/8; lllb, 10/-; 221b, 16/11.
        Customs  declaration- Yellow  form.
        i nsurallce-Limit £120.  Fee !ld. for each £12 of value.     1
        Prohibitio11s-Lettcrs,  except one for addressee; coins of silver  or copper,  daggers, old
        Postage-First oz.  5d.,  cnch  oz.  nfter,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
        DutiaL/e  Articles  mny  be  sent by smnll  p11ckct  posL.  Green  label  required.
        Li111it  of  weights-Commercinl  p:tpers  (only)  ·1 lb 6 oz.
       Parcels :
        Postage-Up to 2 lb, 6/ 1;  3  lb, 6/ 1;  7 lb, !l/ 11;  ll  lh,  1·1/-; 22  IIJ,  '!..If~.
        Custom$  dt.claratious-2 white  forms  and  dispatch  note.
        Postage-First oz.  5d., each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
        Dutiable  Articles  mny  be sent  by letter, sample and small  pnckct  post.  Green  labe  1
       and  I  white  declMillion  required.
        Insurance-Limit £.1()().
         Prohibitio11s-Ocrmnn  coin  and  pnper  money.  Importntion  of  Czechoslovakian  bnnk
       notes 11nd coin, plntinum, gold and sil vcr, po~tugc stamps, tohncco is subject to restrictions.
         Lim-its of  wei!lhi-Commcrcial pnper 4 lb 6 oz., snmplcs I  IIJ  2 oz.
         Postage-Up to 2  lb, 5/4; 3  lb, 6/7; 7  lb, 7/8;  I!  lb,  10/6; 22  lb, 18{2.
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