Page 56 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 56

OVERSEAS  POST                     57
    Prohibition~in and jewellery; bank and currency notes except in  insured  letters.
  Postage  stamps except  in  registered  letters.
    Limit.! of weight-Commerci11l  papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb .2 oz.
    Poatage-Up to 2 lb, 6/7; 3 lb, !l/ 1; 7  lb, 10/2;  11 lb, 1-1/li; 22 lb, 23/5.
    Cuatoma  duroraliona-2  while forms  and  dispatch  note.
    Jnaurance--Limit £230.  Fee  9d.  for each  £12 of  value.
    Prohibi/iona-Letters,  arms,  cotton  seed,  postage  st11mps.  A  Consular  iD\·oice  is
  required for each  parcel exceeding  the equivalent of  25  U.S.A.  dollars.
  NoTE:- Poste  Restanle  may  not be used as un  address.
        Parcels should be sealed with a distinctive device.
    Poalage--First oz.  2!d., each oz. after,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
    Dutiable  Articlea  may he sent by letter, sample ·and small  packet post.  Green  label
    lltaurance-Limit  £60.
    Prohibitiona-Coins,  jewellery  and  precious  stones.
    Limit.! of weight-commercial papers and samples 5 lb.
    Poataqe-Up to 2 lb,  1/3; 3 lb,  1/3; 7 lb, 2/6;  11  lb, 3/9; 22 lb, 6/3.
    Cuatoma  declaration- yellow  form.
    / naurance-Limit £60.  Fee  6d.  for  each  £12  of  value.
    Prohibiliona-Lettera,  except  one  for  nddressee.  Importation  of  liquors,  tobacco,
  cigars and cigarettes is subject to restriction.
    Poatage-First oz.  24d.,  ench  oz.  after  Id.  Postcards 2d.
    Dutiable  Articles  may be sent by small  packet  post only.  Green label  required.
    I nauranu-Limit £400.
    Prohibitiona-Coin,  jewellery  and  precious  stones.
    Limit• of 1ceight-Commercial papers and  samples 5 IIJ.
    Postage- Up  to 2 lb,  1(3; 3  lu,  1/3; 7  lb,  2/6;  11  lb, 3/9; 22  lb, 6/3.
    Cu!loma  declaration- yellow  form.
    In!uranu- Limit  £20.  Fee  6d.  for cnch  £12  of  value.
    Prohibilion4-Letters,  nrms,  coin  or  bullion  except  for  purposes  of  ornament,  snc-
   cbarioe tobacco  packed  with  other goods or sweetened.
   BRITISH  SOMALILAND  (Somaliland Protectorate)
    Poalage-First oz.  2~d. ,  each  oz.  after,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
    Dutiable  Articles  mny  be sent by  lcltcr, sample  nnd  sm1\ll  packet  post.  Green  label
    Jnaurance--Limit  £120  (Berher~ onlyj.
    Prohibilit~na-Cold, silver and  jewellery.
    Limit& of weight- Commercial  papers and 611mples 5  lh.
    Poatagt-Up to 2  lb,  3/7; 3  lb,  3/7; 7  lb,  6;5;  11  lh,  fJ/!l;  22  lh,  16/ii.
    c~toma declaratiolt- yellow  form.
    l naurance--Lirnit £200.  Fee Sd. for each  £12 of  vnlue.
    Poataqe-First oz.  2!d., each oz. after,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
    DutiaMe  Articles  mny  be sent  by letter, snmple and  an1111l  p:~cke~ posl.  Green  label
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