Page 54 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 54

OVERSEAS  POS'l'                    55
    P oatagc-First. 011. 5d., e:1ch oz. after :ld.  Poslc.'lrcls 3d.
    Dutiable A •·ticlu m'\y be sent hy letter post.  Green label required.
    Jnaurmtce-Limit £100.
    Prohibitinna-Cvin and  jewellery; toharco.
    14mila of 1oeight-Commcrcial papers -1  lh G oz.; samples 1 lh 2 oz.
    Postage-Up to 2lb, 8/-1; 31h,  fl; 7 lh, 10/5; 11  lh, 12/ti; 22lb, 1 f .
    C~.Utonu decl«mtions-1  white  form  und  di~pat c:h  note.
    l n4UT01lcc-Limit £Jt5.   FPC !ld. for each £12 or vnlnc.
    Prohibitiona-T.ct tcrs,  tobacco,  p 1stnge stamps except  in  insured  parcels.
  Letters :        •
    Postage-First oz. 2!d. earh oz. after Id.  PostMrcls 2d.
    D!!tiable  Articlts may be sent hy  lcllcr, s:tmple and small packet post.  Green  l:~hcl
    Limita of tceight-Commerrinl pnpNs ami samples, 5  lb.
    Postaoe-Up to 2 lb,  t/3 ; 3 lh,  l/3; 7 lb,  2/G.;  11 Jh,  :l/!l; 22 Jh,  G/3.
    Customs dtrlorotion-yrllow form.
    I naumnce-T"imit  £.JOQ  to  Nns~nn (only).  £1)0  lo  other  place.•.  Fee 6d.  (M  each
    Prohibition-Letters, e(rPpl one for  nrlf!re..o:sce.

  BAHREIN  (See  Persian Gulf Ports)
    Po~lage-Firllt oz. 5d., ench oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
    Dutiable .4rticles may be sent by lrttcrs, sample ami small packet  post.  Green Jnhrl
    J naumnu- Limit£·100.
    ProhibilioM-Tobnrr.o,  Sp~~nish hank  notes.  Importation or  jewellery  is  restricted.
    Limita of •otioht-Commerci:tl papers -1 lh G oz., s.1mpl<•s 1 lb 2 oz.
    Po&taoe-11p t.o 2 lh, 7J1; 3 lh, 8/1 ; 7 lb, fl/5;  11  IIJ,  12j:l; 22  lh, 20/5.
    Cu&oma  dedarations-1 white  forms  and  di~pnlch note.
    Prohibitions- Letters,  arliclcs  of  golu  or  ~ilver; • 'panislt  Dank  uolcs,  toh1\cro.  Im·
   portalion  of  jrwcllery  is  rcslrictrd.
    Postage-First ot. 2~d., each 01..  nflcr,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
    Dutiable Artide& may bl) eent hy  letter, s:1mplc nnd  small  packet  post..  Grrcn lnhel
   required .
   .  l nsuran('c-T.imit £f10.
    UmitA  of treiyht-Commcrcinl papers ar.d  samples 5  lh.
    Poataqe-Up to 2 lb, 1/3; 3 lb,  1/3; 7 lb, 2/G; 11  lb, ~/0; 22 lb, G/3.
    CIUtomiJ dcclaroJtion- vdlo" form.
    bt~uranct-Limit £00.  Fee lid.  for each £12 of value.
     ProliibilitmJ-T.elf.A!rs ct>lluloid, col toll s!'l'<l.
   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58   59