Page 50 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 50

OVERSEAS  POST                      51
   Articles so restrict.ed  can,  as  a  rule,  bP.  sent  if they  comply  with  condit'ons
  anrl  in some  cases a sanitar.v certificate  in  a  prescribed  form  is  nec·e1>~11ry.  Tn general,
  plnnts must  be  packed  securely  in  such  a  way  that  they  c:an  he  ea.,il y exami ned  and
  where a  phylloxera or other sanitarv  certificate i::,  re:1uirerl,  the despatch  note, r11st.nms
  ~eclaration  and  the  cover  ol  the  p:n c-el  should  be  noted ,  for  examplP,  Phylluura
  certificate annead.
   Parcels  containin~ articles known t.o be prohibited  from  import<tlion into the rountry
  of destination are  not  forwarded  but are ret•trnerl  to  the senders.  Parcels dccb red  to
  contain  articles  of  which  the  importn.tion  is  permitted  only  •mder  certfl in  conditions
  will, general!_' speaking, he accepted and de~pu tch ed.  The onus of ensnring C(lmpliance
  with  these  conditions  rests  with  the  sender;  and  the  Jamaica  Post. Office  :Jcr.epts  no
  respon~ibility for  the return or  ~eiz11re of  an~·  pnrrel  through  the  f>~ilure of  the sender
  or  addressee  to  comply  11ith  the  necessary  form11lities.
   Unless  pre11iot.s  writt~n pP.rmission  has  been  oiJI!Iined  from  the D1rer.lor  nf A gric·>tl(lfu
  of Jamaica, it i3  prohibited  to  import  into  Jamaica  by  letter  or  parcel po:;t  mail  the
   Bees, honey and  material used  by hee raisers ; boots usecl  pred ously  by workman on
  banana plantations; cotton and all  plants of Lhe cotton plant.; all  plaut.s nnd  vnrieties oi
  gossypium:  and  all  other  plants  originating  in any  country  oth ~·r than  Grra.t  Britain.
  '  The written permit  of  the  Director  of  Agriculture  whirlt  takes  the  form  of  a  lnhel
  bearing particuiMs of the permit and the se!\1 of the Departmen t, mu&t be fon nu ded by
  the importer  to  the supplier  who  shall  attach  it  to  the  package  containing  the  plant
  to which  the permit rehtes.
   Contagious abortion  vacl'ine,  li ve  or  dead  (organisms  of  the  Brucella  group\,  rahies
  vaccine,  foot  and  mouth  disease  anci  contagious  bovine  pleuro-pneumonia  ,·acrine  or
   All specific r.rganisms or agents  (of a hacteri11l, protozoan and  virus nat.ure), exccj't rat
  1 ·viruses, which are known w cause infert.ious animal disease, . ave and exeer•t in th~,  form of
  lsuhstances commonly known  Hs  vncrines, ;;era,  toxins, nntitoxins,  and antigens intended
  ~ for use  in  the  practice  of  human  or  veterinA.ry  medicine,  provided  the said  subst-ances
  J (vaccines,  sera  toxins,  antitoxins  and  antigens)  are  imported  in  a  package  labelled  or
  tlmarked distinctly on the outside of the package,  " Biolop,icn!  Produrts " and enclosing in
  the said l?ackage a  Der~l aration from  the or  Supplier :;tating fu lly  the contents
  ]Of  the said package  11·ith  a  description of  the  nature of  Lhe suhstances  therein  and  an
  !indication of the maker,  place and  country in  which  they  were prepared.
    Fruits and  .vegetables  (except  dried  or  processed  fruits ami  vege t~tb l es, grains,  seeds
  and  Irish  potatoes)  are  prohibited  in  the  mails  to  Jamaica  from  the  United  States,
  unless  accompanied  by  a  certificate  issued  hy  a  representati ,·e  of  the  United  States
  'Depart.ment  of  Agriculture  attesting  thnt  the  prodw:ts  are  home  grown  and  are  the
   rorlucts of the State in  which  the JV[editerranean  fly  (Ceral1:tis captia.ta), does not e . ..:ist.
   The following articles are absolutely prohibited :-Coffee, rum; shaving brushes manu-
  factured in E!l.stern countries, as well as those exported from those countries; •·itrus f•·uit.s.
  It is  also  prohibiter!  to  import  Tuberculozyne  or  any  other  nll•'qed  c-llr'  for  cons-,:m.ption,
  unless  under  licence  granted  by  the  Governor  anrl  subject  to  the  conditions  of  such
    Medicaments of any nature, the:>  formula or composition of which is not clearly printed
  in  English,  Spanish  or  French  language on  the contlliner.
    Medic11.ments to be used externally or internall y for the tre:ttment of venere11.l diseases
  which bear or  to which are affixed any  pri nted matter relating  to its use or application.
    *The  entry  of  the  approved  plants  and  plant  products  of  any  nature  i ~  permitted
  pnly  on  the conrlition  that  the  articles  concernP.d  are  found  to  he, or  can  be  rendPred
  apparently, free from injurious insects and disexses.  Plant quarantine inspector~ in  the
  ;tJnited StaleR are permitted to destroy immediately any plants or plant products deemed
  injurious  to plant  life..
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