Page 55 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 55

      56  ·                  POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
        Postage-First oz. 5d., each oz. after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
        Dutiable  Articles  may  be sent  by letter, sample  and  small  packet  post.  Green  la
       and  1 white declaration required  for  letters  and samples; green  label for &mall  packetJd
        Insura11ce -Limit£175.
        Prohibitions-Coin  and  jewellery  except  in  registered  or  insured  letters,  curren
      notes  except  in  insured letters.
        Limits of weight-Commercial papers 4 Jb 6 oz., samples 1  lb 2 oz.
        Postage-Up to 2 1b, 8/1; 3 lb, 8/l; 7 lb, 12/11; 11  lb, 17/6; 22 lb, 32/5.
        Customs  dec/arations-2 white  forms  and dispnlch  note.
        Insurance-Limit £115.  Fee  lOd.  for  each  £12 of  value.
        Postage-First oz.  5d., each oz.  after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
        Dutiable Articles may be sent by letter and small packet post.  Green label and 1 whitt
      declaration  required  in  French  or  Flemish.
        l nsurance-I. imit £400.
       NoTE: Printed matter and books are in general  liable  to  Customs  duty  and a  gree1
           Customs label  MUST  be attached  to such  packets.
        Limits of weight-Commercial  papers '1 lb 6 oz., samples 1  lb 2 oz.
      Parcels :
        Postage-Up to 2 lb, 4/7; 3  lb, 4/7; 7  lb, 6/8; lllb, 9/-; 221b,  l.J/11.
        Ctlstoms  dec/arations-2 white forms  and  dispntch  note  (French).
        I nsurance- Limit  £115.  Fee 8d.  for  each  £12 of value.
        Prohibitions-Letter~, spirits  in  less quantities  t.han  2  litres.
        Postage-First oz.  2ld., each  oz.,  nfter  ld,  Postcanls 2d.
        Dutiable  Articles  may  be  sent  by letter,  snmple  and  small  packet  post.  Green lahl
        L-imits of weiuht-Commcrcial papers nnd samples 5 lh.
       Parcels :
        Postage-Up to 2 lb,  1/3; 3 lh,  1/3; 7 Jb, 2/6; 11  lb, 3/9; 22 lb, 6/3.
        Customs declarati01l-yellow form.
        l!lSlmmce-Liruit  £~00.  Fee Gd.  for  each  £12 of  value.
       Letters :
         Postage-First oz.  5d., each oz. after, 3d.  Postcurds 3d.
         Prohibitions- Cold or silver coins.
         Limits of weight- Commercial papers 4 lb  6 oz., samples  1  lb  2 oz.
         Postage- Up to 2  lb, 6/1;  3  lb, 6/1;  7  lb,  10/8; 11  lb, 15/-; 22  lh,  25/.5.
         Customs  declaralions- .J  while  forms  and  dispnlch  note.
         Prohibitions- Letters,  coin  and  jewellery;  A  Consular  invoice  signed  by  a  Bolivia!
       Consul is required for e1tch  parcel valued at more than 100 bolivinnos.
         Post4t~e-First oz.  3d.,  each  oz.  after,  3d.  Postcards  3d.
         Dutiable Articles  mny be sent by small  packet post.  Green label and 1 white declN
       ation required.
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