Page 60 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 60

OVERSEAS  POST                      61

   ProhibiliMls-Coin  and jewellery, bank and  currency notes.
   Limits of weight-Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples  1 lb 2 oz.
   Postage-Up to 21b, 8!10; 3 lb. 8/ 10; 7 Jb,  13!5; 11  lb, 18/6; 221b, 31.' 11.
   Cuslcms  declaration- Yellow  form.
   Prohibilions- Arms,  copper and ropper coins,  wireless app:lratus.  The importation
  of many articles, includin!; tobacco, c1gars, cigarettes is sub]ect ton special permit from
  the appropriate Chinese authority.  A copy of the relative invoice with detailed descrip-
  tion of contents shouiJ be enclosed in each commercial p:ur.el.
   P ostage- First oz. 5d., each oz.  after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
    Limits of weight- Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz.
    Dutiable Articles may be sent by small packet post.  Green label required.
    Postage- Up to 2 lb, 7/7; 3  lb, 7/7; 7 lb, 16/5; 11  lb, 26/6; 22 lb, 45/5.
    Customa  dularations-2  white  forms  and  dispatch  note.
    Prohibitions- Letters;  coin  of  silver,  copper or  nickel;  Colombian  postage  and  fiscal
  •tamps; spirits  and  liqueurs.
    RESTRICTIONS  apply to the importation of: Boxes or packets of cigarettes and pressed
  tobacco;  patent  medicines;  plants,  including  seeds.  The  importation  of  parcels  con-
  taining goods over 50 pesos in value is subject to the production of an import licence and
  such  parcels should not be despatched until the necessary licence  has been obtnined by
  the addressee.
    CERTIFICATE  OP  ORIGIN authenticated  by a  consul  for  Columbia  must  accompany
  every parcel containing goods valued at 10 pesos or over.
    INVOICE  prepared by the sender in  the form prescribed by the Colombian regulations
  must be  produced by  the addressee of each parcel containing merchandise.  For parcels
  valued at 50 pesos or over an invoice in quadruplicate on a form obtainable from a consul
  for Columbia and certified by such a  consul is required.
    Postage- First oz. 2!d., each oz.  after,  ld.  Postcards 2d.
    Dutiable  Articles  may  be  sent  by  letter  post  (except insured  letters).  Green  label
    Insurance-Limit  £50.
    Limits of weight- Commercial  papers  and  samples  5  Ill.
  Pe.rcels:-See NEw  ZEAL.\ND.
  Letters:   Same aa  FRANCE.
    Postage-Up to 2 lb, 4/-4;  3  lb, 5/ 10; 7 lb, 6/11;  11  lb, 9/6; 22 lb. 16/8.
    Customs dularations- 2 white forms and dispatch note.
    Postage-First oz.  5d., each oz.  after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
    Dutiable  Articles  may  be sent  by letter, sample  and  small  packet  post.  Green  lnbcl
    Prohibitions- Jewellery  except  in  registered  packets  bearing  green  lt1bel.
    Limits of weight-Commercial papers .J  lh 6 oz., samples  l lb 2 o~.
    Postage- Sd.  per  lb.  (limit  11  lb).
    Cwtoms  dularations-2 while  forms  and  dispatch  note.
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