Page 58 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 58

OVERSEAS  POST                       59

     Poata{lt- f irst oz. 2!d.,  Pach oz., after  I cl.   Postcard~ 211.
     Dutiable  Arlicle3  may  be sent  by  letter  and  sample  pnst.  Green  label  required.
     Gu·~ from frienris (ex<".ept advertising matter,  tobacco.  or  alcoholiu  bevern~c:;)  010
   value or which does not exceed $25 are ad milled  iuto  Canada.  Eficll  p3eket  should
   bear the wo.vls  UM·.lirited Gift.  Tn  additiou  packets  Cflnlaiuing  w~dding gifls  of  a
   hi~ther value  tha n  $25  would  he  admitted,  but each  packet should  hear  the  word~
   We~Uing Gifl.  All  !Jackets :tre liaLie to  CusLoms  charge!!,  but  goods  valued  at  not
   more than SS would generally he admiltc-<1 free.
     Limir. of weight- C<>mmercial pnpen~ and samples 5  lb.
     Poslagtr-8d.  per  lb.  limit 20  lb.
     Ctl$loma  dtclar dion- Yellow fvrm.
     ln.'<IJTIInce- Limit £80.  Fl'e (k(.  for each  £12  of value.
     Prohibiti•'rs; goods pnckPfl in hu.v, straw or other fodder; intoxicnlin~ liquors,
   except samples addre.~scrl to, or in tile cme of,  a Covemment Liqunr Commissiou; mrat
   in any fonn; military riftPS and COnVt·rled  miliwry rifte.<i;  phun:tge,  8kin~ or othl'r p:~rt
   01 wild birds; metaiHc tradin~; checks in c:irrular form; potatoes a ne! nnr•ery stock e:<cPpt
   undl'r permit from the  C~tnadian Depart:11ent o f Agrir.ulturc.  A special  label providcJ
   by that OP.partment must be attac·hlld by the seuclcr to every parcel of potatoes or nursc!ry
   st.<>ck,  and a  label  bearing tile name and addrcs.'!  uf  the ultimate addressee  must  be
   enclosed in U1e parwl.
     l nhrance- does  not cover  loss  of  coin,  bullion  or  bank-notes,  loss  or  !lllrnu!J:e  of
   jewellery or nrlicles of persnual use pnrily composed <If prec:ious metnl or· damage uf fruit.
   of vegetable!'; gmss, crockery, or ~::unophone records or other articles of n fmgilc nature;
   gre:~se~. liquids or semi-liquids.
     Po:slage- 1~1'!'1 oz. !ld., each oz. nftcr, :ld.  Poslenrds 3d.
     Dutiable  ;I rticles muy be scut hy small packei. post.  Green label and  I wl.itll  dedar-
   ntion requim,J.
     Tiegulations governing the I!'Uer mail for the Unil!.:cl  States of America npply generally
   to the Canal Zone (United State!' '1\:rritory) &>c pa~c !l
     Poslage-8d.  per  lb.  J.imit 22  lb.
     Cuslomd dtclarllioa- Yellow form.
     Tiegnlat ions ~mverninp: thr par,•cl mail fort he United Stall•s of Amerirn apply generally
   to  the  Cannl  Zone  (Unitl'fl Slali'S  TeniLory).  Sc)t'  pug-!' !l8.
     Special  allmtion ia  diret:ted  to the fact  !hut  the  po.~!:tge r<~tes far  parcel!  for  the  Cnnal
    Zone (U.S. 'l'trritary)  cli.Der from  the rate$ for  Pa11ama  (RepuUic).
     Pll.tiagt-First oz.  511., each or.. a ft.rr 3d.  Postcards 3d.
     l nauranu- Limit£ 100.
     J,imita of toeioht- Q:>mmcr<"inl papers ·l  lb G oz., s:unplcs  I  lb  2 o~.
     Poalaoe- Up to 2 lb, 6/4; 3  lb, 7/ 1; 7  lb, 8 '5; 11  lb,  10/6; 22  lb,  17!5.
     Cusloma  dtclamtion<~- 4 whiLe  forms ond disp:>tch  note.
     ProltibUoM-LPttcr11, nold MJ :Jiver.  lmport.uLion of jl'\\CIIcry is subject to restriction
    Letter a:
     P o<liag&-First oz. 5d., each oz. afl.!r 3d.  Poslcnrds 3d.
     Dutiable  Article&  muy be sent by  letter nod sumplc post.  Crccu lnbcl and  I  \\hitc
  • declaration requin:d.
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