Page 57 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 57

58                     POST  OFFICE  GUIDE
        l nsurarlce-l,imit £60.
        Limits of toeiuht- Commcrcinl papers and samples 5 lb.
        Postaue-Up to 2  IIJ, .Jf-1; 3  lb, 4{ .. ; 7 lb, 7/8; ll lb,  11/3; 221b, 18{11.
        Customs declamtion-ycllow form.
        lllsurancc-Lirnit  £60.  Fee  ()~d.  for  each  £ 12  of value.
        Postaoe-Firsl oz. 5cl.,  ench  oz.  nfter 3d.  Postcards 3d.
        Dutiable  A rtirles  may  be  sent  by letter  and  sample  post.  Green  label  and  2  whiul
      declarations  reqnirecl  I F rench).
        I rlsurarlce-T.imit £115.
        Prohibitions-Coin, jewellery,  precious stones,  postage stamps.
        Limits of weiuiii-Commercial  papen1 4  lb 6 oz., samples 1 lb 2 oz.
      Parcels :
        Postage: Up  to 2 lb, 6{10; 3  lb, 8/7; 7  lb, 0/8 ;  11 lb,  12/0; 22  IIJ, 22/2.
        rustoms  dcclaratious-5  white  forms  and  dispatch  note.
        Prohibitions-Letters, coins.
        Postage-First  oz.  2~ d. ,  each  oz.  after,  Id.  Postcards 2d.
        Dutiable  Articles  may  be sent  by letter  and sample  post.  Green  label  required.
        Insurance-Limit  £200  to  Rangoon  (only).
        Limits of wdghi-Cornmercial  papers  and samples, 5 IIJ.
        Postage-Up to 2 lh, 3/ 10; 3  lb, 3/ 10; 7  lb, 6/ 11;  11  lh, 10/9; 22 lb, 17/11.
        Custo111s  d.clarations-2  white forms  and  dispatch  uole.
        / nsurar1ct-Limil .£200  to  Hangoon,  (only).  Fee  S!d. for  each  £ 12  of  value.

        PQStage-F'irsL oz. 2~ d .  each oz. afler,  Id.  Postcards ~d.
        Dutiablf  Articles may  be sent by letter  and small  packet  post.  Green label  required.
        J nsurance-l ,illlil £60.
        l.imits  of  weigili-Commcrcinl  papers  and  samples  5  lb.
        Postage-U p to 2 lb, -1/ l; 3 lh, ~/-1; 7 lb, 6/ 11; ll lb, I){U; 22  lb, 15/fi.
        rustom~ dcclarution-ycllow form.
        / llsurllllcc-Lirnit  £ 60.  Fee  9~cl.  for  each  £ 13  of  vnlue.

        Postage-First oz.  5d., ench  oz.  after, 3d.  Postcards 3d.
        Dutiah/o Article~ may be sent  by lott.or and  small  ptlcket.  post.  Orcon  label required.
        Prohibition.1-Coin  nnd  jewellery,  bank  and  currency  notes  oxcopL  sent in  reg1stercd
      or  insured  !otters.
        Limits of U'tight- Commercial papers 4 lb 6 oz., samples  I  lb 2 oa.

        Postage-Up  to 2  lb, ·l/4; 3  lb, ·1/·1; 7  lb, 0/8 ; 11  lb, 0/3; 321b,  H(l l.
        Custom$  declarations-3 white  forms ami  dispatch  note.
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