Page 52 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 52

OVI!:IISP.AS  PO:;'l'            53
              PosTeA nos          51 by 41  in. (15 by 10.5 ccnLimcters).
              SM.\I.L PACKI!:1'6   Same :1~ lcllcrg buL no cxccpLion  for British Common-
                                  To Otht·r countries; Snmc as Let.ters.
                                  To B.-ili~h Commonwc:dth: 2 ft. in length by I  ft. width
                                    or dl'pth.
              PAncr.L PosT P.,IICELS   Parcels  mny  not  cxc<'etl  3~  feeL  for  h:ngth,  hrendLh,
                                    or depth, and 6  ft. for lcnglh and  b>irth  comhinetl.
               Po•tage-FirsL oz.  2~11.,  cnch oz. nfl(•r  Id.  Postcnnls 2d.
               Dutiable  articles  may  be sent letter,  sample  nnd  smnll  packet  posl.   Green  lnbcl
             ! Insurance-Limit £200.
               Registered and insured  articles bc:-.ring n Post Oflicc box address  mu~t in  addition
              bc.'lr Lhc actual address of the addrc:sscc.
               Limits of wei!lht-commcrcinl papers and samplcs-5 lb.
               Posta!le-Upto2 lb,3J7;:1lb,3/7;71h,Ci/ll; lllb,lll/3; 221b, 17f.!..
               Ottstoms  declaration: yellow  form.
               lnsurance-T.imit £200.  Fee !ld. for each £12 of vnluc.
               Postage- First oz. 5d., c:-<ch oz. after 3d.  Postcards :Id.
               Dutiable Articles may be sent by letter and sample; post.  Green label required.
               Prohibili011S-Rank  notes,  coin  and  jcwl"llcry.
                Limits of wei!Jitt-C.>mmerci:\1 paper>, ·I lb. 6 oz.; samples  I lb. 2 oz.
               Postaoe-U p to 2  IIJ, 0/-1; ~ lh, 12/1; 7  lh, 1:1/2; ll lb,  17/-.
               Customs Declaratio11,~2 White forms and dispatch note.
              Letters:-Sec  United  St:.~tcs of AmP.ri<::-<.
              Parcels:- 1/2. per  lb.; limit  I I  11...  Ctlstoms  nedaratinn:  yellow  form.  For  oth~r
              pnrliculars,  ~cc United States of America.
                Po•taqe-Firs(. oz., 5u.; each oz., afLCr, :ld.  Postcards 3rl.
              I  Dutiable  Articles  m::~y be sent by letter nnd sample post.  Green In bel and 2  white
              declarations rcquirt>d.
              1 Limits of weiuht-Commercit'l p::~pcrs .J.  I h. 6 oz.; samples I lb. 2 oz.
              I  Posla!le-Vp to 2 lb, 8/~; 3  lh, 10/·1; 7  lb, ll/5; 11  lb,  1·1/6; 22  lb, 2·1/.'i.
              ~  Customs  Dec/nration•- 2 white forms and dispatch note.  (Gift  parrels nclmitterl  free
              of duty).
                Postage -First oz. 5rl. ;  each  oz. after,  3d.  Postcards 3<1.
              ~  Dutiabk  Article&  may  be  sent  by  letter  post  and  in  small  packets.  Green  label
              ·equired for letter~; green label and I  white declaration for sml.ll packets.
              1:  ln.suranct-Limit£265.
                Limit.f of wcight-Commercinl papers 4 lb. G oz.; s:~mplcs I lb. 2 oz .
                 • See footnote on pnge 31.
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