Page 49 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 49

50                     POS'l'  OFFIC8  GUIDE
               A lining of 1mitable material shall be placed between the upper edge of
               bo:-c  and the lid; and the lid shall be firmly screwed do" n.  A white la
               bearing the words  "Films"  or  "Celluloid",  as  the case may  be, in pia"
               black letters shall  be affixed  to the parcel and to  the despatch nole, wh
               one is used;
            (f)  oil-skins  and similar  oil  goods;
            (g)  perishable  articles  or  any  thing  liable  to  become  offensive  or  injuri
               through decay during the time ordinarily occupied in  transmission  unl
               enclosed  in  a  hermetically sealed  tin;
            (h)  soil;
            (i)  liquids unless packed  as provided  in  these Regulalions.
            (j)  coin  exceeding  live  pounds  in  value,  except  coins  used  or  designed  I
               ornamental  purposes  and  declared  as  such;
            (k)  gold  bullion  exceeding  five  pounds  in  value;  si! ver  bullion  exceedi
               twenty pounrls in  value;
        (7)  the cover whereof is entirely  transparent or has thereon an open panel;
            provided  that there may be a  transparent panel in  t he cover for  the purp
            of showing  the address of the addressee if-   '
            (a)  the transparent panel is parallel to the longest side so that the address of
               addressee appears in the same direct.ion, and is placed so as not to interf
               with the application of  the date sl<'Lmp;  and
            (b)  only the name and address of the addressee shows through  the  panel, a
               the cont.ents are secured or folded so that the address is not obscured, who!
               or  partly,  t.hrough  slipping;  and
            (c)  the address is legibly inclicaterl in ink or  typescript,  the use of copying-i
               pencil  or lead pencil  being  prohibited;
        (8)  the cover  whereof or  the part thereof reserved for  the address is divided in
           separate sections for  the insertion of successive  addresses:   ·
        (9)  having thereon or on the cover thereof any words, letters, or marks (used wit
           out clue authority)  which signify or imply,  or may reasonably lead the recipi
           thereof to believe,  that the postal article is sent on His 1\IIaje. ty's Servire;
        (10)  having anything  written, printed or othen11se impressed upon  or  attached
           any part of that :;ide or a postal article which contains the address at which I
            article is  to  be cleli1ered,  which,  either by  tending  t<>  prevent the easy a
           quick reading of the address of the article or by inconvenient proximit~·  tot
           11tamp or stamps used in the  payment of  postage, or in any other way, is in i
           or in the manner in which it is written,  printed, impressed, or attached, likely
            the opinion of the Postmaster General, to embarass the officers of the PostOffi
            in  dealing  with such postal  arLicle;
        (11)  having anything written printed or otherwise impressed ar.ross the postagesta
        (12)  posted in any place outside the Island and addressed  to  lhe person resident
            carrying on business in the Island by or on behalf of any person also so resid
            or carrying on business, if the equi valent amount in sterling of the postage p
            or payable is less than the amount of postage which  would  have been paya
            had the article been sent as an inland postal article and if in the opinion of
            Postmaster General the article was so posted with the object of evading payrn
            of  inland  postage;  or
        (13)  consisting of or containing two or more postal articles (of the sam~:> or of differa,
            descriptions)  addressed  to  different  persons  who  are at different  addresscs.i
       Apart  from  the  pr?b~bitions men~ionerl a~ove, many .count.ries  abroad,  for  ,.arial
     reasons,  impose  restrictiOns  on  the  ImportatiOn  of  certain  artrcles.  Thus,  the imP'l
     talion of:   ,                                               1
            (a)  Arms, may be restricted in  the interest of public security;
            (b)  Pharinaceutical·preparations, fresh meat and other foodstuffs, soiled cloth"
               in  the interests of  public  health.
            (c)  Plants and parts of plants, inclwling fruit., especially the vine in the case
               vine-growing  countries,  usual! y for  the  prevention  of  the spread  of ph
            (d)  Hides, skins, wool anrl other external parts of animals, for  the protection!
               animals,  against contagious disease;              ·
            (e)  Tobacco,  ))laying cards,  salt, as subject  to  State monopoly.
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