Page 44 - Jamaica PO Guide 1952
P. 44

•  OVERSEAS  POST                     45
    The same treatment would be applied to a letter or packet fully prepaid for the inland
  eervice of a foreign country or colony and redirected  to this country.  On  a letter from
  abroad redirected from this country, the postage has to be brought up to what it  would
  have been if the letter had  been sent direct to  its final destination in  the first  instance.
  A letter originally  posted  unpaid,  or  a  packet  of  any  kind  posted  insufficiently  paid,
  and subsequently  redirected,  though  not  chargeable  for  redirection,  is subject  to  sur-
  charge  on  delivery.
    PACKETS UPON  WHICH  FRESH  PosTAGE IS PAYABLE.  A packet which  to  have
  been opened or tnmpered  with  will  be chargeable as freshly postnd  and  unpaid.
    A packet returned to the sender  that he may rectify or  complete the adrlress is not,
  when reposterl,  treated as redirected,  but is liable to fresh postage.
    SENDER'S RESTRICTION UPON  REDIRECTION.  Redirer.tion cannot be undertaken if the
  sender has forbidden redirection by means of a note on the address side of the packet, in a
  language known  in  the country of destination.
    Am MAn, PACKETs.  In the case of air  mail  packets for which  re-transmission by air
  is  desired,  the appropriate  air  postage  for  the  seeond  transmission  must  be  prepaid.
    REGISTERED  OR INSU RED  ARTICLES.  Registered Or insured articles on being redireded
  may not be dropped  into  a  letter  bo.<,  hut must  be  taken  to a  post  office  to be  dealt
  with.  No  additional registration or  insurance fee  will  be charged if the packet  is  pre-
  sented for re-registration or re-insurance not later than the day after delivery.
    An insured letter cannot be redirected to a place abroad unless there is an insured letter
  service to the country concerned,  with a sufficiently high limit of  value.
  Poste Restante
    The rules  applicable  to  postal  packets  arriving  from  places  abroad  and  addressed
  to  a  poste restante  will  be found  on  pagn 8.
    In accordance with the  international regulations,  the addref;S  of any outgoing  postal
  packet addressed poste restante must give the names of the addressee; the use of initials,
  figures,  Christian  names  \vithout  surnames,  fictitious  names  or  conventional  marks
  of  any  kind  are not  Rllowed.
    In some foreign  countries  the addressee is  charged  a  special  fee  on  postal  packets
  addressed  pos!e  restank
  Prepayment in Money
    Postage on  postal packets  (except  parcels)  addressed to  places  abroad may be  pre-
  paid in money under arrangements similar to those shown on page 8 for inland packets.
   PARCEL  PosT P.\RCELS  are  accepted  for  transmission  to  the  countries  against  which
  parcel  post rates of postage,  etc.  are shown  in  pages 53 to 101.
   Weight and Size
    The maximum  weight as a rule is 22 pounds; but in some countries the limit is  lower,
   see pageR 53 to 101.
    The maximum dimensions are:  Length, 3 feet 6 inches; Length and girth combined,
   6 feet.
   Rates of Postage
    See  individual  entries,  pages 53 to 101.
    See ahove, "Insured Parcels", pages 41 and 45.
   GIFT  PARCELS.  "Gift  Parcel"  means  a  package  addressed  to  an  individual  in  the
   United Kingdom  and certain European  countries*  which  (a)  contains only  clean  worn
   clothing,  medical  supplies, or any i tern  of locally  produced  foodstuffs,  such as:-
   biscuits, cakes and puddings, canned pineapple and citrus juices,  canned  tomato soups
   and  juices,  cashew  nuts,  coffee,  crystallised  fruits,  foodyeast, honey,  preserved jellies
   and jams, sugar and sugar confectionery, etc.; (b)  is a bona fide unsolicited gift,  not  being
   exported as merchandise, or intended  for  sale;  (c)  is  clearly marked  as a  gift,  and
   (d)  does not exceed  22  lh  gross.   The limit of weight for  any single item of content~
   of a gift parcel may not exceed 7  lb.
      *See  individual  entries,  pages 53 to 101.
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